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1、2020-2021学年河南省郑州市二砂寄宿学校高一英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Ive become good friends with several of the students in my school _I met in the English speech contest last year.A. who B. where C. when D. which 参考答案:A2. The letter _ Tommy received from his company yesterday is very important. A. who B. where C. what D

2、. that参考答案:D3. Having the _ mind will be a great help to your future occupation, whatever you _.A. imaginary, make upB. imaginary, take upC. imaginative, make upD. imaginative, take up参考答案:D4. Do you have enough to _ all your daily expense?Oh, yes, enough and to spare.A. contain B. createC. cover D.

3、 include参考答案:C【详解】考查动词。句意:你有足够的钱来维持你的日常开销吗?-足够还有剩。A. contain包含,容纳;B. create创造;C. cover涵盖,够用;D. include包括。涵盖费用用cover,故选C。【点睛】Cover的用法。1. 覆盖 coverwith 用把覆盖, be covered with (状态), be covered by (动作)She covered her face with her hands.她用双手捂住她的脸。The mountain is covered with snow all the year around.这座山终年

4、被大雪覆盖。2. 走过一段路程 We covered 50 kilometers yesterday.3. 看完,读完(多少页) How many pages have you covered?4. 占地面积 cover an area of The city covers an area of 500 square kilometers.这座城市占地500平方公里。5. 报道.采访 cover sth。Who will cover the event? 谁会报道这个事件?6. 掩盖 We all know that lies can not cover facts.我们都知道谎言是盖不住真相

5、的。 7. (钱)够用; 足以支付 Will 200 yuan cover the cost of the chair? 200元够付这把椅子吗?8. 包含,包括,涉及 A year covers 12 months. 一年有12个月。5. I dont really work here. I _until the new secretary arrives. A. just help out B. have just helped out C. am just helping out D. will just help out参考答案:C6. I got to know him five y

6、ears ago. We have been in close touch with each other _.A. sometime B. sometimes C. ever before D. ever since参考答案:D7. He wants to see changes in the company and I am sure he will, _.A. on time B. at a timeC. at one timeD. in time参考答案:D8. I had not listened to my mothers advice on taking an umbrella.

7、 Later that afternoon, I was nearly _ the rain.A. taken by B. trapped in C. caught in D. beaten by参考答案:C9. Id like to buy him a present _ his help.Ain turn for Bin return of Cby turns of Din return for参考答案:D10. -Is this the first time you _ Beijing?-No. But it has been 3 years since I last here.A. v

8、isit; come B. visited; cameC. have visited; came D. have visited; come参考答案:C【详解】考查固定句型和时态。句意:这是你第一次到北京吗?不,但是从我上一次到这里来,已经有三年了。This is the first time that是固定句型,that从句中用现在完成时,排除A和B,题干中表示“上一次到北京”,是发生在过去的事情,用一般过去时,所以排除D,故选C。【点睛】特殊句式:It is the first time that 当前面是is的时候,后面使用现在完成时;当前面是was的时候,后面使用过去完成时。本题前面是

9、is,所以用现在完成时。11. _ will do good to patients to follow the advice of doctors, because theyre professional.A. They B. It C. As D. That参考答案:B试题分析:句意:听从医生的建议对病人有好处,因为他们是专业的。句中It作形式主语,不定式to patients to follow the advice of doctors做真正主语。故选B.12. Yesterday I met the teacher in the street _ had taught me Chin

10、ese before. A. where B. who C. which D. whom 参考答案:B13. The message you intend to convey through words may be the exact opposite of _ others actually understand. A. Why B. what C. which D. that参考答案:b略14. -I wont do it any more. -_?A. Why dont B. Why dont do it any more C. Why not D. Why not to参考答案:C1

11、5. The company had about 200 notebook computers but one-third _ used regularly. Now we have 60 working all day long.A. is B. are C. was D. were参考答案:D二、 新的题型16. After the “Big Bang”, the earth was just a cloud of dust. It exploded _38_ (loud) with fire and rock._39_ were in time to produce the water

12、vapor, carbon dioxide and other _40_ (gas). Then small plants grew. They multiplied and filled the oceans and seas _41_ oxygen. Many millions of years later, the first green plants began to appear on land. When the plants grew into into forests, reptiles appeared for the first time. They produced yo

13、ung generally by _42_ (lay) eggs. Now small clever animals with hands and feet appeared and _43_ (spread) all over the world._44_ Time goes by, _45_ are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which prevents heat from the earth into space. _46_ life will continue on earth for millions o

14、f years to come will depend on whether this problem can _47_ (solve).参考答案:38. loudly 39. which 40. gases 41. With 42. laying 43. spread 44. As 45. they 46. Whether 47. be solved本文讲的是生命的起源以及人类的发展。38. 考查副词。动词修饰副词,故答案为loudly。39. 考查定语从句。地球带着火和岩石发生了大爆炸,这及时产生了水蒸气、二氧化碳和其他气体。此处是前面整个句子做先行词,后面用which引导非限制性定语从句,故答案为which。40. 考查名词复数。地球带着火和岩石发生了大爆炸,这及时产生了水蒸气、二氧化碳和其他气体。根据


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