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1、2020-2021学年河南省郑州市新密高级中学高二英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. - Did you buy the dictionary?- No. My lost dictionary was found, so I _ a new one.A. didnt need to buy B. neednt have bought C. shouldnt have bought D. mustnt have bought参考答案:A2. At the annual meeting, the mayor of Jingmen Xiao Juhua urged the related depar

2、tments to take _ measures to ensure equal rights for migrant children.A. apparent B. effective C. elegant D. reasonable参考答案:B3. . Dont forget _ all the lights when you leave the classroom.Ato turn off Bturning off Cturn on Dturning on参考答案:A略4. Many of them turn a deaf ear to his advice, they had kno

3、wn it to be useless.A. as if B. now that C. even though D. so that参考答案:A5. Please tell me how the accident_. I am still in the dark. A. came by B. came out C. came to D. came about参考答案:D6. _ it to clear up tomorrow, the tourists would climb to the top of the mountain to see the sun _.A. If; to raise

4、B. Were; riseC. Should; riseD. If; raising参考答案:B考查虚拟条件句和非谓语动词。句意:如果明天放晴,旅行者将爬到山顶去看太阳升起。使用if虚拟条件句,和将来相反用were to do sth,可以将if省略,were提前,第二空用see+宾语+宾语补足语,the sun和rise是主动关系,用省略to的不定式。故选B。7. Please do me a favor-_ a seat for me in case the hall is too crowded.A. to save B. saving C. save D. saved参考答案:C8.

5、Youd better _ some money for special use.A. pick up B. put off C. set aside D. give away 参考答案:C9. At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River _, one of the ten largest cities in China.A. lies Chongqing B. Chongqing lies C. does lie Chongqing D. does Chongqing lie参考答案:A10. He sent

6、 her a telegram _ his immediate return to London.A. announced B. announcing C. has announced D. announces参考答案:B11. His father demands that he not go to any country _ China, which is his motherland.A. rather than B. more than C. other than D. better than参考答案:C12. Selecting a digital camera for person

7、al use is no easy task because technology _ so rapidly. A. is changing B. has changed C. will have changed D. will change 参考答案:A 13. Judging from her expression,she the news that Charlie had returned from Britain.A.shouldnt have known B.cant have known C.mustnt have known D.neednt have known 参考答案:B1

8、4. I wish I _ a young man again. A. am B. was C. were D. will be 参考答案:C15. Nowadays many a student _the importance of learning a foreign language.Ahave realizedB. has realized C. have been realized D. has been realized 参考答案:A二、 新的题型16. A small town in New Zealand has announced a(n) 61 (usual ) plan

9、to ban domestic cats in order to protect native wildlife.Those 62 currently own cats will not be forced to give them away, according to the plan. However, after their cats pass away, they will not be allowed 63 (get)another one. The cats will need to have microchips (芯片) 64 (put ) just below the sur

10、face of 65 skins so that they can be found at any time.Village officials say the plan 66 ( need ) because domestic cats 67 ( attack ) wild animals in the area. Because of this, the areas native wildlife is 68 ( rapid ) disappearing.New Zealand has listed 150 animal species as being seriously endange

11、red and in need of _69 ( protect ). These animals include a kind of ant that only lives under one kind of rock, and a kind of lizard (蜥蜴) that only lives 70 a certain area.参考答案:61. unusual62. who 63. to get64.put65. the或 their 66. is needed 67. have been attacking 或 are attacking68. rapidly69. prote

12、ction 70. in17. (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Are you simply moving through your day without fully living? I think many of us have done this. Everyone wants to fully live every day. 51 So Ive decided to share with you some ways to help you enjoy every momen

13、t.Sit in the morning. When you wake up, in the quiet of the morning, sit on the floor. I often use this opportunity to stretch (伸展). 52 I also just sit, and focus on my breathing going in and out. 53 I like to take breaks from work, and go outside for a slow walk. Pay attention to your breathing, to

14、 everything around you, to the sounds and light of objects.Read in silence. Find a quiet time, and a quiet place, and read a good novel. Have no television or computers on nearby. And just put yourself in the world of the novel. It might seem difficult to let your mind move from the present into the time of the novel, but its a great practice in focus. 54 55 Each day, find someone you care about and be grateful for his existence. If you want, you c


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