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1、词汇学期末考试要求与题型 20XX年12月英语词汇学期末考试题型与要求 I. Multiple Choice (15*2=30). ( ) 1. _ refers to a general grammatical process which combines words and affixes to produce alternative grammatical forms of words. A. Inflection B. Derivation C. Prefixing D. Suffixing (句段尽量取自教科书) 1)Lexicology is the study of the vo

2、cabulary or lexicon of a given language. It deals not only with simple words, but also with complex and compound words. 2)Morphology is the study of the forms of words and their components. The major purpose of morphological study is to look at morphemes and their arrangements in word formation. 3)S

3、emantics is the study of meaning. It tries to explain and describe meaning in natural language. 4)Etymology is the study of the whole history of words. 5)Lexicography involves the writing and compilation of dictionaries, especially dealing with the principles that underlie the process of compiling a

4、nd editing dictionaries. 6)The word is an uninterruptible meaningful unit of linguistic structure consisting of one or more morphemes. The main features of words are: 1) a word is a sound or combination of sounds which we make voluntarily with our vocal equipment; 2) a word is symbolic and used to s

5、tand for something else; 3) the word is an uninterruptible unit; 4) a word has to do with its social function; 5) a word may consist of one or more morphemes; 6) words are part of the large communication system we call language; 7) a word occurs typically in the structure of phrases. 7)English words

6、 can classified into lexical words and grammatical words. Generally speaking, lexical words are nouns, verbs, adjectives, and verbs. Grammatical words are words like pronouns, prepositions, demonstratives(指示词), determiners(限定词), conjunctions, auxiliary verbs, and so on. 8)The semantic field theory t

7、akes the view that the vocabulary of a language is not simply a listing of independent items, but is organized into areas or fields, the members of which are joined together by some common semantic component, such as the concept of color or kinship. 9)Morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit which m

8、ay constitute words or parts of words, an arbitrary union of a sound and a meaning and a linguistic unit that cannot be further analyzed. 10)Lexeme is an abstract linguistic unit with different variants, a unit of lexical meaning, and it takes no account of the inflectional endings it may have or th

9、e number of words it may contain. 11)Morph refers to any concrete realization of a morpheme in a given utterance. 12)Allomorphs refer to morphs which are different representations of the same morpheme, the alternate phonetic and/or spelling forms of the same morpheme. 13)Bound morphemes are those th

10、at must be joined to other morphemes. Free morphemes are those that need not be attached to other morphemes and can occur by themselves as individual words. 14)Denotation is defined as the relationship that holds between the lexeme and a whole class of extra-linguistic objects, including persons, th

11、ings, places, properties, processes and activities. 15)The relationship of reference holds between an expression and what that expression stands for on particular occasions of its utterance. 16)Sense is defined as a relationship between the words or expressions of a single language, independently of

12、 the relationship which holds between those words or expressions and their referents. 17)Leech distinguishes seven types of meaning in language: conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning, collocative meaning, and thematic meaning. 18)Stem refers to

13、 the word to which inflectional affixes are added and which carries the basic meaning of the resulting complex word. 19) A stem consisting of a single morpheme is labeled as root. A root can be bound or free. The bound roots are generally derived from the Greek and the Latin language. 20) A base is

14、a lexical item to which affixes of any kind can be added. It is a morpheme that gives a word its meaning. 21)Polysemy refers to the situation in which a word has two or more different meanings. It is an invaluable factor of economy and flexibility in language. 22)Homonymy refers to a situation in wh

15、ich there are two or more words with the same shape. 23)Homograph refers to a word which is spelt the same as another word but has a different meaning and sometimes a different pronunciation. 24)When two words have the same spelling and pronunciation, they are called full homonyms. 25)Homophone refers to a word that sounds the same as another word but has its own spelling, meaning and origin. 26)The history of English has been divided into four periods: t



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