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1、中学英语教材分析2014级期末考查单元教材分析报告Analysis Report for Unit 5, J2A, Go for it!、 4、单元基本信息单元设计思路对任一课所用课本教学材料的具体分析四、教案(包括教学目标和教学过程)五、附录(教案中所用教学材料,包括教材复印件、教师自行编写补充材料、任务单等)姓名: Qidlla学号: 201403020726班级:2014级英语4班G1日期:2016年11月12日一、单元基本信息1、单元标题:Do you want to watch a game show?2、单元话题:Entertainment.3、主要功能:Talk about pr

2、eferences and make plans.4、主要生词:电视节冃种类名词:sitcom, news, soap opera, comedy, action movie, cartoon 形容 i司:educational, meaningless, famous, rich, successful, main, common, unlucky, ready, simple动词:plan, hope, stand, happen, expect, appear, become, lose短语:find out, be ready to, dress up, take sb.,s plac

3、e, do a good job其他:discussion, may Joke, action, culture, might, reason, film, army5、语法知识:动词后而接动词不定式结构做动词的宾语。6、主要句型:1) -Do you want to watch the news?-Yes, I do. /No, I don, t.2) -What do you plan to watch tonight?-1 plan to watch 3) -What can you except to learn from sitcoms?-You can learn 4) -Why

4、do you like watching the news?-Because I 5) -What do you think of talk shows?-I don t mind them. /I can t stand them. / I love watching them. 二、单元设计思路课号课型主要内容教材使用情况第一课时听说操练课Learn some new words about the TV shows; learn to talk about preferences and make plans.Section A la-lc第二课时听说操练 课Check Ss wheth

5、er master the words about the TV shows by listening; learnSection A 2a-2dto use infinitive第三课时语法课Summarize the key sentence patterns and check Ss whether master them.Section AGrammarFocus-3c第四课时听说操练课Practice the nouns about the TV shows and movies and the adjectives describe the TV shows or movies.S

6、ection B la-ld第五课时阅读课Practice similar knowledge points and understanding ability by reading.Section B 2a-2e第六课时复习课Review the words and the key sentence patterns Ss learnt by writingsSection B 3a-4第七课时复习课Check what Ss learnt in this unitSection B SelfCheck三、对第一课所用课本教学材料的分析1、教材文本分析1-1话题、文本类型、以及意义分析话题:

7、Talk about the TV shows.文本类型:听力文本意义分析:Two friends talk about the TV shows they want to watch.12词汇分析电视节冃种类名词:sitcom, news, soap opera 动词:plan, stand13句型和语言功能分析1) What do you want to watch? (talking about preferences and making plans)2) What do you think of .? (asking othersopinions about sth)3) Do yo

8、u want to watch the news? (ojfering to do sth)1-4本课课型分析听说操练课2、对教材活动的分析2-1教材活动性质分析la呈现(认识电视节冃类型的单词并与相应的图片搭配)lb检测(检测学生的辨音能力)lc操练(练习对电视节冃的看法、喜欢的节冃及本节课所学单词和句型)2-2教材活动之间关系的分析la呈现(理解)-* lb检测(修正)-*lc操练(记忆)3、基于课型的教材分析结论按照“呈现操练检测操练运用总结”的规律,由此可见,在活动la与 活动lb之间缺少一个操练活动,因此在这里教师可以设计一个口头操练活动, 具体操练内容为:la中呈现的电视节目类型的

9、单词。其次,活动lc后缺少一个 运用活动,因此教师可以根据学生的生活经验设计一个运用活动,比如编对话, 冃的是为了检测学生在新的语言环境中,对表达喜好句型及动词不定式的掌握情 况。最后,教师再结合课堂所学的内容和学生提供的语言材料进行总结。四、教案(包括教学目标和教学过程)1 Learning Objectives: Knowledge objectives:1) Ss can master the following words and expressions: sitcom, news, soap opera, plan, stand2) Ss can know infinitives u

10、sed as objects.3) Ss can grasp the following sentence patterns:a) -What do you want to watch? (talking about preferences and making plans)-I want to watch (expressing plans)b) -What do you think of talk shows? (asking others1 opinions about sth)-I don,t mind them. /I can,t stand them. / I love them.

11、 / I like them. / I don5 t like hcva.(expressing opinions/preferences)c) -Do you want to watch the news? (offering to do sth)-Yes, I do. /No, I Al.expressing agreement /disagreement)Ability objectives:1) Ss can improve their ability of identification of words by listening to the conversation in lb.2

12、) Ss can improve their ability of speaking by making conversations with peers.3) Ss will be able to talk about preferences and make plans by learning la-lc. Emotional objectives:1) Ss can learn talk about popular culture and know all kinds of the TV shows.2) Ss can learn to share their preferences w

13、ith others.2 Learning Procedure:Stage 1: Lead-in (5 minutes)Step 1: T could do a survey by talking like this:Do you like to watch TV? 一 Yes, I do. - What kind of TV shows do you know?,Step 2: T guides Ss to say some TV shows they like to watch, then tells them what they will learn to express prefere

14、nces and plans.Stage 2: Pre-listening (12 minutes)Step 1: T asks Ss to look at the pictures of 1 a on multi-media and guides Ss in English to say the names of the TV shows on pictures.Step 2: T asks Ss to read the TV shows and gives them some time to remember the new words and expressions.Step 3: T

15、asks Ss to finish the task in la, and check the answers with Ss.Stage 3: While-listening (10 minutes)Step 1: T asks Ss to read the TV shows in the box, and make sure they know the meaning of each TV show.Step 2: Then T plays the tape and numbers the shows in the order you hear them.Step 3: T plays the tape again and checks the answers with Ss.Stage 4: Post-listening (13 minutes)Step 1: Let Ss look at the words and expressions in the box and explain the meaning of each wor


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