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1、山东省德州市田庄乡中学高二英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Without electricity human life _ quite difficult today. A. is B. will be C. would have been D. would be 参考答案:D2. What _ bad memory I have! You see, I forgot to take _ key. A. a; the B. / ; the C. a; / D. the; a参考答案:A略3. _that Maric was able to set up new branches el

2、sewhere. A. So successful her business was B. So successful was her businessC. So her business was successful D. So was her successful business参考答案:B4. It is required that the students_ mobile phones in their school, so seldom_ them using one.A. dont use; will you see B. not use; will you see C. mus

3、tnt use; will you see D not use; you will see参考答案:B5. What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game._. Whatever you want to do is fine with me.A. It just depends. B. It is up to you. C. All right. D. Glad to hear that.参考答案:B6. The president spoke at the business meeting

4、 for nearly an hour without _ his notes. A. bringing up B. referring to C. looking for D. trying on参考答案:B7. To everyones surprise, Michael claimed _all his homework in just one hour. A. having finishedB. to have finishedC. that finished D. finishing参考答案:B8. According to the drivers explanation, it w

5、as not his carelessness but the bad road conditions that _ for the accident. A. was to blame B. was to be blamed C. were to be blamed D. were to blame 参考答案:D9. May I ask you a(n)_ whether you will accompany my old father while I am away?A. favourB. approvalC. assessmentD. sympathy 参考答案:A10. Waiter,

6、_?Wait a minute, sir. Thats $ 80 altogether. A. would you charge me B. how much did we eatC. may I have the bill, please D. would you take the money参考答案:C11. Youd better _ some money for special use.A. pick up B. put off C. set aside D. give away 参考答案:C12. He always brings me a pretty gift _ he come

7、s to visit me. A. by the time B. every time C. sometimes D. at times参考答案:B略13. When shall we set out to handle the problem we came across last week? Not until _ a chance to discuss it thoroughly.A. we have had B. will we have had C. have we had D. we will have had 参考答案:A14. 参考答案:A略15. So sudden _tha

8、t the enemy had no time to escape.Adid the attack Bthe attack did Cwas the attack Dthe attack was参考答案:C16. No one was with the two foreign reporters, as it was thought dangerous for people _ out with them.A. to be seen coming B. to see coming C. to be seen come D. to see come参考答案:A略17. Robert is sai

9、d _abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in. A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying参考答案:A18. _, the majority of the students have no trouble understanding it.A. As complex the sentence is B. Complex as the sentence isC. As the sentence is complex D. Compl

10、ex as is the sentence参考答案:B二、 短文改错1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Nowadays Senior 3 students are general faced with a lot of pressure, which is rather common. To reduce it, the followed suggestions may help. First of all, know exactly what lead to your pressure, and then you can take meas

11、ures to deal with it. Secondly, set up a goal what is not too high, in another words, dont put too much pressure on yourself. Thirdly, find a way to relax you occasionally. For example, you can listen to music, go swim or just simply go walking. Eventually, make friend with others, such as your clas

12、smates, your teachers, and your parents. They will understand you and come to your help when you are really in the trouble.In word, never get yourself stuck in the pressure for Impossible is nothing .参考答案:Nowadays Senior 3 students are general faced with a lot of pressure, which is rather generallyc

13、ommon. To reduce it, the followed suggestions may help. followingFirst of all, know exactly what lead to your pressure, and then you can take measures to deal leadswith it. Secondly, set up a goal what is not too high, in another words, dont put too much pressure which otheron yourself. Thirdly, find a way to relax you occasionally. For example, you can listen to music, go yourselfswim or just simply go walking. Eventually, make friend with others, such as your classmates, your swimming


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