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1、.LESSON ONE Resources and Energy PART A1.W: Could you mail these letters for me, please? M: More letters? Your friends are going to be very happy to hear from you. Q: What does the man imply about the woman?2.W: Does Professor Ford always come to class? M: Is ice cold? Q: What do you learn about Pro

2、fessor Ford?3.W: Would you have some time this week to go over these questions with me?M: How does tomorrow sound? Q: What does the man mean?4.M: Hey? John! John!W: Save your breath. Hes out of earshot. Q: What is true about John, according to the woman? 5. W: You only have water to serve your guest

3、s? M: This isnt just water. This is imported mineral water.Q: What is the implication of the woman? 6. M: Could I borrow a twenty to tide me over till payday next Tuesday? W: You are in luck. I just cashed the check. Q: What will the woman probably do next? 7. M: Jean, didnt you get my messages? I l

4、eft two on your answering machine. W: Hmm? Oh, sorry, Tom. Ive been meaning to get back in touch with you. It just slipped my mind. Q: Why didnt the woman return the mans calls? 8. W: Im sorry, sir, but youre allowed only one piece of luggage on the plane. Youll have to check in one of your suitcase

5、s at the package counter. M: Actually, one of these belongs to the woman up ahead. Im just giving her a hand. Q: Why is the man carrying an extra suitcase? 9. W: We need to drive to the city tonight, but the doctor said this medicine might make me drowsy. M: In that case, Id better drive. Q: What do

6、es the man think the woman should do? 10. M: Look at all the pollution going into the air from those factories. Do you think theyll ever get under control? W: With the new laws and social awareness, well turn things around. Q: What does the woman predict will happen? 11. W: Arent you cold? Why arent

7、 you wearing a jacket? M: I overslept this morning, so I ran out of the house without listening to the forecast. Q: Why isnt the man wearing a jacket? 12. M: prof. Jones, last night when I was putting the finishing touches on my paper that electrical storm completely wiped out my computer files. Do

8、you think I could have another day to retype it? W: Im sorry, Steven. Im leaving for a conference tomorrow, and Ill be away for 2 weeks. I suppose you could send it to me there. Q: What will the professor probably allow the student to do? 13. W: Do you know if Mary has come by the office this mornin

9、g? M: I just got here myself, so Im not the one to ask. Q: What does the woman want to know? 14. M: I really enjoyed that TV special about wealth last night. Did you get to home in time to see it? W: Well, yes. But I wish I could have stayed awake long enough to see the whole thing. Q: What does the

10、 woman mean? 15. W: Take two of these pills three times a day and you shouldnt take them on an empty stomach. M: What if I dont have an appetite? Q: What can be inferred about the man? PART B Passage I: The population of the world has been increasing faster and faster. In 10,000 B.C., there were pro

11、bably 10 million people. In A.D. 1, there were 300 million. It took 1750 years for the population to reach 625 million, a little more than double the A.D. 1 figure. In 1990, there were 5.3 billion people. By the year 2000, the worlds population was over 6 billion, and by 2050, it is expected to reac

12、h 10 billion. Does the earth have enough natural resources to support this many people? Different scientists give different answers to this question. Some say that there are enough resources to support more than 6 billion people. However, the richest countries, with a small percentage of the worlds

13、population, use most of the resources. If these resources could be distributed more equally around the world, there would be enough for everyone. Other scientists say that we must limit population growth because our resources are limited. Only 10 percent of the earths land can be used for farming an

14、d another 20 percent for raising animals. It is possible to increase the amount of farmland, but only a little. Some land in developing countries could be more productive if people started using modern farming methods, but this would not increase worldwide production by much, We all know that there

15、is a limited amount of petroleum. There are also limits to the amounts of metals. There is a limit to the amount of water we can use since most of the earths water is salt water, and most of the fresh water is frozen at the North and South Poles. It is difficult to say how many people the earth can

16、support, but it will help everyone if we can limit population growth before serious shortages develop. The problem is how to do it. 1. Between 1990 and 2000, what changes did the world population have? 2. According to some scientists, which of the following is true?3. Why cant most of the earths water be used?4. In developing countries, what does the use of me



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