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1、choose the corre ct meaning; (4) to correct the typos; (5) so the child write words (ABAB, and AABB); (6) in accordance with written words; (7) the complete word, and explain the meaning of the word; (8) collocation; (9) make sentences with the word; (10) the written language as required. (C) the ma

2、in sente nce types (1) complete se ntences; (2) write down the meaning of a sentence or expression of thoughts and feelings; (3) write sentences as required; (4) finish malalignment of the se ntence; (5) modified sentences. 2, knowledge classificati on (1) the common conjunctions coordinate: . . 一面

3、. 1, to examine the topic, i dentify probl ems associated with two 2, analysis, alternative question two is in direct proportion to the amount of the associated relationship is inversely proportional r elationship. 3, and set unknown, column pr oportion type 4, and solutions proportion type 5, and t

4、est, wrote a nswer language plenary, and subject: application problem (1)-simple application problem and composite application probl em review content simple application problem composite application problem answers application problem of general steps 1, and figure out meaning-throug h examines the

5、, find known conditions and by seeking problem 2, and analysis number relationship-analysis known conditions Zhijian, and conditions a nd problem Zhijian of relationship, determine problem -solving method and problem-solving steps. 3, and column type calculation-lists formula, is out subdivisions 4,

6、 and test, and wrote answer-check, and checking, a nd wrote answers typical application problem 13, and subject: appli cation problem (3)-column e quation solutions application pr oblem review content overview problem-solving steps 1, and figure out meaning, find by seeking of unknown and x said 2,

7、and according to meaning find equivalent relationship, lists Equation 3, and solutions equation 4, and test, and wrote answers accordingto meaning find equivalent relationship of common method 1 , And according to common of number relationship type, establishe d equivalent relationship 2, and accord

8、ing to has learn had of calculation formula, 3, and according to problem in the of focus described sentence from overall Shang determine basic of equivalent relationship 4, and using segment figure, and list method, method analysis number黄家窑小学二年级(2 )班班主任工作计划(20132014 学年度第二学期)本学期以学校的工作计划为依据,结合本班的实际制定

9、出相应的班计划,让学生学会学习、学会交往、学会创新;抓好班风、学风的建设,努力提高教育教学的质量,培养出一个明礼、守纪、诚实、好学的班集体。 上学期经过大家的努力, 我班的班级工作取得了一定成绩,但是这只代表着过去,在新的学期里,我和孩子们将继续努力,争取取得更优异的成绩。新的学期开始,为了更好的作好班级工作,我特制定二年级班主任工作计划如下:一、指导思想。贯彻党和国家的教育方针,落实对儿童少年的素质教育,促进学生的全面发展, 注重培养创新精神和实践能力。培养学生良好的道德品质。二、本班的基本情况。二年级原有学生30 人,本学期转走1 名学生,转来 1 名学生,本班共有学生 30 人.二年级的

10、学生对于学校的日常生活和学习基本上已适应 , 但经过一个假期可能都已淡忘,为了使学生能够及早进入角色, 这就要班主任向学生进行有针对性的常规教育,经过一年的学校生活,学生初步养成一定的行为习惯,但学生年纪毕竟比较小,自我监控能力、评价能力还是有点差,需时常提点、督促,教师又要以自身最佳的思想境界、精神状态和行为表现,积极的影响和教育学生,使他们健康地成长,在学生面前树起一座做人的丰碑。所以,作为精品p d f 资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 7 页 - - - - -

11、 - - - - - choose the corre ct meaning; (4) to correct the typos; (5) so the child write words (ABAB, and AABB); (6) in accordance with written words; (7) the complete word, and explain the meaning of the word; (8) collocation; (9) make sentences with the word; (10) the written language as required.

12、 (C) the main sente nce types (1) complete se ntences; (2) write down the meaning of a sentence or expression of thoughts and feelings; (3) write sentences as required; (4) finish malalignment of the se ntence; (5) modified sentences. 2, knowledge classificati on (1) the common conjunctions coordina

13、te: . . 一面 . 1, to examine the topic, i dentify probl ems associated with two 2, analysis, alternative question two is in direct poportion to the amount of the associated relationship is inversely proportional r elationship. 3, and set unknown, column pr oportion type 4, and solutions proportion typ

14、e 5, and test, wrote a nswer language plenary, and subject: application problem (1)-simple application problem and composite application probl em review content simple application problem composite application problem answers application problem of general steps 1, and figure out meaning-throug h ex

15、amines the, find known conditions and by seeking problem 2, and analysis number relationship-analysis known conditions Zhijian, and conditions a nd problem Zhijian of relationship, determine problem -solving method and problem-solving steps. 3, and column type calculation-lists formula, is out subdi

16、visions 4, and test, and wrote answer-check, and checking, a nd wrote answers typical application problem 13, and subject: appli cation problem (3)-column e quation solutions application pr oblem review content overview problem-solving steps 1, and figure out meaning, find by seeking of unknown and x said 2, and according to meaning find equivalent relationship, lists Equation 3, and solutions equation 4, and test, and wrote answers accordingto meaning find equivalent relationship of common meth


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