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1、读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思六年级总复习阅读专项阅读短文,选择正确的答案,并将其字母符号填在句子前面的括号里Passage 1 Our country is very big. The weather in the north is different from the south. The weather in the east is different from the west. In Heilongjiang, it s very cold in winter. In Hainan, it s warm in winter. We have many rainy days i

2、n the east of our country. But, it seldom rains in the west of our country.If you want to take a trip you must pay attention to ( 注意) the weather report. ( )1. The weather in the north and the south are _. A. the same B. different ( ) 2. It s _ in Hainan in winter. A. cold B. warm ( ) 3. It often ra

3、ins in the _ of our country A. east B. west ( ) 4. We should _ before we take a trip. A. watch the weather report B. watch VCD ( ) 5. The underlined word “ seldom” means _. ( 划线词 “ seldom” 在这里的意思是什么? ) A. 常常B. 很少Passage 2 Hi, I am Susan. I am from the U.K. But now I m studying in China. I m going to

4、 do many things in the winter holiday. First, I m going to finish my homework. Then I m going to take a trip. I m going to Beijing, which is the capital of China. It s snowy in Beijing. There is snow everywhere. So I m going to make a snowman. I can ski. My parents will come to China and go with me.

5、 We are going to fly there. We are going to have a nice trip. ( )1. Susan is from_. A. China B. England ( )2. Now Susan is in_. A. China B. England ( )3. Beijing is the capital of _. A. China B. U.K. ( )4. Susan is going to _ in Beijing. A. skate B. play with the snow. ( )5. They are going to go to

6、Beijing_. A. by plane B. by train Passage 3 Tom went to visit his grandparents with his uncle. They flew there last holiday. His grandparents live in a beautiful city in Hainan. He stayed there for two weeks. Every morning and evening, Tom went to see the blue sea with his grandfather. Sometimes Tom

7、 swam in the sea with his cousins. Sometimes Tom s grandfather went fishing in the sea on a small boat with him. His grandmother cooked good food for them every day. His uncle took some nice pictures for him. When he went back home, he bought some seafood for his parents.1. Tom went to Hainan _ . A.

8、 by pane B. by train 2. His grandparents live in _. A. Hainan B. Harbin 3. Sometimes Tom went swimming with his _ in the sea. A. uncle B. cousin 4. Tom stayed with his grandparents for _ days. A. 15 B. 14 精品p d f 资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 12 页 -

9、- - - - - - - - - 读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思5. Tom bought some _ for his parents. A. presents B. seafood Passage 4 My parents work in a shoe factory. They get up at 5:30. They first cook breakfast. Then they go to work by bus. They work there from 8:00am to 5:00pm. They come home at about 6:00pm and cook s

10、upper for us in the evening. Mother washes clothes in the evening. Father often makes toys for us in the evening. They are busy all day. But they like their jobs very much and the boss likes them too. ( ) 1. Father gets up at_. A. 5:30 B. 6:00 ( ) 2.My parents are _. A. teachers B. workers ( ) 3. Do

11、 my parents work in the factory the evening? A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don t. ( ) 4. My parents work for _ hours every day. A.10 B. 9 ( ) 5. My parents are _ workers. A. good B. bad Passage 5 Tom and John are good friends. Tom is 15 years old, two years older than John. John is 156 cm tall and To

12、m is 169cm. John is 40kg and Tom is 59 kg. They usually go to school and go home together. It is fun to see they walk together every day. ( ) 1. John is _ years old. A. 13 B. 15 ( ) 2. John is _ than Tom. A. taller B. shorter ( ) 3. Tom is 19kg _ than John. A. heavier B. thinner ( ) 4. Tom and John

13、usually go to school and go home _. A. on foot B. by bike ( ) 5. They feel _ on the way. A. happy B. bored Passage 6 In winter, the weather is very cold. Some people feel sick in the cold weather. If you don t wear enough clothes, you will have a cold. How do you feel if you have a cold? You will be

14、 very tired. Your head may hurt badly. Your temperature will be higher than 370C. Then the cold may turn into a fever. But don t worry if you are sick, go to see a doctor. Take some medicine and stay in bed for a few days. And drink more hot water. Then you will get well soon. ( ) 1. People feel sic

15、k in winter because it s . A. hot B. cold ( ) 2. If you have a cold you will be . A. tired B. happy ( ) 3. The underlined word “temperature ” means _.( 划线词 “temperature ” 意思是什么? ) A. 气温B. 体温( ) 4. If you are sick, you must . A. see a doctor B. go to school ( ) 5. is good for you when you re sick. A.

16、 Drinking hot water. B. Drinking cold water. 精品p d f 资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 12 页 - - - - - - - - - - 读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 ,熟读而精思Passage 7 During the summer holiday, my grandparents went to China. First they flew to Beijing from London. Then they went to Guangzhou by train. When they went to my home, I wanted to help my grandpa carry his heavy bag, but he did it by himself. They bought many presents for us. I got a dress. My brother got a toy plane


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