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1、广东省汕头市红场中学高一英语月考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. To avoid on how to use the word, youd better refer to a dictionary.Ato get confusedBgetting confusedCto get confusingDgetting confusing参考答案:B2. -What made him disappointed?- visit his grandmother at the weekend.A. Being not allowed to B. He had not been allowed toC. Hav

2、ing not been allowed to D. Not being allowed to参考答案:D3. Life is limited, _there is no limit to_ the people.Aand; serve Bbut; serving Cso; be served Dbesides; having served参考答案:B4. She pretended to be calm but _she was more than nervous at the time she was being questioned.A. in actualB. actuallyC. a

3、s matter of factD. in a fact参考答案:B【详解】考查副词作状语。句意:她假装很镇定,但是事实上被审问的时候她非常地紧张。分析句子可知,空格处修饰整句,用副词,只有B项是副词,故选B。5. The driver was holding the telephone in one hand and the wheel in _.A. anotherB. otherC. othersD. the other参考答案:D略6. With time_, our anxiety grew .Agoes by B. going by C.has gone by D.had gone

4、 by参考答案:B7. Were going to play basketball, would you like to _? A. join B. join in C. attend D. take part in 参考答案:B8. The last thirty years_ remarkable changes in China.A. saw B. have seen C. was seen D. have been seen参考答案:B9. My computer doesnt work well and it requires _, but my boss requires me _

5、 to use it.A. changing; continue B. to be changed; of continuingC. changing; should continue D. to be changed; to continue参考答案:D10. There are many magazines in the reading room, _are designed for children. A. some of them B. and some of which C. some of which D. some of the magazines参考答案:C11. While

6、China insist we _the disputes(争端) over island ownership peacefully, the Japanese government continues to insist that tough measures _used to settle the Diaoyu Island issues. A. will settle, will be B. settle, will be C. settle, be D. will settle, be参考答案:B12. - Mike is always working hard and has mad

7、e greater progress recently.- _ he got the first prize.A. No doubt B. No wonderC. No way D. No problem参考答案:B13. Eat _ cake you like and leave the others for _ comes in late. A. whichever; whoever B. whatever; anyone C. any; who D. no matter what; no matter who 参考答案:A14. -Im sorry to have forgotten _

8、 the money you lent me a month ago.-_.A. paying back; No hurryB. to pay back; Forget itC. paying off; Thats rightD. to pay off; Take it easy参考答案:B15. I dont know _. A. what was the matter outside B. what was matter outside C. what was outside the matter D. what was happened outside参考答案:A16. In my _,

9、there is no need to worry about exams.Aidea Bview Cthought Dinformation参考答案:Bin ones view依某人之见。句意:依我之见,没有必要担心考试。17. The boys arguing over whether to play baseball or football finally _ by voting. A. reached goals B. came to terms C. came to an end D. gave up参考答案:B 解析:根据题意“男孩们争论到底是打棒球还是踢足球,最后通过表决取得了一

10、致意见”,可知应选B. come to terms表示“取得一致意见,达成协议”。18. The businessman offered a(n) _ price for one of her collections, giving her a pleasant surprise. A. fundamental B. genuine C. unbelievable D. average参考答案:C二、 书面表达19. 假设你是李华,寒假就要来临了,你的美国朋友Tom来信询问你的寒假计划。请你给他回信告知你的安排并邀请他来中国做客。内容要点如下:1.你的寒假安排(完成寒假作业、锻炼身体、做家务)

11、。2.欢度春节(享受美食、欣赏烟花、领压岁钱)。3.发出邀请。要求:3段式作文、120词左右、书写规范整洁。参考词汇:fireworks (烟花) lucky money( 压岁钱) .参考答案:Dear Tom, Glad to have received your letter, in which you ask me about my plan for the coming winter vocation. Now let me tell you in detailsAs you know, we Chinese students have a lot of homework durin

12、g our winter vocation, which is meant to help us review our lessons and get more knowledge. Therefore, I will firstly try my best to finish my homework. Besides, physical exercise and doing some housework are also what I should do, because they can help build up my body and share some burden of my p

13、arents. Whats more, the Spring Festival is right in our winter vocation, at which time we can have delicious food, enjoy fireworks and get some lucky money from our parents and sGenerally speaking, although we may have some hard time studying and doing housework, we can also enjoy ourselves a lot. Why not come to visit me? I believe we can share a


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