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1、广东省佛山市建安初级中学2020-2021学年高三英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Since the new speed limits _,the number of accidents in the area has fallen strikinglyAwere introduced BintroducedChave been introduced Dhave introduced参考答案:A考点:一般过去时及其被动式试题解析:自从新的速度限制被提出,这个区交通事故的数量下降了很多。Since +过去式,主句+现在完成时,为常用句型。故排除C、D而since 引导句子中缺少谓语,而spe

2、ed limits与introduce之间为被动关系故选A。2. It was a great _ for him to be pleasant to people he didnt like.A. attempt B. trouble C. power D. effort 参考答案:D 3. It is often considered clever to do _ your parents require when they are angry.A. however B. whatever C. no matter what D. whenever参考答案:B4. promote A. p

3、romise B. profit C. procedure D. product参考答案:C5. The previous lecture focused on the reading problems in new words, while this lecture will turn to _ in complex sentence structures Athat Bone Cthose Dones参考答案:C略6. We will work together to realize ourdream to buildworld that will be safer, cleaner an

4、d healthier thanone we now live in.A.the; theB.a; 不填C.a; theD.the; 不填参考答案:C第一空表示一,一个的泛指概念,故用不定冠词;第二空后有省略引导词的定语从句,表特指,故用定冠词。所以选C项。7. Messis talents _ in comparison with other football players.A. stand out B. make out C. break out D. set out 参考答案:A8. After months of voyage, Columbus arrived in_ later

5、proved a new continent.A. where B. what C. which D. that参考答案:B 9. It remains a mystery _ the world is going to end on Dec. 21st, 2012, which seems to be the end of the Mayan calendar. A. if B. that C. whether D. when参考答案:C略10. I have said so much but in brief theres only one thing I want to stress,

6、everybody should be punctual tomorrow.A.that isB.believe it or tell you the truthD.for example参考答案:A考查插入语。句意:我说了这么多,但简言之我仅想强调一点,那就是明天大家必须得准时。分析句子结构可知,空处是对前面的具体说明,应使用that is那就是说,亦即。11. “The Bailu Plain” directed by Wang Quanan is _ most moving film and I really want to see it for _ second tim

7、e.A. a; a B. the; a C. the; the D. the; a参考答案:21. 选A。考查冠词的用法。最高级前面可以用a也可以用the,用a表示“非常”的意思,用the表示比较;序数词前用the表示顺序,用a表示“又一,再一”。本句的意思是“王全安执导的白鹿原是一部非常感人的影片,我真的想再去看一次”。【解析】略12. Reporter:“Excuse me, Miss Zhang Ning. Are you sure to win the match?”Zhang:“Yes, I think Ive got it takes to win it.” Athat Bwhic

8、h Cwhen Dwhat参考答案:D13. Can I visit you next Saturday afternoon, doctor? Er, let me see Oh no, I _ an operation for the whole afternoon.A. have performed B. will be performing C. have been performing D. will have performed参考答案:B14. With the electric map _ in the car showing the exact position, the dr

9、iver drove in the right direction of the destination . A. fixed B. fixing C being fixed D. to be fixed参考答案:A15. Hot _the night air was, we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey. A. although B. as C. while D. however参考答案:B略16. The joy of life is a deep spring. Only when digging

10、 deep _ clear and sweet water. A. you can draw B. can draw you C. can you draw D. draw can you参考答案:C略17. Anti-Japanese War Victory Day is set to remind us of _ need to remember history,cherish peace and create _ better future.Aa;the Bthe;a Ca;a Dthe;the参考答案:B18. My headache meI thought it was going

11、away, but its getting worse and worse Akilled Bkills Cwas killing Dis killing参考答案:D二、 书面表达19. 假定你是李华,你和你的朋友打算在学校创办一个英语读书俱乐部,请写信给你的美国朋友Peter,介绍一下俱乐部的创办目的和运作情况,希望对方提出建议。注意:1词数100左右,文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Peter, How is everything going? Im writing to ask you some advice on our English

12、reading club _Looking forward to your reply参考答案:Dear Peter, How is everything going? I am writing to make a brief introduction of our English reading club.To widen our horizons and improve our English, my friend and I plan to set up an English reading club in our school. We will buy some original works of some famous writers and order China Daily and the 21st English newspapers to learn about different cultures and happenings in the world. Of course, we will hold varieties of reading activities. We will provide



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