九年级英语上册 Unit 6复习提纲 牛津版

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1、Unit 6 Detective stories 复习提纲I. 词组8用心 爱心 专心1. detective stories2. be dressed like that3. do some very important work(u.)4. look for a murderer5. be much more serious6. go missing (adj.)7. make notes on all of them8. work in a hospital(有冠词)9. be in hospital(没有冠词)10. be at home alone11. a man of mediu

2、m height12. the person most likely to be the murderer(likely adj.)13. be wanted by the police/over the phone14. be wanted for murder15. the body of a 22-year-old man16. in the doorway of a clothes shop17. see sb. do/ doing18. be seen to do/doing19. take place20. at the scene/time of the crime21. fin

3、d out22. be killed somewhere else(no介词)23. be killed at the place where he was found24. top detective25. be interested in doing26. be attacked with a knife/ a gun27. be attacked by an attacker28. bleed to death29. as a result30. evidence of a struggle(u.)31. put up a good fight32. put up a drawing o

4、f the suspect33. the death of this bright, young engineer34. check the scene for fingerprints and other clues35. an interesting, well-paid job36. be guilty of 侦探故事装扮成那样做一些非常重要的工作搜寻一个谋杀者要严重得多丢了,不见了针对他们做笔录在医院工作生病住院独自在家一名中等身高的男子最有可能成为谋杀者的人被警察通缉/电话里有人找你由于谋杀罪而被通缉一名22岁男子的尸体在一家服装店的门口看见某人做某事/看见某人正在做某事被看见做某事

5、/被看见正在做某事发生在案发现场/在案发时发现/查明(事实/结果)在别的某个地方被杀在他被发现的地方被杀侦探长对。感兴趣被刀/枪袭击被一个袭击者袭击流血致死结果搏斗的迹象进行殊死搏斗张贴一张嫌疑犯的画像这位聪明的年轻的工程师的去世检查现场搜寻指纹和其他的线索一份有趣的高收入的工作犯。罪37. be charged with 38. computer crimes39. break into several computer systems40. over the last year41. over the past few years42. make him some enemies43. s

6、o far44. breathe heavily/ out of breath45. see a man with/( who has) blood on his shirt46. be at another place at the time of the crime47. offer a reward of $5,000 for sth.48. lead to the arrest of the murderer49. anyone with/who has information50. contact sb. on 51. do something against the law52.

7、break the law53. take in air54. hear about the case55. notice a man running down56. (dont) dare to do=dare do (darent do ) (行为动词和情态动词)57. a risk of getting killed58. move to sp. for safety59. run out60. solve a crime61. rise in the east (riseroserisen)62. leave a book at your home63. get out of the

8、shower64. wait in the queue/line65. hear a gunshot66. see a man holding a gun67. wear a mask68. seem to be in his mid-thirties69. be quite familiar with the bank70. be robbed of one million yuan71. interview some witnesses for more details72. have a criminal record73. six months in prison for theft7

9、4. at his sisters wedding75. report on/about the kidnapping case76. on the morning of被指控。电脑犯罪闯入几家电脑系统去年一年在过去的这些年当中给他树立了一些敌人到目前为止气喘吁吁看见一位衬衫上有血的男子案发时在不在现场为。提供5000美元的悬赏导致对这名谋杀者的逮捕任何有信息的人打。(电话号码)联系某人做违反法律的事情触犯法律呼吸空气听说这个案子注意到一名男子(向。街)跑去(不)敢做某事有被杀的危险为了安全搬到某地用完,耗尽解决一个案件在东边升起丢了一本书在你家洗完澡排队等候听见一声枪响看见一名男子手拿一把枪

10、戴一个面具似乎三十五六岁的样子对这家银行很熟悉被抢劫100万元问一些目击证人更多的细节有犯罪记录由于盗窃罪被判六个月入狱在她姐姐的婚礼上关于绑架案的报告在(某一天)的早上77. be involved in this case78. an increase in sales79. keep a record of every suspect80. take the necklace to the police station81. find a diamond necklace outside his door82. get along (well) with83. do sth. for a

11、 living84. come home from work85. next day=tomorrow86. the next day87. just then88. right after89. be arrested for murder=be under arrest for murder90. report him to the police91. steal sth. from sb.92. rob sb. of sth.被卷入到这个案子当中那个价格上涨给每一个嫌疑犯做记录把项链带到警察局在他家门外发现一个钻石项链和某人友好相处做。谋生下班回到家明天第二天就在那时就在。之后由于谋杀罪

12、被逮捕把他汇报给警察偷某人某物抢某人某物II词汇A. 容易拼错的词directordetective, attackedattracted, seriousseries, programmergrammar, familiarsimilar, exceptexpect, contactconnect, scenesense, whetherweather, enemy, jewellery, B. 不可数名词work, food, blood, evidence, information, safety, jewellery, progressC. 集合名词people, police, cl

13、othesD. 动词、名词同形increase, record, import, object, present, progress, project, suspect(读音不同)fight, struggle, arrest, murder, work(读音相同)E. 部分需要注意的动词的过去式、过去分词:双写最后一个字母的: robrobbedrobbed, kidnapkidnappedkidnapped不规则的:stealstolestolen, bleedbledbled, leadledled, breakbrokebroken, taketooktaken, bringbroug

14、htbrought, hearheard-heardF. 犯罪(crimes)和罪犯(criminals)动词案件/罪行罪犯stealtheftthief (thieves)shopliftshopliftingshoplifterkidnapkidnappingkidnapperrobrobberyrobbermurdermurdermurdererattackattackattacker注意一下短语:1. 犯。罪:be guilty of theft/ shoplifting/ kidnapping/ robbery/ murder/ attack2. 被指控。罪:be charged with theft/ shoplifting/ kidnapping/ robbery/ murder/ attack3. 由于。罪被捕:be arrested for theft/ shoplifting/ kidnapping/ robbery/ murder/ attack4. 由于。罪而入狱:be



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