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1、2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit5ILoveLearningEnglishLesson25APhoneFriend同步练习新版冀教版一.根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子1.C you help me with my English?2.I see many (外国的) friends on the beach.3.Sorry, I cant (明白) what you said.4.There are many (卡通片) on TV now.5.Is it a (加拿大) restaurant?二.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空speak to,more loudly,learn En

2、glish,by oneself,have a good talk6.English is important.We must well.7.Sorry, I cant do it .8.Tom and Kate last week.Now they understand more.9.Hello.Can I Mike, please? 10.I cant hear you.Can you speak ?三.单项填空1.Hello! May I speak to Tom? Tom speaking.A.I am B.You are C.This isD.That is2., I cant fo

3、llow you.A.Sorry B.Excuse C.Thats all right D.Thanks 3.I cant hear you.Could you speak ?A.more quickly B.more loudly C.happily D.sadly4.The girls are practicing in the music class.A.sing B.to sing C.singsD.singing5.Jenny cant dance by.She will dance with her friends.A.myself B.herself C.himself D.ou

4、rselves四、从方框中选择最佳选项补全对话A: Hi, Bob. Here are all the clubs.B: 1. _A: I want to join the English club. I like English. 2. _B: Hmm, I want to join the chess club. 3. _A: No, I dont like chess. 4. _B: Oh, yes. I can sing and dance.A: Me, too. 5. _A. Can you play chess?B. Do you like music?C. How about y

5、ou?D. Lets join the music club.E. What club do you want to join, Mary?参考答案一、1.Could2.foreign3.understand4.cartoons5.Canadian二、6.learn English7.by myself8.had a good talk9.speak to10.more loudly三、1.C2.A3.B4.D5.B四、1-5 ECABD2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit5ILoveLearningEnglishLesson25APhoneFriend练习新版冀教版一、单项选择1. I

6、 practice _ football every day.A. play B. playsC. to play D. playing2. “You can speak _, and I cant hear you clearly,” Peter said to Tom.A. loudly B. quietC. quietly D. loud3. Could you _ me very well?A. understood B. understandC. understanding D.to understand4. Peter and Mary _ with each other last

7、 night.A. have a good talk B. have good talkC. had a good talk D. have talk二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1. I cant _ (follow) you.2. He has many foreign _ (friend).3. He _ (have a good talk) with his mother.4. This is Tom _ (speak).5. I practice playing ping-pong by _ (I).三、连词成句1. I, to, can, John, speak (?)_2. y

8、ou, loudly, more, could, speak (?)_3. a, practices, herself, she, by, lot (.)_4. couldnt, each, we, other, understand, well (.)_5. happy, with, to, talk, Im, you (.)_四、完成句子:根据所给汉语意思完成下列各句1. 我听英文歌来练习我的听力。I _ _ English songs _ _ my listening. 2. 蒂姆喜欢看卡通片。Tim likes _ cartoons.3. 他没有一个好朋友。He _ _ a good

9、friend.4. 彼得的哭喊声比他哥哥的声音大。Peter cried _ _ than his brother.5. “我妈妈想和你讲话。”莉莉对史密斯老师说。“My mother wants to _ _ _,”Lily said to Mr. Smith.参考答案及解析一、1. D practice doing sth.意为“练习做某事”。2. A 从后面的“我听不清楚”可知要求说话人大声一点,而且该词跟在动词之后,所以用副词loudly,故选A。3. B could是情态动词,后跟动词原形。4. C have a talk with sb.意为“与某人谈话”,由时间状语last ni

10、ght可知应该用一般过去时。二、1. follow 2. friends 3. has a good talk 4. speaking 5. myself三、1. Can I speak to John?2. Could you speak more loudly?3. She practices a lot by herself.4. We couldnt understand each other well.5. Im happy to talk with you.四、1. listen to, to practice2. watching 3. doesnt have 4. more loudly 5. speak to you


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