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1、2021-2022学年福建省福州市三牧中学高二英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. In this library, you can use your own computer to connect to Wi-Fi speciallyfor readers.A. preparingB. to prepareC. preparedD. prepare参考答案:C2. The test we held last time is obviously bad because it _ lack of many students self-confidence.A. relies upon B.

2、leads toC. refers to D. depends on参考答案:B【详解】考查动词短语。句意:我们上次进行的测试显然是不好的,因为它导致了许多学生缺乏自信。A. relies upon依赖;B. leads to导致;C. refers to提出,谈到,参考;D. depends on取决于。故选B。3. All these will undoubtedly affect our economic development, _ our export.A. in common B. in particular C. in advance D. in general参考答案:B略4.

3、 _ and I will get the work finished. A. Have one more hour B. One more hour C. Given one more hour D. If I have one more hour参考答案:B5. Our football team will compete against the Japanese team this eveningLets go and _ ?Acheer them up Bjoin them up Cadd them up Dpick them up参考答案:A略6. Bruce, I really a

4、ppreciate your handwriting. - _ .A. I practice every day B. Thank you very muchC. No, I dont think so D. Well, its not good enough参考答案:B7. In Japan, _ into a national or public university, they are to take an entrance exam, just as in China . A. to get B. getting C. get D. got参考答案:A8. Are there any

5、books about writing on the shelf?There are only a few, _.A. if there B. if any C. if some D. if ever参考答案:B9. Now that weve discussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions ?Ataking Btake Ctaken Dto take参考答案:C10. I believe his design is _ for its completely different from others.A. common B

6、. reasonable C. practical D. original 参考答案:D11. Until much later was she _ the necessity of keeping an English journal.A. favor of B. bound to C. aware of D. anxious about参考答案:C12. The most exciting thing for him was he finally succeeded in seemed to be a difficult exam for him.A.that;what B.that;wh

7、ich C.what;that D.what;which参考答案:A13. We _ that a big fire had broken out in the next town. A. are told B. were informed C. were talked D. informed参考答案:B14. -Im so thirsty. Do you mind if I have another can of cola?-_. I still have a lot.A. Im very sorry B. Yes, please C. Forget about it D. Of cours

8、e not, go ahead参考答案:D15. . If a student _ in the exam, he / she wont escape punishment.A. gets caught to cheat B. gets caught cheating C. gets to catch cheating D. gets catching cheated 参考答案:B略16. -Shall I have another look at the flat and tell you more about it?-_. Ill telephone the salesgirl for d

9、etails myself later.A. Go ahead B. Good chance C. Dont bother D. It depends参考答案:C略17. He gained _ wealth by printing _ works of famous writers.A. quite a few; quite a little B. a great deal of ;a large quantity ofC. a lots of; a large number of D. a plenty of ; a good amount of参考答案:B略18. This book i

10、s said to be a special one, which _many events not found in other history books.A .writes B. refers C. deals D. covers参考答案:D二、 书面表达19. 最近,你班就“90后的成长”话题进行了一项社会调查。调查显示,人们对“90后”青少年的现状褒贬不一。请根据以下要点用英语写一篇文章,介绍调查结果,并谈谈你自己作为一名“90后”的感想。优点缺点你自己的感想1. 思想独立、有志向 2. 乐于接受并尝试新事物3. 自信、热情4. 珍惜友情,善于交流 1. 依赖性强2. 心理抗挫能力不

11、足 3. 缺乏责任感 4. 自控力差 (至少两点) 注意:1. 对所给要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。 2. 词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。 3. 参考词汇:挫折frustrationRecently our class has conducted a survey aboutThe growth 0f post-90s generation. People have different opinions on it. _参考答案:Recently our class has conducted a survey about The growth of post-90s g

12、eneration.People have different opinions on it.Some people think that the post-90s generation are confident, ambitious and independent in thinking. They are fond of new things, ready to accept and try them. Whats more,they have many new ideas, which makes them more creative. Its especially worth men

13、tioning that they are enthusiastic and caring. They treasure friendship and are good at communicating with others.However,others argue that the post-90s generation are too self-centered and dependent on their parents in life or teachers in study.They tend to live a comfortable life but are less able to overcome frustration. Besides,some of them lack the sense of responsibility and dont know how to show gratitude to others. Wor



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