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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上si八年级下册英语期中常考点整理训练1. Chinas high-speed railways from 9,000 to 25,000 kilometers in the past few years.A. are growing B. have grown C. will grow D. grew答案:B解析:在过去的几年里,中国的高速铁路从9000公里增长到25000公里。知悉:in/over the past/last few years/days/weeks.属于现在完成时的标志词,符合现完定义:从过去发生的事情持续到现在。2.-Could you tell

2、 me to improve spoken English? -By chatting with foreign friends more often. A. what B. when C. why D. how答案:D解析:-你能告诉我怎样提高英语口语吗?-多和外国朋友聊天。知悉:本题考查8BU4语法疑问词+不定式。根据下句回答,by.,可知问的是做某事的方式方法,所以选how.3.- have you kept the book? -Since last month. I return it to the library today or I cant borrow one next ti

3、me.A.How often; must B. How long; have to C. How soon; have to D. When; must答案:B解析:-这本书你借了多久了?-自上个月。我今天必须把它还给图书馆,否则下次就借不到书了。知悉:上句有动词keep,属于延续性动词,和how long连用。4. -Its so cold today. Would you mind my the door? - . Do it as you like. A. to close; Not at all B. closing; Certainly C. closing; Certainly n

4、ot D. to close; Better not答案:C解析:-今天真冷。你介意我开门吗?-当然不。你喜欢怎么做就怎么做。知悉:mind是8BU3的重点单词,用法是mind doing sth.介意做某事。另关于本句的回答:不介意时用如of course not./certainly not.当然不;介意时应当婉转,用如better not.5. When having a meal, European usually holds the knife in the right hand and the fork in the left.A. anB. a C. the D./答案:B解析:

5、吃饭时,欧洲人通常右手拿刀,左手拿叉。知悉:本题考查冠词。通过后面的holds确定前面是泛指,用单数;另a/an区别在于,元音音素前用an, 辅音音素前用a, (音素就是我们常说的音标)。a European jrpin6. Mrs.Li the shopping mall for three hours. But she hasnt found her favourite dress yet.A. went intoB. has arrived at C. has been in D.has gone to答案:C解析:李女士已经在购物中心逛了三个小时了。但是她还没有找到她最喜欢的衣服。知悉

6、:根据for three hours,确定前面的动词要用延续性动词。7. Im strongly _ keeping animals in the zoo because animals should enjoy freedom as well. A. up B. for C. against D. down答案:C解析:我强烈反对在动物园里饲养动物,因为动物也应该享受自由。知悉:against作为介词,有“against 反对,违反;紧靠,倚,碰撞,以.为背景”8. My friend didnt know who _ the problem that she met at that tim

7、e. A. to talk about B. will talk to about C. to talk to about D. will talk to答案:C解析:我的朋友不知道该和谁谈论她当时遇到的问题。知悉:疑问词+不定式;另talk to sb about sthtalk to who about the problem9. I _ the book for two weeks. Ill _ it _ the library soon. A. have borrowed ; return , to B. have kept ; return , to C. borrowed ; re

8、turn , to D. have kept ; return , back to答案:B解析:这本书我已经借了两个星期了。我马上把它还给图书馆。知悉:根据for two weeks确定用延续性动词;另return(返回,归还)不能和back连用。10. Jane, please ask those children to keep _ from danger. A. you safelyB. yourself safe C. them safely D. themselves safe答案:D解析:简,请让那些孩子们远离危险。知悉:keep+宾语+adj. 保持.; 另本题指代对象是thos

9、e children,所以用themselves.11. - What _ hot weather! - Yes. But its _ unusual experience for us. We once lived in a cold place.A. /; a B. a; an C. /; anD. a; the答案:C解析:-多热的天气啊!-是的。但这对我们来说是次不寻常的经历。我们曾经住在寒冷的地方。知悉: weather为不可数名词,前不用冠词;另experience作为“经历”讲时是可数名词,且unusual njuul; njul,所以前面选用an.12. Nobody seem

10、s than you ready for the exam. A.busy;to get B. busier;getting C. busier;to get D.busy;getting答案:B解析:没有人比你更忙于准备考试了。知悉:后有than,所以前面要用比较级;另be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事。13.The Smiths _ in the north, but now they _ in the south.A. used to live; used to live B. were used to live; are used to living C. were us

11、ed to living; are used to living D. used to live; are used to living答案:D解析:史密斯一家过去住在北方,但是现在他们已经习惯于住在南方。知悉:used to do sth.曾经,过去常常做某事;be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事。14. The old man lives_ in a _ house. He sometimes feels_.A. alone; alone; lonelyB. lonely; lonely; alone C. alone; lonely; lonelyD. alone;

12、lonely; alone答案:C解析:这个老人独自住在一个偏僻的房子里。他有时候会感到孤独。知悉:alone作副词,或表语用,译为“独自,单独”;如“live/stay alone”lonely作为形容词,用作表语或者定语,译为“孤单的,偏僻的,荒凉的”;如“a lonely island”15.-Its so hot. Would you please open the window for me? - . A. My pleasure B.With pleasure C. No way D.Youre welcome 答案:B解析:-太热了。你能帮我打开窗户吗? -好的。知悉:关于ple

13、asure掌握两个短语 my pleasure 回答别人感谢;with pleasure 回答别人请求。16. My sister refused _ those red roses given by that young man yesterday. A. to receive B. receiving C. to accept D. accepting 答案:C解析:昨天我姐姐拒绝接受那个年轻人送的那些红玫瑰。 知悉:refuse to do sth拒绝做某事;另accept主观接受;receive客观收到,但不一定接受。17. -Must I finish writing this article today? -No, you _. You _ finish it tomorrow.A.mustnt ; must B. wouldnt ; can C.neednt ; may D. shouldnt ; need答案:C解析:-我必须今天写完这篇文章吗?-


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