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1、2020年安徽省滁州市大桥乡中学高三英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. -Can I smoke here?-Sorry, we dont allow _ here.A. people smoke B.to smoke C. people smoking D. smoking参考答案:D2. Conductor, can I get to Market Street on this train? Of courseThe train is leaving_, please AStep lively BMind your step CLook out DWalk slowly参考答案:A3

2、. Ill leave Changsha for Beijing _ a week, while my brother will leave Beijing for Changsha _ our National Day. A. in; in B. after; in C. after; after D. in; after 参考答案:D4. Indeed, more challenges may arise. This is only natural _ the fact that the Basic Law has been in effect for just a month.A. to

3、 give B. given C. giving D. having given 参考答案:B5. Its required that the students _ mobile phones in Leping Middle School, so seldom _ them using one. A. not use; will you see B. should not use; you will see C. dont use; will you see D. would not use; you will see参考答案:A6. The time and effort he has d

4、evoted during the past few yearstrees in that remote area is now considered to be of great value Ato planting Bto plant Cplant Dplanting参考答案:A7. I like this jacket better than that one, but it costs almost three times_.A. as much B. as many C. so much D. so many参考答案:A8. _time, the teacher had us do

5、half of the exercises in class and complete the other half for our homework. A.To save B.Save C.Saving D.Having saved参考答案:A9. Grace, when shall we take a walk? After I finish_ the dishes. A. wash B. washing C. washed D. to wash参考答案:B略10. This room _ for my study, but now it is used for my brothers b

6、edroom.A. was being designed B. is designedC. has been designed D. was designed参考答案:D11. Many experts estimate that global economy is facing a wave in unemployment.A. the; 不填 B. 不填; the C. the; an D. a; the参考答案:A略12. The boy_ be really annoying at times, but after a while, youll get used to himA. mu

7、st B. should Cshall D. can参考答案:D13. Fans from miles around crowded into the stadium for the concert of Jay Chou on September 4th, 2012, _ are popular with teenagers. A. many of whose songs B. and many of whose songs C. many of which songs D. many of his songs 参考答案:A略14. We would appreciate it if you

8、 could stay for lunch. Sorry, I . I have another appointment. A. wont B. shant C. cant D. mustnt参考答案:C略15. We found some precious jars and vases in an ancient tomb, you know, are valuable. Aeven the pieces of which Bwhich even pieces Ceven the pieces of it Dwhose even the pieces参考答案:A16. Why does he

9、 never pick up the waste paper on the ground? Maybe because he thinks its beneath his _ to do so.A. honesty B. dignity C. property D. liberty参考答案:B17. Could you lend me some money?Sorry, mine seems to have _.A. used up B. run out C. given up D. put out 参考答案:B18. It is said that the old pot _under th

10、e earth for about 1000 years by the time it was discovered. Ahad buried Bhad been buried Cburied Dwere buried参考答案:B略二、 书面表达19. 假设你是红星中学学生李华。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文周记,记录你参加冬奥会吉祥物征集活动的全过程。注意:词数不少于60。提示词:吉祥物 mascot官方公众号 official account_参考答案:Last week, I participated in a Winter Olympic Mascot Design Compe

11、tition, which turned out to be an extremely rewarding experience. On Monday morning, our school announced the event, requesting for innovative design proposals for the Beijing 2022 Olympic Mascot. It greatly sparked my interest and I made up my mind to have a try. Therefore, I devoted my spare time

12、after school to my design. Drawing my inspiration from the elements of winter, I decided to take the snowman as the basic figure of the mascot. With details added to refine my design, I carefully painted the final version down, looking forward to showing it to my classmates.After I unveiled my design enthusiastically to my classmates the next day, I was greeted with a big round of appreciative applause. A sense of achievement surged through me as my classmates all spoke highly of my design. They even encouraged me to submit it to the official accoun


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