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1、2020年天津育才中学高三英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. -Have you heard about Apple iPhone 4? -Sure. It is very hot these days. Im thinking about getting _.A. that B. it C. one D. the one参考答案:C略2. St. Louis has replaced Camden, New Jersey _ the most dangerous US city according to a study based on FBI crime data which was re

2、leased on Monday.A. for B. to C. as D. with参考答案:C3. _ much progress you can make in all your subjects in the future, you should keep modest. A. However B. Whatever C. What D. How参考答案:A略4. ANASAexperimentaljet,theX-43A,flewataworld-recordspeed-11,260kilometresanhouronNovember17.Thisspeedis_asthatofso

3、und. A.astentimesfastB.tentimessofast C.tentimesasfastD.tentimesfaster参考答案:C5. The boy was so tired that he fell asleep _ his mother could take off his clothes. A. before B. after C. while D. when参考答案:A6. Young people who have got jobs may realize university lessons cant be the only preparation for

4、all the situations _ appear in the working world. A. whereB. whenC. thatD. what参考答案:C7. According to some studies, EQ is _ important, if not more important than IQ. A. so B. very C. even D. as 参考答案:D略8. David decided not to work on the program in the office because she didnt want her boss to know wh

5、at she _. A. was doing B. is doing C. has done D. had done 参考答案:A 9. -Please _ us in the discussion. -Id like to,but Im _ busy at the moment. A. join in; much too B. join; far too C. take part in; rather too D. play a part in; too much参考答案:B略10. Susan didnt finish the job on time. Now Mr Brown reali

6、zes that he _ too much ofher then. A. is expecting B. expected C. expects D. would expect参考答案:B11. _ surprises me most is _ she doesnt even know where the difference between the two lies. A. What; that B. What; what C. That; what D. That; that 参考答案:A12. -Where have you been? - I _ stuck in the traff

7、ic. I _ here earlier. A. had got; would have been B. have got; would be C. got; had done D. got ; would have been参考答案:D13. Ladies and gentlemen,please fasten your seat belts,the plane_.A.takes off B.is taking off C.is going to take off D.is to take off参考答案:B略14. Viewers will have _ second chance to

8、see Saturdays concert on _ Channel 4 tonight.A. a; the B. the; the C. the; / D. a; /参考答案:A15. Only when the European countries financial system broke down_ to take measures to deal with those problems.A. did they decide B. they decided C. they had decided D. had they decided参考答案:A略16. Online learnin

9、g resources would cease to be effective or even have negative effects_ to use them wisely and flexibly.A. should the students failB. if the students failC. had the students failed D. if the students have failed参考答案:A17. No worker and no engineer who it is that is for the explosion of the chemical fa

10、ctory.Aknow ; to blame Bknows ; to blameCknow ; to be blamed Dwould know ; blamed参考答案:B18. A government official was murdered last Friday and the police are collecting information that is _to the case.Arelevant Bsimilar Cdevoted Daddicted参考答案:A二、 书面表达19. 基础写作 (共1小题,满分15分) 假设你是校英文周刊通讯员,最近该周刊准备介绍一些优秀的

11、志愿者。请你用英文为王清莲同学写一篇简介。【写作内容】 请根据以下中文提纲,介绍王清莲同学的基本情况: 姓名:王清莲 职务:中山大学学生会生活委员 特点:健康、活泼、严于律己,乐于助人 爱好:阅读、唱歌、跳舞 事迹:她各科成绩都优秀。自2009年参加中国青年志愿者协会以来,共为有需要的人群和社会机构提供义务服务500多小时。2011年被评为世界大学生运动会优秀志愿者。【写作要求】 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。【评分标准】 句子结构准确, 信息内容完整, 篇章结构连贯。 参考词汇:中国青年志愿者协会 Chinese Young Volunteers Association(CYVA); 生活委

12、员student in charge of general affairs; 世界大学生运动会 Universiade; 参考答案:One possible version: Wang Qinglian, the student in charge of general affairs of Student Union of Zhongshan University, is very strict with herself in her study and daily life, and is always ready to help others. She is healthy and lively and is fond of reading as well. Not only does she do well in all her subjects, she is also active and kind and has been working for those needed and social activities for over 500 hours voluntarily since 2009 when she j


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