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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Reading (课文阅读)一、根据首字母或中文提示,写出句中所缺单词。1. The door of the classroom is l_. We have to wait for our teacher outside.2. The wall is so l_. Simon can jump over easily.3. Eddie is so fat that he can go t_ the small door.4. There is a small h_ in your coat. Let me help you mend (补) it.5. My sis

2、ter is old enough to look after h_.6. Whose are these two new _ (手表)? Ours. They are presents from our parents.7. I didnt _ (注意) she was wearing her new dress.8. Sandy keeps a _ (家兔) in a wooden box.9. Do you think it dangerous to go swimming _(单独). 10. Tom ate the big cake by himself. It _ (使惊奇) me

3、 a lot. 二、翻译下列词组。1 坐在河边 _2 抬头看 _3 一只穿外套的白兔子_4 从旁边经过 _5 从口袋里拿出一块表 _6站起来_7. 跑过这块田地 _8. 跳下一个大洞 _9. 在另一边 _10. 通过这个门 _三、选用以上短语,并用其适当形式填空。1. There is a post office _ of the street.2. Alice _ after the white rabbit. After a long time she hit the ground.3. If you _ at the sky on a clear night, you can see l

4、ots of stars.4. Sandy likes _, watching fish swim around.5. Im afraid Yao Ming is so tall that he cant _.6. There is _ in the box. Its so lovely.7. Did you see a police car _ just now? 8. Tom _ and looked at the time.9. Dont _. You may damage (破坏庄稼) the crops.10. Jack _ and answered the question in

5、a loud voice.四、课文内容填空。 Alice had a strange trip when she went to Wonderland. She was 1 by a river with her 2 . Then she heard a 3 . She saw a white 4 in a coat looking at its 5 . How 6 ! She stood up and ran 7 the field after the rabbit. The rabbit jumped down a big 8 . Alice followed it. Then she c

6、ame to a long, low 9 . There were doors all around, but they were all 10 . Alice saw a small 11 on the table, but it didnt 12 any of the doors.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _ 11. _ 12. _ 五、将下列句子翻译成英语。1她抬起头看到一只小鸟从旁边飞过。_2别跳下这个大洞。危险!_3在河的另一边有一个大的购物中心。_4Sandy发现她独自一人在黑暗的房间里,很害怕。_5格林先生从

7、口袋里拿出一支钢笔记下了我的电话号码。_6我们不能让那个小偷逃走。_六、阅读理解Will the sky ever fall? The answer is no. But if it happens theres no need to be afraid!The American film Chicken Little (四眼天鸡) opened on November 4, 2010.Its story teaches us: not to worry too much in our life.One day Chicken Little is in the woods when an ac

8、orn (橡子) falls on his head! This makes him afraid. He thinks a piece of sky is falling! He cant wait to tell everyone about it. They run for their lives! When everyone learns the truth (真相), no one likes Chicken Little. They laugh at him. He gets a bad name in the town, Oakey Oaks. Its time for him

9、to change others minds.Chicken Little begins to play baseball. He is not bigger than a ball, but he plays very well! He helps his team win. Now they think hes great.Just then, a spaceship really does fall from the sky! The aliens (外星人) abroad have bad plans. Once again he must tell people about it!

10、Will he get help from his friends in the town? Can he show himself a different person? You have to watch the film to find it out!( )1. How did Chicken Little think the sky was falling?A. He was hit on the head by an acorn.B.A baseball hits him.C.A spaceship falls from the sky.D. He met an alien. ( )

11、2. Why do people give Chicken Little a bad name?A. Because he forces people to believe his words.B. Because people think he tells a lie.C. Because he wants the sky to fall.D. Because he brings the aliens to the earth. ( )3. The film Chicken Little tells us .A. never to worry about ourselvesB. never

12、to worry too much in our lifeC. never to be afraid of the aliensD. never to believe anything ( )4. Whats the best title for the passage?A. Is the sky really falling?B. Can you answer the question?C. Are you afraid of the sky falling?D. Have you seen the film? ( )5. What does the underlined word “it” in the passage mean?A. The sky will fall.B. He plays baseball well.C. The aliens will carry out bad plans.D. He will reach the o


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