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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Unit 5 Where are you going ? 第一课时教学设计1教学目标 (1)能听懂、会说、认读单词 (2)能认读并熟练运用句型“ Where are you going ? Im going to the . / Are you going to the ? Yes , I am . / No , Im not .”2学情分析 (1)学会用英语谈论自己打算去的地方。(2)培养学生的观察力、访谈能力,发展学生综合运用语言的能力。3重点难点 (1)学会用英语谈论自己打算去的地方。(2)培养学生的观察力、访谈能力,发展学生综合运用语言的能力。4教学过程 4.

2、1 第一学时 4.1.1新设计 4.1.2教学活动 活动1【讲授】whereareyougoing (一) Warm Up1、Greetings.T: Hello, boys and girls! How are you ?Ss: Im fine , thank you ! How are you , Miss Zhang?T: Im fine , too, thanks .2、Sing a songT: Are you happy today? Ss: Yes .T: Im very happy . Lets sing a song , OK ?Ss: OK !T: Good , boys

3、and girls, lets sing the songHead, shoulders, knees and toes ! Head, shoulders, knees and toesKnees and toesHead, shoulders, knees and toesKnees and toesOh, eyes and ears and mouth and noseHead, shoulders, knees and toesKnees and toes(一边唱一边做动作,重复两次)(二) Presentation (1)1、Learn the new word : shopping

4、 mall(1) Greeting .T: What day is it today ?Ss : Its Friday .T: The weekend is coming . Im going to go traveling . Do you like traveling ?(出示学生旅游的相片)Ss: Yes, we do .(2) 引出课题T: Very good .But where are you going ? Now, open your books and turn to Unit 5 .Look at the blackboard and read after me . (板书

5、)(3) 说明游戏规则:This class we will have a competition . which group can get more mark, which group can get the gift .(激发学生的兴趣)(4) 变成一个导游贯穿整节课。T: OK. Boys and girls . Look, Im your guide now . Lets go traveling. (教师带上旅游帽子,拿着导游旗,让学生站起来,在原位走动,播放喇叭声音,为学生创造旅游的气氛。)(5) (看幻灯片的图画,学习shopping mall)T: lets go to th

6、e Shopping mall first .Look , Whats she doing ?S: Shes shopping .T: Can you spell “shopping”? (然后板书) We can go shopping in the shopping mall.(贴图,板书) Read after me please . (带读,音标教学法,注意让学生看清口型,小火车读。)2、Learn the new word : swimming poolT: Lets go on our traveling .Look, Whats he doing ?Ss: Hes swimmin

7、g .T: Can you swim ?Ss: Yes, I can . / No , I cant .T: We can swim in the swimming pool .(贴图,板书) Read after me please . (带读,音标教学法,注意让学生看清口型,小火车读。)3、Learn the new word : beachT:We also can swim at the beach . (以图引出沙滩,单词教学方法和上面的一样。)4、 Read the words after the teacher again .5、 Pair work .( Practice th

8、e words with your partner )6、 Mouthing .T: Look at my mouth and guess the word .7、Game.(游戏规则:学生手里拿着一个玩具球,走上讲台,随便说出一个刚才所学的单词,然后把球抛向自己所说的单词,抛中了,就算赢了。抛输了,就要读出自己抛中的单词。)(三) Presentation(2)1、Learn the new word: hospital(1) 引出情景:让一个学生嘴里放着干净的探热针,装着病的样子,并伴着救护车的声。T: Where is he going ? Hes going to the hospit

9、al .Where are you going ? (老师走上去问这位学生)S:Im going to the hospital .(2) T: Read after me please . (贴图,板书,带读,音标教学法,注意让学生看清口型,小火车读等。)2、Learn the sentence pattern: Where are you going ? Im going to the _ .(1)T: Boys and girls , look at the blackboard and read after me .(教师板书句型后带读)(2) Read the sentence in

10、 groups .(3) Ask and answers with the new words .3、T: Now , lets do the pair work with your partners .(让学生以小组为单位进行口语交际,运用句子:Where are you going ? Im going to the )4、Learn the new word: park(1)T: Lets go on our trip . Look. Where are you going ? (出示老师自己在东湖的相片)Ss: Im going to the park .T: Yes. Its a p

11、ark . Its Park . (贴图,板书,带读,音标教学法,注意让学生看清口型,小火车读等。)(2) Practice the sentence with the word “park”(四) Consolidation1、Read the words after the teacher again .2、Play a Bingo game : The picture pass as quickly as it can , if the student can know the words ,say bingo and read the word .3、practice the sent

12、ence with the partner again .4、play a game .(一锤定天下)(1)游戏准备:用图片抽查句型练习后,叫一写学生上来举起图片。(2)游戏规则:让两位同学上来进行竞赛,当他们听到下面的同学练习句子时所提到的单词时,他们尽快用手上的玩具锤拍打一下图片,快的就算赢。(五) Summary1、 让学生懂得怎样运用语言,达到学以致用的效果。T: Today we learn the words and sentence .But do you know how to use them ? For example ,(举例:当你看到妈妈拿着篮子出去,你想知道她要去哪里

13、,你可以问:Where are you going ? 当你要去沙滩的时候,你可以告诉妈妈:Im going to the beach .)Understand ?Ss: Yes!2、小结在课堂上取得最高分的小组,并进行表扬。(六) HomeworkT: Lets do a survey, ask your classmates or your parents about the weekend plan .(七)Blackboard DesignWhere are you going ?Where are you going ?Im going to the _.约了人们在学习上面浪费的时间


15、至是一段,一句话,一幅图,你绝对会爱上它的。学习的难点在于坚持,而坚持不下去的原因就是找不到一个适合自己的学习方法,不能让自己在学习中得到鼓励。相信我,读了这本书你就对自己以后的学习方法会有一个明确的认识,让学习照亮你人生的旅途。多读书,读好书,才会开阔视野,充实大脑,增长见识,获得新知。把有限的时间用到去挖掘浩瀚书海总去吧!注重的是全面 发展,之前看过很多整理术,学习方法,等,包括断舍离,方格记事本,再到现在的高效学习,这是我在上学时没有接触过的,从来不知道可以这么学习,是到工作的时候想要在短时间内迅速入门和达到一种水平和状态,这时候才逐渐发现,上学时学的那一套跟本就是死读书。所以遇到高效学习这本书 立马就入手了,果然没有让我失望。本书从如何认识到不断学习提升自我的重要性开始,希望大家能活到老学到老,意识到学习的重要性,学习不光能在我们对职业上的突发状况做到临危不乱,还能让我们活的青春有活力。那么如何能持续不断的学习呢,作者告诉我们首先要建立起学习的兴趣,和要有自学的能力,并展开举例说明。这本书让人舒服的地方是,他先告诉读者们学习的重要性,让读者被说服,然后心甘情愿的读这本书,只有认同和想学的意愿产生时,人们接受事物的能力才会达到最高点,所以说这本书不是一本


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