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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上商务谈判模拟情景剧(含英语)商务谈判模拟情景剧(含英语) 谈判议题:买方向卖方求购手机 甲:卖方代表A公司 乙:买方代表B公司 角色介绍: 甲方:甲首4(甲方首席代表)、3甲副首(甲方副首席代表)、3甲项(甲方项目经理)、3甲财(甲方财务总监)、2甲法(甲方法律顾问) 乙方:乙首4(乙方首席代表)、1 乙副首(乙方副首席代表)、2乙项(乙方项目经理)、3乙财(乙方财务总监)、2乙法(乙方法律顾问) 经过人员介绍谈判开始 甲首:早上好,王总,很高兴见到你。 Good morning, Mr. Wang, glad to meet you. 乙首:好啊,孙总,真心的希望我

2、们合作愉快。 Good morning, Mr. Sun,we hope we can cooperate happily. 甲首:今天我们能坐在这里,说明我们双方都是很有诚意的合作的,所以我希望我们的这次合作能够愉快并且能够达到我们真正的双赢,相信贵公司来这里之前也对我们公司有了相当的了解,A集团是世界手机第一品牌。 Today we can gather here, which shows that we are eager to cooperate with each other, so I hope we can make a good cooperation happily and

3、can achieve the win-win. We believe that your company has fully understood our company-A Group is the first mobile phone brand. 甲副首:自2002年以来连续8年蝉联中国最有价值品牌榜首,相信这样的成绩贵公司也是看到的,不然也不会选中我们公司做为贵公司的供货商 Since 2002, the company has been the top of Chinas most valuable brands for eight years。We believe that yo

4、u can see the achievements, otherwise will not select us as your supplier. 乙首:是,我们也是看到贵公司有这样的成绩才会很有诚意的来寻求合作,而且我们也相信贵公司也了解我们公司销售,所以希望可以达到双方的长期合作 Yes,We also we are very sincere to seek cooperation as a result of the achievements of your company. Meanwhile, we also believe that your company know about

5、 our company s sales, so I hope we can achieve long-term cooperation。 甲法:既然我们双方都有这样的一个目标,那现在就我们合作中的一个项目A手机的价格进行一个详谈,现在请我们的项目总经理介绍一下详细的情况。 Since we both have a same goal, now lets have a full discussion about the price of A, one of our cooperation projects. Let our Project manager introduce the detai

6、led information. 甲项:您好,现在由我介绍一下我们这次合作的项目,我们合作的项目是关于A手机的销售,这个是我们这次合作项目详细介绍,贵公司要求按季度进货而且进货数目根据季度也有不同,最高期就是夏季的进货,而且数目巨大,所以我们给出了这样的一个项目合作方法,就是根据贵方的销售进行供货。 Hello, now let me introduce our cooperation projects, A phone sales. Here are the details: you are required to stock goods every season. However, the

7、 numbers of the goods are different as the season changes. The number of the goods sold in summer is the largest in all, so we made such A project cooperation plan according to your sales. 乙项:贵公司给出的供货条件我们也看了,从贵公司给出的项目合作方法上看出来,贵公司是给出了相当大的优惠,给我们一定程度上减少了库存量,对于贵公司给我们的这个优惠我们表示相当的感谢,只是可不可以在夏季销售上在增加一成。 we

8、also see your companys delivery conditions, from which we know that your company try to reduce inventory. We are grateful for the considerable discount that you have made. But, will you supply 10 percent more? 甲财:既然贵公司要求加货,我们当然表示感谢,不知道贵公司在其他方面有什么要求没有, We are glad to hear you want to have more; do yo

9、u have any more requirement in other aspect? 乙项:我们只是想在包装上让对方给我们一个优惠。 We just want to get a discount in the packaging. 甲财:包装没有问题,这个本来就是我们应该做的。 No problem, this is what we should do. 乙法:(接过责任书,相互传阅)这个按照法律没有问题,可以实施。 According to the law,it can be implemented 甲副首:很高兴你能接受我们的建议,那接下来我们就谈谈这次购货的价格,我们也看了贵公司的购

10、货清单,贵公司要求进货5000台,介于贵公司这么大的购货量我们也会相对的给你们一个合理的价格,这个是我们的报价单(递上报价单,乙方首席接过报价单) Im glad you accept our proposal, then we will talk about the purchase price, we also saw your list of purchases, 5,000 units are wanted. We will also offer a reasonable price according to the list, this is our quotation. 乙首:我们

11、看了贵公司的报价单,我觉得这其中还是会有相当大的空间,所以您看能不能在价格上在给我们一些优惠,尤其是在手机的价格上,这个是我们最大的购货量,所以希望贵公司在这两个上面可以给我们一个更合理的价格,您看怎么样, After seen your quotation, I think this one will still have considerable space. Can you give us more discounts on the price, especially on the price of the mobile phones? This is our largest purch

12、ase quantity; how about giving us more reasonable prices on these two? 甲副首:我们首先感谢贵公司这么大的订货量,但是你也看到了我们是很有诚意的,这个方面我们真的很难在做出更大的让步了 Firstly , thank your for give our company such a big quantity, but you can see our sincerity, its hard to make greater concessions on this aspect. 乙副首:您也知道我们这次要谈判的供应商不止只有您一

13、家,我们发现您的价格太比其他供应商所提供的高。这么高的价格我们无法真的无法接受,而且我们这次如果谈判成功了,贵公司以后将成为我方长期合作商 You also know that we the suppliers we will negotiate with are not only you . We find that your price is higher than other suppliers which we can not accept. And if we succeeded in negotiations, we will become our long-term partne

14、rs. 甲副首:你要知道,近年来生产成本上升,而我们的价格却基本不变。坦率地说,我们的商品总都是按照出口标准来设计包装的,所以我们的价格真的已经是很低了 You know, in recent years, as the production costs are rising, our prices is almost unchanged. Frankly speaking, our products are designed and packaged according to export standard, so our price is really low. 乙财:恐怕我不能同意你在这

15、方面的报价,我想指出的是,您提供的报价比其他的供货商要高些 Im afraid I cant agree with you on this aspect of quotation, I want to say is that you offer than other suppliers 甲首:既然这样就让我们讨论一下在回复好吗 So shall we have a discuss before replying? (讨论几分钟) 甲项:刚才我们和财务讨论了一下,您看这样,我们愿意在手机上面做出一个让步,以每台1899的价格卖给你们,这样做相信你也看出我们的诚意啦所以我们也希望您也能拿出您的诚意

16、来给我们看看 Just now we have discussed with the financial, we are willing to make a concession on mobile phones. How about 1899 each? Do you believe our sincerity? So we also hope you can show us! your sincerity 。 乙项:真的很高兴您能给我们这样的一个价格,我们也愿意接受这样的一个价格,为了表示我们的诚意,我们愿意接受贵公司的建议,相信这样您也看到我们的诚意了吧 Really glad you ca



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