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1、英语悼念信英语悼念信(范文12篇) 英语悼念信(一): 心爱的约翰:得知令尊逝世的新闻,我万分惆怅。 Dear Mr。 John,I am exceedingly sorry to hear that your father passed away。 今晨得悉此新闻,咱们几乎没有敢信任这是真的。 The painful news reached us this morning,and we were so shocked that we could not at first realize the fact。 请接管我最深切的吊慰。 This sad news has put me in fu

2、ll sympathy with you。 令尊是一位受人尊崇的人士跟慈爱可亲的父亲。 Your father was an honorable man and tender parent。 每个相识他的人都因他的逝世而可惜。 Everybody who has known him must feel a great loss caused by his death。 我清楚你此刻的心情,但你必需震中自我,妥当料理架势, I quite understand how you feel now,but you are in duty bound to look to your own healt

3、h and to take care of your family affairs。 望勿过于哀痛。 These would be impossible if you indulge your feeling in grief。 请接管我最深切跟最热诚的吊唁。 Please accept the deep and true sympathy which is all I can offer。 你热诚的,李明 Your sincerely, Li Ming 英语悼念信(二): Dear Mrs Strala, It was a profound shock and sorrow that I l

4、earned of the death of your husband and I know that these feelings are shared by all who know him and worked with him during his years with this firm。 Please accept the deepest sympathy of all your husbands former colleagues here, and of myself personally。 Yours sincerely, Luke 英语悼念信(三): Dear Mr。 Sm

5、ith, I have just learned of the sudden death of your mother。 I fell very grieved and hasten to express my deepest sympathy。 I can well appreciate what a great sadness this must be to you。 I wish there were something I could do or say to soften your grief。 I hope to convey my deepest sympathy to all

6、your family。由.QunZou.Com整顿 Yours sincerely, Mary 英语悼念信(四): 悼念信 (Letters of Condolence) 悼或人失怙母(On the Death of a Parent) April 1神仙道, 2神仙道22 Dear Margaret, Today I heard you had lost your father。 I know the suddenness of it must have been a dreadful shock; and I just cant tell you how sorry I am。 I wi

7、sh there were something I could do or say to soften your grief。 With the deepest sympathy to you and all your family。 Affectionately, Bob 英语悼念信(五): June 11, 2神仙道22 Dear Mr。 Forrest, Word of the recent death of your brother has just e to me, and I hasten to offer condolences。 I had the privilege of k

8、nowing your brother in years past, and I realize your great loss。 He was a fine and brilliant man, and he will not be forgotten by the many who admired and respected him。 Please convey my sympathy and my warm personal regards to all your family。 Cordially yours, Jack 译文 心爱的弗雷斯特先生: 惊悉你哥哥最近去世的新闻,特此悼念。

9、 多年前我有幸结识你哥哥,以是我清楚他的去世是你的宏大损掉。他是一位崇高的、超群绝伦的人。那些钦佩他、尊崇他的人是没有会忘怀他的。 请向你百口传达我的慰劳以及亲切的问候。 你真诚的 杰克 2神仙道22年6月11日 英语悼念信(六): Dear Miss Barbara, Please accept my deepest sympathy on the death of your mother。 I can well appreciate what a great loss this must be to you。 Sincerely yours, Paul 译文 心爱的巴巴拉蜜斯: 在你母亲逝

10、世之际,请懂得我的最深切的慰劳。 我非常懂得这件事对于你是如许大的损掉。 你热诚的 保罗 英语悼念信(七): Date: Dear: It was with a great sense of loss when weI heard of (insert name) death。 WeI wanted to let you know that you have ourmy greatest sympathy, and ourmy heart(s) areis truly saddened。 (insert name) was more than just a wonderful person;

11、heshe was always so kind and considerate to us that we always weled seeing himher at every opportunity。 And, we know that hisher passing will not only leave a void in our lives, but in the hearts of all those who knew himher。 (insert name) will always remain within our hearts, and we have included (

12、insert name) and you in our daily prayers。 May God give you strength。 If there is anything that we can do to help you in anyway, please do not hesitate to call us at anytime。 You can phone either of us at (insert area code and phone number) even if it is only to talk。 Our sincere thoughts and prayer

13、s are with you。 With our deepest sympathy, 英语悼念信(八): Dear Mr。 Thompson, I was extremely sorry to hear of the fire that destroyed your beautiful house。 I know well how much that house meant to you and I hasten to offer my sympathy。 With best wishes to you both。 Sincerely yours, Smith 译文 心爱的汤普森先生: 据说火

14、警毁了你摩登的室庐,我惆怅极了。我清楚你跟夫人是非常喜爱那座屋子的。特当即向你们表现慰劳。 向你们致以最真挚的同情。 你真挚的, 史女士 2神仙道XX年6月25日 英语悼念信(九): Dear Tom, I just cant tell you how sorry I was to learn of your accident。 Your family tells me that your are progressing nicely, and that youll be out of the hospital in about ten days, Im certainly relieved to know that! In the next day or so youll receive a little package from Margaret and me。 I hope you like it, and that it will help to pass the time more pleasantly。 With every good wish for yo


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