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1、 基于标准的高中英语听力策略训练课堂观察 沈伟刚 沈怡摘 要: 隨着高考改革与新的课程标准的出台,听力教学越来越受到重视,对于听力元认知策略和认知策略的研究越来越多。新的课程标准在理解性技能部分对听的能力有了具体的描述,听力策略是可以通过训练得到提高的,具有可观察性。本文研究团队基于新课程标准,从教学维度和学习维度设置了相应的课堂观察点。实践证明,有效的课堂观察对于听力教学会产生很大的反拨作用。关键词:教学实践;听力策略训练;课堂观察点;观察与反思引言随着时代的发展,课堂观察已成为教师日常工作的一个重要组成部分。课堂观察是对课堂内教师和学生的行为进行观察。教师进入课堂之后,要将课堂中连续性事件

2、拆解为一个个时间单元,将课堂中复杂性情境拆解为一个个空间单元,运用量表对一个个单元进行定格、扫描,搜集、描述与记录相关的课堂信息,再对观察结果进行反思、分析和推论。从教师所经历的课堂观察活动可以看出,课堂观察不是一个教师所能为的,或者说仅凭一个教师的力量是难以确保课堂观察的质量的,它需要教师间的合作,由既彼此分工又相互合作的团队来完成,促使合作共同体的每一位教师都能得到应有的发展。从语言学家的观点来看,英语听说能力是可以通过策略训练来提高的。O Malley和 Chamot (1990) 认为策略包括元认知策略、认知策略和情感策略三类。听力中的元认知策略指的是在总体上对听力理解活动有间接影响的


4、训练方案,在实践中不断修正,有效地提高学生听的能力。前不久,我们在上海市晋元高级中学观摩了高二(3)班一节题为“Math Anxiety” 的听力课。课前,研究团队的老师们研读了教师上课的教案,制定了本节课的观察量表。同时,我们还与上课教师进行了交谈,了解教师在教学设计中希望听课的老师们从哪些角度去观察她的课,或是说了解上课教师希望呈现给大家的观课角度。实践结果证明,这堂课的教学目标达成度较高,教师本人预设的被观察角度与研究团队制定的观察角度契合度非常高,教学获得了很大的成功。听力材料与教学设计说明【听力原文】Why Do People Get So Anxious about Math?Wh

5、en French mathematician Laurent Schwartz was in high school, he started to worry that he wasnt smart enough to solve math problems. Maybe you know a similar feeling. You sit down to take a math test, and you feel your heart beat faster and your palms start to sweat. You get butterflies in your stoma

6、ch, and you cant concentrate. This phenomenon is called math anxiety.Researchers think about 20% of the population suffers from it. Why would that be? Some psychologists think math anxiety decreases working memory. Thats the short-term memory system that helps you organize the information you need t

7、o complete a task. Worrying about being able to solve math problems, or not doing well on a test, eats up working memory. People can suddenly struggle with even basic math skills theyve otherwise mastered. Researchers suggest that the way children are exposed to math by their parents and teachers pl

8、ay a large part. If parents talk about math like something challenging and unfamiliar, children can internalize that. Teachers with math anxiety are also likely to spread it to their students.And in some cultures, being good at math is a sign of being smart in general. When the stakes are that high,

9、 its not surprising that students are anxious. Even Maryam Mirzakhani, an influential mathematician who was the first woman to win the Fields Medal, felt unconfident and lost interest in mathematics because her math teacher in middle school didnt think she was talented.So if you experience mathemati

10、cal anxiety, what can you do?If you have the chance, physical activity, like a brisk walk, deepens breathing and helps relieve muscle tension, preventing anxiety from building.Writing down your worries can also help. This strategy may give you a c chance to reevaluate a stressful experience, freeing

11、 up working memory.You can also change your mindset. Thinking of yourself as someone who can grow and improve can actually help you grow and improve.If youre a teacher or parent of young children, try being playful with math and focusing on the creative aspects. That can build the numerical skills t

12、hat help students approach math with confidence later on. Importantly, you should give children the time and space to work through their answers.Also, dont let anyone spread the myth that boys are innately better than girls at math. That is completely false.If you experience math anxiety, and if you

13、 take a look around yourself, youll see someone experiencing the same thing as you. Just remember that the anxiety is not a reflection of your ability, but it is something you can conquer with time and awareness.【設计依据】基于语篇的听说教学以有意义的“听”作为语言输入来源,通过多模式的综合听力理解活动过程,通过文本标记、认知图式、上下文等帮助学生掌握“听”的本质。在听懂文本的基础上,

14、学生能迁移输出内容(memorization and transfer),并能运用思辩(critical thinking strategies)审视和反思语料表达的逻辑思维。【教材分析】本听力材料来自于Ted Education上面的一段视频,内容贴近学生生活,生动有趣。文本结构清晰,短小精悍。从结构来看,本材料为典型的“backgroundproblemsolutionconclusion”模式的讲座内容,以what it is, why it happens, how to deal with it和make a conclusion作为线索逐步展开,结构清晰明了。从内容来看,本材料从个

15、人、家长、老师、文化、环境等因素入手,清晰地阐述了math anxiety产生的原因以及导致的后果。同样,演讲者也针对math anxiety给出了建设性的策略。从语言来看,math anxiety从问题的提出、问题产生的原因、问题的解决策略、评价等四个角度使用了一定的词汇链,旨在凸显作者的态度与意图。在描写math anxiety产生的原因时,使用了decrease, struggle, challenging and unfamiliar, internalize, spread, a sign of being smart, feel unconfident and lost inter

16、est等词汇;在描述解决策略时,用了a brisk talk, prevent from building, free up, help grow and improve, approach with confidence, complete false等词汇;在描述综合评价时,使用了not a reflection of ability, conquer with time and awareness等词汇。【学情分析】高二(3)班学生已经积累了一定的词汇和语法知识,也具有一定的英语口头交流能力,但高阶逻辑思维与思辩能力还不够,缺乏对语料转换、推理、归纳、赏析的能力,学习风格偏“场依存型”。本课旨在让学生通过听取信息获取语篇模式,了解说明一个问题的方法,启发思辩思维,表达自己的观点,对听力素材的叙事者的叙事方式、意图等做出适当的评价。【设计思路】第一,听前预测,加深学生对语篇话题背景知识的了解。教师采


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