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1、新概念英语第二册第12课:Goodbye and good luckLesson 12 Goodbye and good luck再见,一路顺风 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Where is Captain Alison going and how? Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow. 我们的邻居查尔斯.艾利森船长明天就要从朴次茅斯启航了 We will meet him at the harbo

2、ur early in the morning. He will be in his small boat, Topsail. 明天一大早我们将在码头为他送行。他将乘坐他的涛波赛 号小艇 Topsail is a famous little boat. It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. “涛波赛”号是艘有名的 小艇,他已经多次横渡大西洋 Captain Alison will set out at eight oclock so we shall have plenty of time. 艾利森船长将于8点钟启航,因此我们有充裕的时间

3、We shall see his boat and then we shall say goodbye to him. He will be away for two months. 我们将参观他的船,然后和他告别。他要离开两个月 We are very proud of him. He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic. 我们真为他感到自豪, 他将参加一次重大的横渡大西洋的比赛 New words and expressions 生词和短语 luck n. 运气,幸运 captain n. 船长 sail v. 航

4、行 harbour n. 港口 proud adj. 自豪的 important adj. 重要的 Notes on the text课文注释 1 Captain Charles Alison。查尔斯艾利森船长。 2 the Atlantic 大西洋,全称为the Atlantic Ocean。 Lesson 12 自学导读First things first 课文详注 Further notes on the text 1Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow. 我们的邻居查尔斯艾利森

5、船长明天就要从朴次茅斯启航了。 (1)这个句子以及本课的大部分句子用的是一般将来时(cf. 本课语法) (2)句子的主语部分our neighbour 和Captain Charles Alison为同位语。(cf. 第4课语法)下文 He will be in his small boat,Topsail 中的Topsail 也为同位语。 2Well meet him at the harbour early in the morning. 明天一大早我们将在码头为他送行。 在表示时间的短语 in the morning, in the afternoon等前面可以再加上early, lat

6、e等副词,以便更确切地表示时间: Tony will arrive late in the afternoon. 托尼下午晚些时候才能抵达。 3Topsail is a famous little boat.“涛波赛”号是艘有名的小艇。 little除了表示形体上小的意义之外,还含有“可爱”的意思,是个带有感情色彩的词。如little Tom(小汤姆)就有一种亲昵的味道。 4It has sailed across the Atlantic many times它已经多次横渡大西洋。 across 是对某个细长物“横切”、“横断”、“横渡”等,尤指河流、马路等等。 5Captain Aliso

7、n will set out at eight oclock艾利森船长将于8点钟启航 set out在这里的意思是“出发”、“动身”,是固定短语。 6Well see his boat and then well say goodbye to him. 我们将参观他的船,然后和他告别。 表示告别通常用 say goodbye (to sb.): I have come to say goodbye (to you). 我是来(向你)告辞的。 7We are very proud of him. 我们真为他感到自豪。 be proud of (sb.) 是个常用搭配,表示“为(某人)感到自豪”:

8、 Mr. Baker is proud of his son. 贝克先生为他的儿子感到自豪。 8He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic. 他将参加一次重大的横渡大西洋的比赛。 take part (in) 是固定短语,表示“参加”、“参与(某项活动)”: We all took part in the competition. 我们都参加了这次竞赛。 语法 Grammar in use 一般将来时 (The simple future tense) 一般将来时由will(第1人称时可用shall)加动词原形构成,可用

9、来预言将来发生的事,如说出我们设想会发生的事或者请对方预言将要发生什么事。will可用于所有人称。当You and I为主语时,通常避免用shall: You and I will work in the same office. 你和我将在同一个办公室工作。 will在书面语和流利的口语中,在元音之后可以缩略为-ll,如Ill, well, youll等: Well be back at 5 oclock. 我们5点钟回来。 -ll在下列场合也可用于辅音之后: 人名之后: Tomll be here soon. 汤姆马上就来这儿。 疑问词之后: Whenll Mary be back? 玛丽

10、什么时候回来? 普通名词之后: The concertll start in a minute. 音乐会一会儿就要开始了。 That filmll be on next Sunday. 那部影片下星期天上映。 在否定式中,will not可以缩略为-ll not或 wont; shall not缩略为shant(在美国英语中很少用shant, 用shall表示将来也不常用): I/ we wont/ shant go. 我我们不会去。 Wont you have some cake? 你不吃点蛋糕吗? 词汇学习 Word study 1sail (1)vi.(船)航行,扬帆行驶: Topsai

11、l has sailed across the Atlantic many times.“涛波赛”已多次横渡大西洋。 The ship is sailing for New York. 这艘船正驶向纽约。 (2)vi.(人)乘船航行: Captain Alison will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow. 艾利森船长明天将从朴次茅斯启航。 I want to sail around the world. 我想乘船周游世界。 (3)n. 帆,篷: This boat has white sails. 这条小船的帆是白色的。 2be+ 副词构成表语 动词be如与不同的

12、副词连用则意义不同(主要由副词的意义决定): He will be away for two months. 他将离开两个月。(away表示“离开”、“不在”) Can you be back before six oclock? 你6点钟以前能回来吗? You cant see Tom now. He isnt in. 你现在见不到汤姆。他不在。 Come tomorrow. Ill be out today. 明天来吧。我今天要出去。 Everything is over between them. 他们之间一切都已结束了。 3set+ 副词构成的短语动词 (1)set out, 出发,动

13、身: Whenll you set out for London? 你什么时候(出发)去伦敦? He set out early this morning. 他今天一大早就出发了。 (2)set off,出发,启程: Ill set off for home the day after tomorrow. 我后天动身回家。 (3)set up, 创立,建立;创(纪录): Mr. Jackson has set up a school in the village. 杰克逊先生在这座村子里开办了一所学校。 Has Tom set up a new world record? 汤姆创造了一项新的世界纪录了吗? Lesson 12 课后练习和答案Exercises and Answer



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