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1、教学设计课程基本信息课例编号学科英语年级四年级学期第一学期课题Revision 3 Lesson 2 Todd Parr and His Books教学人员姓名单位授课教师指导教师教学目标教学目标:1.能够在老师的引导下,了解Todd Parr绘本作品的特点。2.能够认识到,可以从绘画风格、话题范围,表达的主题、语言特点等方面来赏读绘本。教学重点:在老师的引导下,感悟Todd Parr绘本作品的特点。教学难点:提炼并分析Todd Parr绘本作品的特点。教学过程时间教学环节主要师生活动2分钟导入1. 话题谈论,激活已知。T: What other picture books have you

2、read/ do you know?学生简要谈论、分享自己读过或知道的绘本及相关作家,如: 教师总结:Anthony Browne, David Shannon, Eric Carle are all famous authors of picture books. 2. 聚焦Todd,导入新课。T: Books from different authors have different features. Lets talk about Todd Parr first. 教授feature一词。6分钟分析Todd Parr的插图特点1. 观察Todd Parr绘本中的插图T: Todd Pa

3、rr draws pictures for his picture books. The pictures in a picture book are called illustrations. He is the illustrator. 教授单词illustration和illustrator。播放自制视频,直观感受Todd所绘插画的特点。 2. 谈论并梳理:What are the features of Todds illustrations?(1) 学生分组讨论,互相启发与分享(2) 全班讨论,梳理特点。3. 观察图片,验证、体会特点。(1) bright coloursT: Loo

4、k at these 2 pages. The background is yellow and purple. They are bright colors. The clothes, the quilt and the cat have bright colours, too. Even the mans face and the womans hair have bright colours. (2) a childlike style请学生对比Anthony Browne和Todd Parr的作品特点,感受Todd绘画风格。 T: Todd draws like a very litt

5、le kid. He draws with simple lines.(3) heavy black linesT: Todd uses heavy black lines to draw the outlines of the pictures.4. 小结Todd Parr的插图绘画风格。 5. 小游戏:找出哪幅插图是Todd Parr的作品。 4分钟分析Todd Parr绘本的话题范围。1. 回顾阅读小策略:读标题有助于快速了解一本书的topic。2.师生讨论:Todd Parr作品的话题范围。(1) 读一读Todd Parr部分作品的封面标题。教师使用ppt逐一出示Todd的绘本封面,请

6、学生齐读封面标题。涉及作品:The I Love You Book,Love the world,I Love The Earth,The Family Book,The Grandpa Book,The Grandma Book,The Daddy Book,The Mommy Book,I Am a Proud Brother,The Sister Book,My Really Cool Baby Book,The Feelings Book,Reading Makes You Feel Good,The Dont Worry Book,The Thankful Book,The I Am

7、 not Scared Book,The Feel Good Book,Things That Make You Feel Good,Things That Make You Feel Bad,The Okay Book,Its Okay to Make Mistakes,Its Okay to Be Different,Be Who You Are,I Like Being Me.(2) 师生讨论,尝试按照话题将作品分组。 (3) 小练习:学生读The I Love You Book,想想该书属于哪一组别。The I Love You Book绘本内容:I love you when you

8、 are silly. I love you when you are sad. I love you when you are scared. I love you when you are brave. I love you when you sleep. I love you when you dont sleep. I love you when we dance. I love you when we stroll. I love you when you are sick. I love you when you feel better. I love you when you g

9、ive me kisses. I love you when you need hugs. I love you when you share. I love you when you are shy. I love you when you hide my keys. I love you when you find new friends. We all need to be loved. There is enough love for everyone to share. Remember to always love yourself! Love, Todd.4分钟Todd Parr

10、作品中表达的主题。1. 读一读Todd 作品的主题页。教师分别出示已经读过的The Cars and Trucks Book和The I Love You Book的最后一页(实物书本),跟学生一起读一读该页的内容。T: What does Todd want to tell us in this page? Whats his idea? We can find it on this page. Lets read together.The Cars and Trucks Book主题页 The I Love You Book主题页 2. 谈论并思考Todd Parr主题页的特点T: Why

11、 does Todd write these pages in his books?T: Todd Parr often shares his ideas directly at the end of his books. So boys and girls, when you read Todds books, dont forget these pages. We should read them carefully.3分钟Todd Parr作品中句子的特点1. 品读文字,感悟特点 请学生读一读绘本Its OK to be different部分内容。请学生想一想书中句子有什么特点。总结并

12、教授:Todd uses repeated sentence pattern.2. 再读绘本,验证特点。请学生读一读The I Love You Book部分内容,找找书中repeated sentence pattern,验证特点。1分钟小结与作业读一读The I Am not Scared Book,从绘画风格、话题范围、表达的主题和语言特点4个方面感受Todd Parr作品的风格和特点。 课后练习课程基本信息课例编号学科英语年级四年级学期第一学期课题Revision 3 Lesson 2 Todd Parr and His Books学生信息姓名学校班级学号课后练习读一读,想一想读Tod

13、d Parr的绘本The Im Not Scared Book(见资料包课后推荐文件夹), 想一想书中的插图、语言有什么特点,这本书的话题和表达的主题是什么。学习任务单课程基本信息课例编号学科英语年级四年级学期第一学期课题Revision 3 Lesson 2 Todd Parr and His Books学生信息姓名学校班级学号学习目标1.能够在老师的引导下,了解Todd Parr绘本作品的特点。2.能够认识到,可以从绘画风格、话题范围,表达的主题、语言特点等方面来赏读绘本。课前学习任务读一读The I Love You Book. (见第一课时课后推荐资源)思考Todd Parr的绘本有哪

14、些特点?课上学习任务【学习任务一】同伴谈论,激活已知。Questions: Do you like picture books? What other picture books have you read / do you know? 【学习任务二】观察Todd绘本中的插画,思考其绘画有什么特点?【学习任务三】对比作品,体会Todd 插画特点。 【学习任务四】阅读Todd作品封面标题,尝试根据话题将作品进行分类。相关作品标题:The I Love You Book,Love the world,I Love The Earth,The Family Book,The Grandpa Book

15、,The Grandma Book,The Daddy Book,The Mommy Book,I Am a Proud Brother,The Sister Book,My Really Cool Baby Book,The Feelings Book,Reading Makes You Feel Good,The Dont Worry Book,The Thankful Book,The I Am not Scared Book,The Feel Good Book,Things That Make You Feel Good,Things That Make You Feel Bad,The Okay Book,Its Okay to Make Mistakes,Its Okay to Be Different,Be Who


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