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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上闽教版小学英语五年级下册目录l Unit 1 Winter VacationPart A.2Part B.5Unit 1检测卷.8l Unit 2 A Visit to the ZooPart A.10Part B.13Unit 2检测卷.16l Unit 3 Easter EggsPart A.18Part B.21Unit 3检测卷.24l Unit 4 A Spring OutingPart A.26Part B.29Unit 4检测卷.31l Unit 5 Sports DayPart A.33Part B.36Unit 5检测卷.38l Unit 6 Fee

2、lingsPart A.40Part B.42Unit 6检测卷.44l Unit 7 Tall BuildingsPart A.46Part B.49Unit 7检测卷.52l Unit 8 Dates of the MonthPart A.54Part B.57Unit 8检测卷.60l 参考答案.62Unit 1 Winter VacationPart A学校 班级 学生 一、基础训练判断下列单词划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“”。( ) grape name cake( ) fan bag hand( ) grass class about把下列词组与相应的图片连线。

3、the Science Museumthe City Library the Great Wall Big Ben watch a film do my homeworkplay the violinplay chess写出中文意思。skate ( ) math ( ) glasses( ) China ( )visit ( ) wonderful ( ) play football ( ) watch TV ( ) winter vacation ( ) in the park ( ) 二、课时达标写出下列动词的原形,并在括号里写出中文意思。 was_ ( ) went_ ( ) were_

4、 ( ) danced_ ( ) visited_( ) played_ ( )根据句意,选词填空。watchedwatch (1) A: How was your winter vacation? B: I _ TV.(2) A: What will you do? B: I will _ TV.(3) A: What do you often do on Sunday? B: I often go to _ films.三、能力提升根据图意,从方框中选择正确的词或词组,并将其序号填在横线上。A. was B. went to C. rainy D. Big Ben(1) A: How wa

5、s your winter vacation? B: I _ the UK. I visited _. A: How _ the weather there? B: It was _. It was cold.A. went B. sunny C. your summer vacation D. the weather A: How was _? B: I went to Hainan. I _ swimming. A: How was _ there? B: It was _. It was hot.Part B学校 班级 学生 一、基础训练把下列词或词组与相应的图片连线。 grandpa

6、and grandma parents boys and girls brother and sister live in China go boatingride a bikeby bus抄一抄,比一比,并在括号里写出中文意思。homework ( ) four ( ) take ( )hometown ( ) tour ( ) lake ( ) 读一读,根据对话内容圈出相应的图片。 A: How was your winter vacation? A: How was your winter vacation?B: Wonderful. I went to Australia. B: I

7、played chess with my dad. A: How was the weather yesterday? A: Did you visit Sun Moon Lake? B: It was hot. B: Yes, I did.按要求,完成下列表格。 动词原形过去式动词原形过去式isplayedgowatchtookvisiteddowere二、课时达标从方框中选择合适的单词,将其序号填在括号里,并在右边的横线上写出该句的中文意思。A. go B. goes C. went A. playing B. played C. plays D. play( ) In winter vacation he _ to the UK. ( ) In summer vacation he will _ to the


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