第二次月考英语总结 牛津译林版八年级英语上册

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《第二次月考英语总结 牛津译林版八年级英语上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第二次月考英语总结 牛津译林版八年级英语上册(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、八年级第二次月考总结1. 否则: otherwise 另外 moreover=besides / furthermore 另外 whats more 2. have /take pity on (中间不能+ a )同情不可数 It is a pity to do sth.遗憾的 可数的3. as a result 因此= therefore4. otherwise= or / ifnot不同之处: 第一排要 ,Otherwise, however, as a result, Or but so5. take action (不可数) to do sth.6. make a living 谋生7

2、. die died(过去式) dead (形容词) death (名词) 用于 the death of dying 奄奄一息8. die of (内因 +疾病, 年老,饥饿) Die from (外因+ 地震,车祸)9.at the beginning of in the beginning10. be born = at birth11. may? 回答: of course, certainly12. catch up with sb. 追上某人13.human 前不加冠词, 单数 时“ 人” 复数时 “ 人类”14. in fact 事实上 = actually15.north -

3、in the northern part of north-eastern (在末尾+ern )In north- east (不加the )16. in 范围内 on 相邻 to 相隔一段距离,隔海相望17. while sb. doing sth.18. have/ make space for 空间,地方 不可数 Have / make room for 19. 百分数 + of + 名词 后面的谓语动词有 前面的名词决定 20.call sb. on+号码 e-mail sb. at +地址21. in the way 挡路 in this way 用这种方法 In some ways

4、 在.某些方面 by the way 顺路问一下22. tell sb. not to do sth.23.clearly 副词24.对体重提问: How much do you weigh? How heavy are you?25. how many/ much? None 答 any? None 答Whats ? Nothing 答.anything ? nothing 答None of 26.what to do = how to do it.27.the number of + 复数 + 谓语动词单数数量有大小 28. had better do sth. Had better not do sth.


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