中考英语二轮语法突破名词 练习

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1、名词.单项填空1 Zhang Guimei started the first free senior high school for girls to help them get an _ in Lijiang, Yunnan.AeducationBinvitationCinformationDimagination2 At Thanksgiving, Americans often eat _.AdumplingsBmooncakes CturkeysDhamburgers3 If you want to be a doctor like Zhong Nanshan, hard work

2、is the key to _AtreasureBbeautyCsuccessDhealth4Whats your favorite sport?I like _AmathBspringCtennisDmilk5 Yuan Longping and his team have solved the problem of _ for many people.AhungerBhealthCpollutionDpopulation6Mary, what about going to the _?Sounds great! Reading books can make us happier.Acine

3、maBlibraryCmuseumDconcert7Susan, would you like something to eat?Yes, _ please.Asome milkBsome teaCsome coffeeDsome bread8Whats your mother?She is a _ in a company.AnurseBfarmerCdoctorDmanager9 An electronic _ is a smart guide. It can lead us to the place we want to go to.AeyeBmapCbookDdictionary10W

4、hats your _ about the result of our schools basketball match?Im sure my class will be the winner.ApreparationBpredictionCinformationDintroduction11 The _ of the Sanxingdui Ruins site(三星堆遗址) shocked the world.AdiscoveryBdevelopmentCdisbeliefDdifference12Ken, are you playing computer games again?No. I

5、m reading a _.AbookBchessCrulerDball13 The TV series The Awakening Age(觉醒年代) drew a lot of attention and _ with a high score of 9.2 on the Internet.ApowerBwisdomCpraiseDwealth14How is Mr. Clarks small company?Quite good. It has grown to a _ in the international trade.AruleBdutyCpowerDsign15Im sad to

6、 hear that Yuan Longping passed away. So am I. We lost a hero. His _ on hybrid(杂交) rice helped Chinese people solve the problem of eating. AsurveysBreportsCresearchesDachievements16 Eric wants to add more _ to the dish. He prefers sweet food.AwaterBsaltCsugarDoil17 Its a pity that Ive missed such a

7、good _ of practicing my spoken English.AchanceBreasonCinterestDdecision18Many mothers smiled from ear to ear when they got the news that children could go back to school. Thats true. It is the _ that they had been looking forward to.AdayBperiodCvacationDfestival19 When fall comes, the _ will turn ye

8、llow, and fall from the tree.AmountainsBleavesCbirdsDplants20 Yuan Longping was a worldfamous scientist. Because of his achievements, rice _ has been increased greatly.ApopulationBcontributionCproductionDintroduction21 I love collecting _ because they can teach me things about history.AscarvesBstone

9、sCleavesDstamps22I think _is very important in life.I agree. A good friend can help to bring out the best in us.AbeautyBfameCwealthDfriendship.单词拼写根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。1 The businessman wanted his son to realize the v_(价值) of hard work.2 Neil Armstrong said that one small s_(一步) for a man

10、, one giant leap for mankind.3 Who are the o_(主人) of the cars?4 In front of my village is a clear r_(河). I used to go fishing with my grandpa there. 5 There will be two p_(钢琴) in our schools concert hall.6 Many famous w_(作品) will be on show here in a week.7 Mary lives in a big house with a g_(花园)8 A

11、ll the p_(学生) in that primary school like sports.9 Nowadays, people care more about the food s_(安全)10 S_(星期日) is the day of the week after Saturday and before Monday. 11 People show thanks to n_(护士) because they take good care of patients.12 After repairing his sons bike, he stood up and felt a shar

12、p p_(痛苦) in his knee.13 The m_(电影) Hi, Mom is so moving.14 Western people eat with k_(刀) and forks while Chinese people use chopsticks.15 Jumping the rope is a kind of fullbody exercise and it is great for the b_(大脑)参考答案.15 ACCCA610 BDDBB1115 AACCD1620 CAABC2122 DD.1.value2.step3.owners4.river5pianos6.works7.garden8.pupils9safety10.Sunday11.nurses12.pain13movie14.knives15.brain


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