Unit 11Sad movies make me cry. Section B 1 (1a-1e) 教学设计人教版九年级英语全册

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Unit 11Sad movies make me cry. Section B 1 (1a-1e) 教学设计人教版九年级英语全册_第1页
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1、课题Unit 11Sad movies make me cry. Section B 1 (1a-1e)课时安排Listening4总序第_教案主备人编写日期审核日期一)教学目标1. 核心单词、短语:remain unhappy forever, a shirt of a happy person, search for, return to the kingt;3. 核心句型: The general finds a happy person with power and money. The general realizes he is a happy person and gives h

2、is shirt to the king to wear.4. 核心语法:通过听力和合作学习,进一步掌握学习make的用法,并且学会续写故事。 二)德育目标:培养乐观积极向上的精神。教学准备PPT课件教 学 设 计批注Step 1. Leading in (导) Task 1. Free talk : Do you remember the story we learned before? Had the king found the happy man? Do you want to know the ending of the story? Can you guess the ending

3、 of the story? Step 2: Presentation (学) Task 1. Work on 1a. Look at the possible endings to the story about the unhappy king. Do you think any of these is the right one? If so, which one? Task 2.What are some other possible endings to the story? Discuss your ideas with your partner.Task 3. Work on 1

4、c.Listening. 2. Work on 1d. Listen again. Answer the questions.1) How long did it take the general to find the happy man?2) What was the poor man doing on the street?3) What made the poor man so happy even though he had no power, money or fame?4) Do you think the general will return to the king with

5、 the poor mans shirt? Why or why not?3. Listen for the third time and complete the conversation.The general searched and searched but couldnt find anyone. _ everyone had their own problems, and no one was _ happy. Two days passed. Just as he _ _, he saw a _ on the street. He was eating with his hand

6、s and _. The general went up to him.General: Hello! Im the _ top general.Man: Hi, General. What can I do for you today?General: I _ just now, and you _ very happy.Man: Thats because I am happy.General: But I dont understand. _ _ so happy? You have no _, _ or _.Man: I have everything I want, and I do

7、nt want _. So Im happy, and my song comes from the _ in my heart.General: Then I need to _ to the king. Is it there in your bag? How much do you _?Man: Shirt? What shirt? I _ any shirts!Step 3 Role play (板展& 口展)1. Do you agree with the poor mans thoughts about happiness? Discuss your ideas with your

8、 group. Then role-play the rest of the story.Step 5. Exercise(测)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.It still remains a_它仍然是个秘密。(后接名词)2._ _ did he stay here?他在这儿待了多久?About two hours.大约两小时。3._ _ will you fly to Tokyo?你多久以后要飞往东京?In a week.一周后。4._ _ do you take the piano lesson?你多久上一次钢琴课?Twice a week.一周两次。教学反思:执教人: 教学时间: 3


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