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1、2021届云南师范大学附属中学高三高考适应性月考卷英语试卷带参考答案和解析1、听力选择题What is the mans profession?A.An editor. B.A photographer. C.A host. 【答案】 C 【解析】 【原文】 M:Today,our programs guest is Nancy,who works as a photographer for a fashion magazineGlad to see you,Nancy! W:Glad to see you,Ethan!2、听力选择题What will the woman do next?A.

2、Go to the office. B.Leave the hallway. C.Interview the man. 【答案】 A 【解析】 【原文】 W:Excuse me,I am here for an interviewCould you please tell me how to get to the managers office? M:Turn left,then go straight to the end of the hallway3、听力选择题How many activities did the woman have yesterday?A.Two. B.Three.

3、 C.Four. 【答案】 B 【解析】 【原文】 M:Hey! Whats wrong with you? You look uncomfortable W:Yesterday I overexercisedI went hikingAfter that,I ran and jumped rope M:Oh,dont do thatIt will just do the opposite of what you wish4、听力选择题Hows the woman feeling at work?A.Exhausted. B.Excited. C.Relaxed. 【答案】 A 【解析】 【原

4、文】 M:Lisa, I just saw you in the coffee shop! W:Yes, I feel extremely tired. Ive dealt with the market plan for five hours. I cant even relax for one second M:Me, too. But tomorrow is the weekend. It makes me excited!5、听力选择题Where will the speakers meet at last?A.By the road. B.At the bus station. C.

5、In the mall. 【答案】 C 【解析】 【原文】 M:Where are you,Sarah? Ive been waiting for you by the road for 30 minutes W:Im almost there! The bus station is only one block away M:All rightBut I think its going to rainIll wait for you in the mall6、听力选择题听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【1】How do many people think about the womans

6、job? A.Its challenging. B.Its unsteady. C.Its fascinating. 【2】What was the womans response? A.She felt very glad. B.She gave in. C.She raised an objection. 【答案】 【1】B 【2】C 【解析】 【原文】 M:Many people believe that working as a model is an unstable jobIn other words,you wont make a lot of moneyWhat do you

7、say? W:I think its a kind of prejudiceIf you love your job,you dont care about the salary M:I agree with youPeople should pursue their dreams regardless of money W:Besides,I actually make a decent life by modeling7、听力选择题听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【1】Why is the woman disappointed? A.She failed the physics test

8、. B.She missed the physics test. C.She was blamed by her parents. 【2】What is the mans advice to the woman? A.She should give up physics. B.She should learn for her parents. C.She should ask the teacher for help. 【答案】 【1】A 【2】C 【解析】 【原文】 M:Whats up? Is anything troubling you? W:I just failed my physi

9、cs testIt means I am going to take the class again M:Dont be upsetYou already know your weaknessesIt means you know how to make efforts towards the right direction W:Well,but I need to pass the exam,otherwise I will be blamed by my parents and teachers M:Dont overthink itYou should learn for yoursel

10、f,not for your parents and teachersEffective learning methods are important as wellMaybe you should consult with your physics teacher W:I seeThank you8、听力选择题听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【1】What did the man want? A.To be treated. B.To borrow some cash. C.To read the newspaper. 【2】Where was the womans wallet? A.O

11、n the floor. B.In a computer store. C.At the checkout counter. 【3】Whats the man like? A.Boring. B.Calm. C.Funny. 【答案】 【1】B 【2】A 【3】B 【解析】 【原文】 M:Excuse me,I wonder if you have any extra cash? I dont have any on me for a snack W:Oh yes! I happen to have some cash Oh no! Where is my wallet? M:Calm dow

12、nWhen was the last time you saw it? W:I paid for a newspaper half an hour ago,and then I stayed on my seat writing my essay until nowIt might be where I sat M:Dont worryLets go to your seat and have a look W:Ah! This is my walletIt is on the floor! It might have fallen out when I worked on my comput

13、er M:Please be careful next time W:Thank you very muchYoure so warm-heartedI will buy you the snack in return M:Oh,you dont have to do thatIts not a big deal W:I insist!9、听力选择题听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【1】What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A.Husband and wife. B.Teacher and student. C.Sho

14、p owner and customer. 【2】What books did the man want to buy? A.Poems. B.Comics. C.Novels. 【3】What did the woman say about comics? A.They are better than novels. B.They dont enjoy great popularity now. C.They are so popular that there are many fans. 【4】Why did the woman set up a bar and movie library

15、? A.To earn more money. B.To beat other competitors. C.To offer fans a better environment. 【答案】 【1】C 【2】C 【3】B 【4】C 【解析】 【原文】 M:Excuse meWhere is your modern literature section? W:Modern literature? Im so sorry,but were a comic storeWe dont have any big books M:Oh,so you only have comics? Nothing else? W:Thats rightWere the only store here concentrating on comics M:Wow,thats so cool W:Youre rightAnd we offer more than comic booksWe have a bar and movie libr



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