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1、课题Module7 计划课时 3主备人梁丽华复备人教学内容分析本模块是在第五,第六模块的基础上进行教学的,本模块的主要任务是学习如何用英语询问同学和朋友的年龄,了解一些餐国人过生日时互赠礼物的风俗习惯,同时通过本模块学习,巩固已学内容,培养学生的交流能力。教学目标1、1.使学生学会用英语进行生日祝愿,表示感谢,如Happy birthday. Heres your present. 能用How old are you?询问和回答年龄,2、掌握本模块单词;23、培养学生的交流能力;34、培养学生谈论生日话题的兴趣。教学重难点使学生学会本模块的目标语言:Happy birthday. Heres

2、your present. A: How old are you? B: Im ten.2能在图片的帮助下识别本模块单词.教具学具准备cards 、tape教学设计思路(含教法设计学法设计)本模块主要采用 “任务型” 教学, 主要运用听说法,情景法,交流法进行教学.通过真实的情景创设, 如生日场景,调查同学的年龄,让学生学会用英语进行生日祝愿, 表示感谢,询问年龄。教学过程、教学内容及师生活动个人调整意见及补充内容Unit 1 happy Birthday!一、Warm-up1. GreetingT: Good morning, boys and girls!S: Good morning,

3、Ms Liang!T: How are you?S: Im fine, thank you. And how are you?T: Im fine, too. Thank you. 2. Sing the song “Ten little fingers.”3. Game: Take out a box with some pencils, pens and pictures in it. Ask three students to touch the objects. Then the teacher asks “Whats this?” They should answer “Its a/

4、an ”二、Presentation task1. Show some pictures which are covered some parts on CAI. Let the students watch and guess “Whats in each picture?”Then practice: T: Whats this? S1:Its a pen. T:Whats this? S2:Its a black cat. . 2. Show a picture of a birthday cake and ask “Whats this?” The students can answe

5、r in Chinese “蛋糕” ,Then the teacher repeats “ Its a cake. Its a birthday cake.” Write “birthday and cake” on the blackboard, teach the two words several times.三、Learn new knowledge. 1.Teacher asks “What should we say when somebody has a birthday?” Help the students say “Happy birthday!” Write the se

6、ntence on the blackboard and teach “happy”“Happy birthday!” 2.Tell the students when somebody says “Happy birthday to us, we should say thank you!” Write the sentence on the blackboard.3.Ask “What should we give when somebody has a birthday?” The students may answer in Chinese “礼物”,“Yes, present” Wr

7、ite “present” on the blackboard and teach it. Then say “We should give him/her a present, and say “Heres your presents.” Write this sentence on the blackboard. Say it again, students repeat several times.4. Game “Lost and found”Collect some objects from the students, put them on the teachers desk. A

8、sk two or three students to be a keeper, and return the objects to the owners “Heres your pen/pencil/book ” The owners should answer “Thank you!”四、Practice.1. Ask the students to practice the text in pairs. Then ask some pairs to act it out. 2. Have a birthday party for the twins.五、Finish the task.1

9、. AB Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4. 2. Learn the song “Happy birthday to you!”3. Game: Share the cake.六、Homework1. Make a birthday card. Write some prays in English.2. Review the new words there times.Unit2 How old are you?一、Warm-up1、Greeting2、ChantT: (Stand up) Lets chant, pen and pencil 3、Revision (有层次复习数字

10、,由浅入深)1)T:Now,take out your fingers. Lets count.(师生一起数数,从0到10,再从10到0)2)T: Next, lets look at the scream.T: Whats this? /How many boys?(1 boy , 3 girls, 5 pencils, 4 dogs, 8 books )(通过快速出现数字和以前学过的动物单词、文具单词,然后快速消失,让学生比比谁的记忆力好,来复习数字)3) 猜数字游戏教师通过多媒体呈现数字1 到10 中的任意一笔,让学生猜是哪个数字。如:画圈,学生可以猜成0, 6,8,9 (6和9的变化过

11、程通过旋转来渗透)如:画竖,学生可以猜成1,5,7,T:Do you know , whats this?4) 做算术教师通过多媒体呈现算术题,让学生直接报出得数即可。 如: 3+4= 10-2= 0+1=二、Presentation1、 Im教师戴Lingling 头饰,跟学生打招呼T: Hello, everyone!Ss: Hello, Lingling. T: Today is my birthday. Lets sing a song.(播放多媒体动画Happy birthday!,师生一起拍手跟唱一遍) T: Thank you! Now , look . This is my b

12、irthday cake.(这是我的生日蛋糕)I have birthday candles. How many candles? Lets count ,OK?(师生一起数蜡烛,复习数字) T: Seven candles. Yes, Im seven.(贴 “Im seven. 我七岁“)T: Together, Im seven. (跟读这个句子,齐读,男女生读)2、How old are youT: Look, Sam is coming. Do you know how old is Sam?(你知道Sam几岁了吗?你该怎么问他呢?)T: Let me tell you. How o

13、ld are you?(贴”How old are you? 你几岁了?”)T: Follow me ,how old are you?(通过和How are you的比较来认识)领读卡片领读组读开火车读T: Who can ask Sam? How old are you , Sam?S1: How old are you , Sam?T: Im nine(贴 “Im nine. 我六岁“)T: Together, Im nine. (跟读这个句子,齐读,男女生读)3、Work in pairT: Hello, *,how old are you?Ss: Hello, Im seven. H

14、ow old are you?T: Im eight.T: Clever. Now , lets talk in pairs.(同桌小朋友互相问).T: Which pair? Hands up!(抽几组进行对话操练,进行评价)4、Im six, tooT: Hello, how old are you?S1: Im nine.T: Who is nine, too? Stand up!T: So we can say: Im nine, too. (贴 “Im nine, too. 我也九岁了“)(教师让所有站着的同学跟读“Im nine, too “)三、Practice1、Listen and repeatT: Now , open your books and turn to P28. 请大家先仔细地看书,想一想我们的Daming, Lingling, Sam他们在干什么?S1:他们在谈论年龄。T: Right. Lets listen to the tape , then answer my question.(请大家带着问题来听录音,how old is Sam, how old is Daming?)T: How old is Sam?S1: Sam is nine.


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