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1、合理创设语言情境 全面提高课堂实效 以The ant and the grasshopper为例 孙红梅一、背景情境教学法是根据教材,创设以形象为主体、富有感情色彩的情景或氛围,激起学生的学习情绪,从而导致他们从整体上理解和运用语言的一种教学方法。它符合学生的年龄特点和心理特征,它遵循反映论的认知规律,能结合教学内容,充分利用形象,创设具体生动的场景,使抽象的语言形式变成生动具体的可视语言。它能让学生更多地接触感受英语(feel English)、说英语(speak English)、用英语进行思维(thinking English)以及用英语的方式来主导行为(believe in Engli


3、共同组建了一个“小课题”研究团队,在实践中探索更适合学生的英语教学方法。二、第一次实践与反思第一次上课,我设置了这样的教学目标:新授单词:grasshopper,collect和should;新授词组:plenty of,拓展性词组:right now;新授句型:should课堂实录:T: Read the paragraph and then answer me two questions (I like spring and summer. Its warm and rainy. The grass is green. The leaves are green too. I have pl

4、enty of food. I like sleeping in spring and summer. How fun!)T: First question, what season does the grasshopper like?Ss: It likes spring and summer.T: Second one, what does it like doing in spring and summer?Ss: It likes sleeping.T: Yes, the grasshopper likes sleeping in spring and summer. What doe

5、s it like to eat in the two seasons? Read it again,then tell me.S1: It likes grass.T: Yes, it likes grass. And the grass is green.S2: It likes leaves.T: Very good. It likes leaves. Are they green too?Ss: Yes.T: Oh, there are much green grass and green leaves in spring and summer. So, the grasshopper

6、 has plenty of food.(出示plenty)Read it. Sounds and tones. Phrases: plenty of pencils / toys / food (图片);plenty of time / waterSentences: Drink plenty of food. Do plenty of sports.T: Read the paragraph emotionally.Ss read it by themselves.T: Oh, the grasshopper likes spring and summer. Does it like au

7、tumn? Lets listen.( I like singing and dancing in autumn. Look at the leaves. They are red and yellow. I have plenty of food too.)T: Does it like autumn?S1: Yes, it likes autumn. T: Which sentences told you? Please read it.S1: I like singing and dancing in autumn. T: Clever boy. Any other sentences?

8、S2: I have plenty of food too. T: Yes, it has plenty of food in autumn. So, it likes autumn. 课后我们进行了深刻的研讨,发现了以下两个问题:第一:整个教学过程花费了近6分钟,但很明显该知识点的难度稍大,超出了学生学习的范围。在朗读的过程中大部分学生学习的信心明显不足,产生了畏难心理,只有个别小朋友能较轻松地朗读出来。学生的参与度明显不足。而且新的知识点太多,所教词组从发音到运用都有难度,是否可以换个更简单的词,使故事更完整。在大家的建议之下,我们决定用much来代替这个新授词组,减少一个教学知识点。第二

9、:故事的呈现方式单调、重复,无层次性。学生对于第一段文字的朗读很有感情,但到了第二段类似的文字,大部分学生呈现出一种与己无关的状态。学生的积极性大大降低。我们应该将故事分段复述,层层推进,发挥大部分学生的主体作用,调动所有学生的积极性,培养每一位学生讲故事的能力。三、第二次实践与反思第二次上课教学目标改成:新授单词:grasshopper,collect和should;拓展性词组:right now;新授句型:should课堂实录:T: Yeah! The grasshopper likes hopping. What else does it like doing? Please liste

10、n. After listening, please answer the two questions. (I like spring and summer. Its warm and rainy. The grass is green. The leaves are green too. I have much food. I like sleeping in spring and summer. How fun!)T: First, what season does the grasshopper like?Ss: It likes spring and summer.T: Super!

11、Second, what does it like doing in spring and summer?Ss: It likes sleeping.T: Yes, the grasshopper likes sleeping in spring and summer. What does it like to eat in the two seasons? Read it again then tell me.S1: It likes to eat grass.T: Yes, it likes grass and fat leaves. Can we see grass and leaves

12、 in spring and summer?Ss: Yes!T: So! The grasshopper has much food in spring and summer.T: Try to retell this paragraph, please. ( I like Its The grass is The leaves I have food. I like in How!)T: You did a very good job. Now we know the grasshopper likes spring and summer. Does it like autumn? Lets

13、 listen.(I like singing and dancing in autumn. Look at the leaves. They are red and yellow. I have much food too.)T: Does it like autumn?S1: Yes, it likes autumn. T: What does it like doing in autumn?S1: It likes singing and dancing in autumn. T: Clever boy. Look at him. How happy it is! Who can say

14、 this paragraph like this? Say it by yourselves! ( I like in autumn. Look at the leaves. They are I have muchtoo.)Ss show it.T: Now you are the grasshopper. ( Hello, Im a In spring and summer, I like In autumn, I I have much Im)Ss show.课后我们再次进行了深刻的研讨,第一节课所出现的两个问题得到了很好的解决。首先,因为much这个单词小朋友们是学过的,所以在朗读到

15、The leaves are green too. I have much food.和I have much food too.这几句话的时候,学生不会觉得很困难,而是能很熟练地、富有感情地朗读出来。那么老师在问相关问题的时候,同学们就能够快速反应,并准确地作答。其次,本节课注重了故事的分段复述,使得学生们在听故事的时候,就用心去理解;在朗读故事的时候,就用心去记。通过几个关键词的提醒能将故事复述出来,也刺激了他们的表现欲。使得所有的学生都置身于这个故事当中,感受故事主人公的性格和命运。这样的设计也使得整个故事情境的创设有了生机,不是为讲故事而讲故事。同学们的投入程度和参与度都有明显的提高。四、我的收获 通过这样实践-反思、研讨-再实践-再反思、再研讨-最后实践的研究过程,我更加理解了情境教学法的内涵。在使用情境教学法的时候,不仅要关注他的故事性,趣味性和实用性,更要通过创设合适的情景来提高全体学生的参与性。一、要了解全体学生的特点,选择适合大多数学生的教学内容。小学三年级第二学期的学生已经有两年半系统学习英语的经历,他们对于英语学习已经很熟悉。但他们的词汇量还远远不够,发音规则还掌握不多,对于


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