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1、2020-2021学年辽宁省抚顺市第五十五中学高三英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. If the weather had been better, we _ a picnic yesterday.A. must have hadB. would haveC. could have hadD. will have参考答案:C【详解】考查虚拟语气。句意:如果昨天的天气再好一点,我们本可以去野餐的。根据yesterday可知,本句表示与过去事实相反,主句部分要使用“情态动词+have done”表示对过去情况的虚拟,排除BD项,A项“must have done”通常表示对过去发生事情有把握的肯定

2、推测,不符语境。故C项正确。2. The United Kingdom _ Great Britain and Northern Ireland. A. makes up B. makes up of C. consists in D. consists of参考答案:D3. -He _ have known the truth.-Yes, I think so; otherwise he wouldnt be so angry now.A. would B. might C. can D. need参考答案:B4. The new local policy would force compa

3、nies to _ energy-saving measures Aadopt Badjust Cadapt Daccept参考答案:A略5. Conditions everywhere have been seriously worsened, _ the sharp rise in prices after war.A. with regard to B. as to C. in relation to D. owing to参考答案:D6. -Where did you see the sponsor, Madame?-It was in the supermarket _I was d

4、oing some shopping with my husband. A. that B. where C. which D. when 参考答案:B7. It is clear that _ little money the invention will bring him can hardly support so large _ company.A/; the Ba; theCa; / Dthe; a参考答案:D考查冠词。句意:很显然,这项发明带给他的不多的钱很难支撑如此庞大的一个公司。money后有定语从句修饰,故此处用the表示特指。第二空处是soadj.a可数名词结构。故答案选D

5、项。8. Many parents hope that their childrentheir friends face to face instead of lying on their beds texting each other.A.compete withB.live withC.quarrel withD.communicate with参考答案:C考查动词短语辨析。句意:许多父母希望他们的孩子可以和朋友们面对面交流,而不是躺在床上互发短信。communicate with与某人交流。9. -Whenever I come to visit, he is always watchi

6、ng TV. -Youre really observant. He cant help but _ some TV during meals or before bed.A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. watched参考答案:考点:固定结构。【答案】10. Id love to stay in the community I grew up, but ambition can drive me to the city to be “ the big companies are”.A. that; where B. where; that C. in w

7、hich; which D. where; where参考答案:D34. It had suddenly _ to me that I had left my umbrella in my classroom. A. imported B. existed C. occurred D. carved参考答案:C略12. The project is to educate teens on the rules of safe driving and the severe _ that can result if those rules are not followed Acontribution

8、 Boutcome Cconsequence Dpunishment参考答案:C13. Having retired from his business, he now _ himself with the welfare of the disabled.A. associates B. charges C. equips D. occupies参考答案:D略14. Six men were arrested overnight after being charged _ plotting an attack _ U.S. soldiers at an army base, U.S. medi

9、a reported on Monday.A. of; against B. with; against C. for; on D. in; upon参考答案:B略15. The topic of the Romany will continue to be_, and the peace between them and many Europeans is _ at best.A. consumption; confidential B. controversial ; confidential C. controversial; tentative D. consumption; abso

10、rption参考答案:C16. Last night Mr. Crook didnt come back at the usual time._ , he met some friends and stayed out until midnight.A. Meanwhile B. However C. Instead D. Yet参考答案:C17. Mom, do you still remember your _ that you will take me to Qingdao this summer vacation? Of course I do, but you must pass t

11、he entrance examination. A. advice B. idea C. hope D. promise参考答案:D略18. He told us he had done in the past. A. all that B. all which C. what all D. that all参考答案:A略19. The Frenchman pointed to the spoon and asked me _ to call that in Chinese.A. whether B. how C. which D. what参考答案:D二、 书面表达20. 进入高考复习紧张

12、阶段,为帮助中学生健康成长,学校英文报开辟了“HEART-TO-HEART”专栏。假设你是该栏目的编辑Mike,收到一封署名为Worried的求助信。信中该同学向你诉说了自己的困扰:近日由于压力很大,经常发脾气,使正常的学习和生活受到了影响。请用英文给该同学写一封回信。要点:1表示理解并给予安慰;2提出建议并说明理由:向朋友倾诉,加强户外运动,保持积极心态等。注意:1词数100左右; 2信的开头与结尾已为你拟好,不计入总词数。参考词汇:lose ones temper 发脾气Hi, Worried,Im sorry to know that youre having such a bad time at the moment. _Yours,Mike参考答案:Hi Worried: Im sorry to know that youre having such a bad time at the moment. The truth is everyone will have one of those periods when things seem to be wrong,


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