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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上短文改错(建议用时: 40分钟)此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行做出判断; 如无错误, 在该行右边横线上画一个勾(); 如有错误(每行只有一个错误), 则按下列情况改正: 此行多一个词: 把多余的词用斜线()划掉, 在该行右边横线上写出该词, 并也用斜线划掉。此行缺一个词: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。此行错一个词: 在错的词下画一横线, 在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意: 原行没有错的不要改。1(2013南宁模拟)An English lady was finally decided that she really

2、 should1. learn to drive. And after many attempts, she past her2. driving test and told her husband that, to release, he3. was going to drive him over to France for a holiday. But4. then a week after the trip, she suddenly announced that5. they wouldnt take the holiday. “How did you change your6. mi

3、nd? ”he asked her by surprise. “Well, it is all because7. of the business of driving on right. ”She said, “I have8. been practising for three weeks now, but I still couldnt9. get used to itin fact, Ive nearly killed three peoples. ”10. 2(2013柳州模拟)Dalian, a city by sea, is quite beautiful and the air

4、1. there is so good to breathe. It is easy to go here by2. train. Beside, you can take a bus or plane as well. 3. Together with my parents, I went to Dalian for a trip in4. last month. We visited many interesting place, having5. lots of fun. Dalian is such wonderful a city that even many6. foreigner

5、s go and work there. I met some foreigners7. there and talk with them. Most of them said they8. enjoyed our stay in Dalian. After staying there for ten days9. we returned home, tired and happy. 10. 3(2013桂林模拟)I usually do well on the exams, so my classmates often ask1. me what secrets they have. Her

6、e are some tips that I may tell2. them. First of all, prepare the exams. Give yourself at least3. a week or two to review that you have learnt in the past. 4. Second, take break while studying. Physical activity5. helps you relax, makes you think better and clear your6. mind. Third, tell yourself to

7、 keep calmly during the exams. 7. It helps you reduce pressure and gets you ready for exams. 8. Fourth, arrive at early for the exams so that you wont be9. in a hurry. This also gives you enough time to relax after an exam. 10. 4(2013桂林模拟)Henry Royce did not like his car, that ran badly and1. often

8、broke down. So he decided to make better car himself, 2. and in 1904 he produced his first new model. Charles Rolls, 3. a car maker, was very interesting in Royces car, and soon4. Rolls and Royce go into business together. One of their first5. model was the Silver Ghost. In 1907, a Silver Ghost brok

9、e6. the worlds record by drive 14, 371 miles without breaking7. down once. After the drive, it was cost just over2 to put8. the car back into perfect condition. This is not surprising that9. the Silver Ghost was regarded“the best car in the world”. 10. 答案解析11. 【解析】去掉was。句意: 一位英国女士最后决定要学会开车。根据句意可知此处应

10、用主动语态, 所以去掉was。2. 【解析】pastpassed。pass a test表示“通过测试”。此处描述的是过去的事情, 所以用passed。past是介词, 不能作谓语。3. 【解析】heshe。此处指这位英国女士想开车带她的丈夫去法国度假, 所以把he改为she。4. 。5. 【解析】afterbefore。根据下文可知, 此处指在旅行之前。6. 【解析】HowWhy。句意: 你为什么要改变主意? 根据句意可知用Why。7. 【解析】byin。in surprise是固定搭配, 表示“吃惊地”。8. 【解析】right前面加the。drive on the right表示“在右边

11、行驶”。方位词前通常要用定冠词。9. 【解析】couldntcant。此处是直接引语, 表示说话时的情况, 所以用一般现在时。10. 【解析】peoplespeople。people表示“人们”时, 是集体名词, 没有复数形式。21. 【解析】sea前面加the。by sea表示“乘船”, by the sea表示“在海边”。2. 【解析】herethere。根据上下文可知, 大连并不是作者所在的地方, 所以用there, 与上下文一致。3. 【解析】BesideBesides。beside在旁边; besides此外, 除去还有。句意: 此外, 你也可以乘公交车或飞机。4. 【解析】去掉in

12、。last month前面不加介词。5. 【解析】placeplaces。place是可数名词, 根据前面的many可知用复数形式。6. 【解析】suchso。so wonderful a city=such a wonderful city。7. 。8. 【解析】talktalked。此处talked为动词过去式, 和前面的met并列。9. 【解析】ourtheir。句意: 他们大多数人说喜欢待在大连。由此可知, 用their。10. 【解析】andbut。此处表示很累但很快乐, 所以用but表示转折。31. 【解析】onin。do well in. . . 是固定搭配, 表示“在方面做得好

13、”。2. 【解析】theyI。此处指我的同学总是问我我有什么秘诀, 由此可知用I。3. 【解析】prepare后面加for。prepare准备; prepare for为做准备。此处指为考试做准备。4. 【解析】thatwhat。what you have learnt in the past表示“你在过去学的东西”, what在此处引导宾语从句, 并在从句中作learnt的宾语。that虽然能引导宾语从句, 但不在从句中作成分。5. 【解析】break前面加a。take a break是固定搭配, 表示“休息一会儿”。6. 【解析】clearclears。clears和前面的helps以及m

14、akes是并列关系。7. 【解析】calmlycalm。keep calm为固定搭配, 表示“保持镇静”。8. 。9. 【解析】去掉at。arrive表示“到达”, 是不及物动词, 只有后面接地点名词时, 才在其后加at/in。10. 【解析】afterbefore。此处指在考试前放松, 所以用before。41. 【解析】thatwhich。which ran badly and often broke down是非限制性定语从句, 修饰his car, which指代car。that不能引导非限制性定语从句。2. 【解析】better前面加a。car是可数名词, 此处指制造一辆更好的车, 所以加a。3. 。4. 【解析】interestinginterested。be interested in. . . 表示“对感兴趣”, 此处指Charles Rolls, 一位汽车制造者, 对Royce的车很感兴趣。5. 【解析】gowent。本文讲述的是过去的事情, 所以此处用一般过去时。6. 【解析】modelmodels。model是可数名词, 根据One of可知此处用复数形式。7. 【解析】drivedriving



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