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3、hansgiving is learning t be the fulcru, the heart f Thansgiving is a gd feeling, the wrld is all things t all peple expressed their gratitude, reeber, Thansgiving is a fine traditin f ur natin, is a persn f integrit at least ral character.Thansgiving is the e t return. Return is the feeding, trainin

4、g, instructin, guidance, help, supprt and abulance theselves. Grateful, and thrugh its wn 10 ties, 100 ties the pa, and repa the with practical actin.Then, as a iddle schl student, hw Thansgiving?First Thansgiving their parents, because evernes life is a cntinuatin f the parents f ne bld, all f the

5、parents gave us lve, let us en the huan wrld f affectin and happiness, therefre, we wuld lie t than the parents.Fr the survival f nature is the basis f all things, huan life is inseparable fr its 1:15 activities, we have the basic necessities f huan nature, and s n are btained fr the Therefre, we sh

6、uld be thanful nature.Teachers are ur grwth领路人, are ur friends, teachers respect, understand and care fr us, their wrds and deeds, let us benefit fr life, we pa fr teachers effrts and sweat, we shuld Thansgiving teachers.Students stud the lives f ur fellw students t encurage each ther, help each the

7、r, t intl verce difficulties and setbacs, the cn taste f success and happiness learning, we shuld be grateful fr ever da and we accpanied the students.The schl prvides us with a gd stud envirnent, ur training establishents and r t grw and develp, we shuld be thanful schls.The therland is ur rts, ur surce. N heland, we did nt have the habitat f n therland, we will be n huan dignit; n heland, we have nt all! We shuld be thanful



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