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1、教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英 语年 级六教学形式面授教 师李贤艳单 位杭州市钱塘外语学校小学部课题名称 What Does She Do?学情分析n 话题:Jobsn 适合级别:二级n 课时说明:一课时n 课题说明:本课是PEP教材六年级上册Unit 5 Part A的Lets talk部分。n 教学内容:Chen: What does your mother do?John: She is a TV reporter.Chen: What does your father do?John: He is a teacher. He teaches English. n 学生情况说明:本

2、教学设计适合六年级学生。六年级的学生在经过三年多系统英语学习后,已经有了比较扎实的英语基础。在本课时之前,学生已经掌握了一些关于职业的英语单词:singer, writer, TV reporter, actor, actress, artist, 此外,部分学生也积累了一些课外词汇,如:dancer, boss, designer等等;学生也已掌握了询问和回答他人职业的句型:Whats your ? He / She is a .。针对六年级学生思维活跃、积极参与、求知欲强的特点,教师应设计各种高效有趣的任务型活动,尽可能多地为学生创设开口表达的机会。同时,六年级的英语教学又应拥有自己的独特

3、魅力,应逐步培养学生的阅读能力和跨文化交际意识。教学目标n 教学目标:【知识目标】能够听懂、会说、会读、会写本课关键句型:What does your mother do? She is a TV reporter/ writer/ .,并能在实际情景中灵活运用;能够用简单的句子来描述他人职业特征。【能力目标】能够运用所学句型来询问和描述他人职业;根据所学句型在教师的知道下完成一系列的任务型活动;能综合运用前几册书所学的句型来描述自己最喜爱的人物;能在拓展阅读中用所学句型完成练习。【情感目标】让学生就自己喜欢的内容进行交际,养成用英语交际的良好习惯,通过谈论名人及自己最喜欢的人物的话题,培养学

4、生积极参与课堂,养成乐于完成任务的好习惯;培养学生走近名人、学习名人的良好情绪,促发自己思考未来从事的职业;培养学生的跨文化交际意识。n 教学重难点:教学重点:1能熟练掌握并运用句型:What does your mother do? She is a TV reporter/ writer/ .教学难点:1熟练地运用所学句型表达真实的情感,并有一定的创造力。2学会灵活运用语言材料,将已学句型进行整理并综合描述自己最喜爱的人物。教学过程n教学结构教师指导学生学习设计说明Step 1Warm upand revision1. Watch a short play of Garfield.2. F

5、ree talk.T: Do you like Garfield?T: Can you say something about Garfield?3. Review the words of jobs.T: Garfield is so lovely. We know him very well. But do you know Garfields father? What does he do?(write down : What does he do? ).T: Garfields father helps sick people. What does he do?(write down:

6、 a doctor ).T: Garfields mother teaches English. What does she do?(write down: a teacher ).T: Garfields uncle writes stories. What does he do?(write down: a writer ).T: Garfields aunt sings songs. What does she do?(write down: a singer ).T: Garfields sister acts on TV. What does she do?(write down:

7、an actress ).T: Garfields grandpa draws pictures. What does he do?(write down: an artist )4. Lets chant.Garfields father helps sick people. What does he do?He is a doctor.Garfields mother teaches English.What does she do?She is a teacher.Garfields uncle writes stories.What does he do?He is a writer.

8、Garfields aunt sings songs.What does she do?She is a singer.Garfields sister acts on TV. What does she do?She is an actress.Garfields grandpa draws pictures.What does he do?He is an artist. Enjoy the short playSs: Yes, I do.Ss: He is very funny / cute / . He likes eating / sleeping / .Ss read the ph

9、rase and guess the job.Ss say it by themselves. Chant together.不同于以往的歌曲或Chant引入, 我用关于本节课主人公的Garfield的故事的系列幻灯片引入,一下子吸引学生的注意力,又帮助他们打开了话匣子。将话题转移到Garfield的家人,意图是通过动词短语来引出职业的词汇,并在运用中复习,巩固拼写。让学生在轻松有趣的情境中,兴致勃勃地想一想,猜一猜,拼一拼, 说一说。并在新课的一开始就导入了本节课的重要新授句型,使学生初步感知新语言点,并通过该环节的活动逐步熟悉新句型。将刚讨论的话题整理成一首Chant。让学生认读吟唱,在快

10、乐的节奏声中复习巩固单词和句型。Step 2Presentationand practice1. Talk about the famous people.T: Wow, Garfield has a big family. How nice. They love Garfield very much. Garfields birthday is coming. They want to hold a big birthday party for him. Look, who will come?.“Liu Huan”(播放)T: What does he do?Who is he?T: Do

11、 you know Liu Huan very well?I want to know more about him.Who can help me?. “Michael Jordan” (逐句呈现提示信息的句子)T: What does he do?Whos he?T: What do you know about Michael Jordan?2. Game: Guess the person through 5 questions.“Zhao Benshan” (呈现赵本山的图片)S1: What does he or she do?S2: Where is he or she from

12、?S3: Whats he or she like?. “Li Hanzheng” (呈现一同学的照片)3Pair work: Choose the persons you are interested in most and talk about him or her. (Show the invitation card.)T: Look at the invitation card. Wow, so many famous people. All of them will come to Garfields birthday party. T: I know Zhang Xueyou. H

13、e is a singer. But who is Yang Hongying? What does she do? Whats she like?. T: Please ask and answer like this in pairs.4. Enjoy the picture of the birthday party.T: Garfield has a happy birthday with so many friends. But after the birthday, he feels very sad. Why?Ss listen to the song and guess the

14、 person and the job.Ss talk about the information of Liu Huan.Ss read sentence by sentence and guess.Ss talk about Michael Jordan.3 or 4 Ss are asked to guess and the others are asked to give the information.Ss talk about the persons they are interested in most in pairs. (Ask and answer.)Ss listen and understand it.以Garfield为主线,设置生日聚会的情景,在情景中层层深入运用主要句型。学生听听猜猜。教师显出对刘欢不是很熟悉的样子,激发学生用英语来谈一谈说一说的愿望和需要。同样是猜一猜的环节,但难度层层递进。学生要求能认读句型,想一想,猜一猜。通过游戏活动,从师生问答巧妙过渡到生生问答。学生为了能够猜出人物,就需要得到各种各样的信息,也就促发了他们滚动运用以往各种所学句型的需要。从学生的生活实际和兴趣出发,让他们选择自己最感兴趣的任务进行讨论问答,使每位同学都有用英语交流和


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