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1、XX师X大学网络与继续教育学院大学英语(1)期末考试A卷XX:X会辰学号:5100专业:行政管理学习中心:万全县教师进修学校奥鹏学习中心一、阅读:20% (每小题2分)12345678910ACCDDBBCDD二、交际用语20%(每小题2分)12345678910DDCCCCCCAA三、语法与词汇:30%(每小题2分)12345678910ABADDDDABC1112131415ABCDD四英译汉:30% (答题请不要超出边框)Drinking habits vary widely among Americans. Some families never serve any drinks, o

2、thers have them before dinner, or perhaps after dinner. You are more likely to be offered a cocktail before dinner than wine with the meal. If you do not get used to American cocktails, you can ask for something else. Moreover, drinks may be poured over ice.(翻译题请在此空白处答题,否则不得分) 美国人的饮酒习惯大不一样。一些家庭里从不提供

3、饮料,另一些家庭在晚餐前或晚餐后才提供,你更有可能在晚餐前得到一杯鸡尾酒,而不是酒伴餐。如果你不习惯美国的鸡尾酒,你可以要求一些别的东西。此外,饮料可以倒在冰上。一、阅读:20% (答案必须填在答卷表格里,否则不得分)( 1 )Researches say people traveling in traffic are three times more likely to suffer a heart attack. They say the risk of a heart attack is greatest within an hour of being in traffic.The fi

4、ndings are based on a German study of almost 700 people who suffered heart attacks. The patients described their activities during the four days before their heart attack. Researchers found that those who had been in traffic were three times more likely to have a heart attack within one hour, pared

5、to those who had not been in traffic. Most of those in the study had been traveling by car. But some had been on bicycles and others were on buses.Research shows that people in cars and buses are exposed to ten times the amount of pollutants as people walking on the street. That is largely because t

6、hey breathe in the particles and gasses released from the vehicles in front of them.Over time, these small particles speed the buildup of a sticky substance in the blood. This can cause blockages(阻塞) to form in the arteries(动脉) around the heart and lead to a heart attack.Other studies have also link

7、ed heart trouble to stress, similar to the kind that people face while driving in heavy traffic. But the researchers of the latest study say they do not know whether the increased heart attack risk was the result of stress or pollution. They suggest it may be a bination of stress, noise and pollutio

8、n. Experts say the research shows the need fro cleaner vehicles and better city planning.1. According to the study, which of the following ways is the safest in traffic? A. Driving a car B. Walking on the street C. Taking a bus D. Riding a bicycle2. From among the 700 people who suffered heart attac

9、ks we learn that _. A. those who have been in traffic are three times as many as those who have not B. those who have been in traffic for more than one hour are most likely to suffer heart attacks C. the risk of a heart attack is three higher among those who have been in traffic than those who have

10、not D. Most of the subjects (实验对象) felt unfortable during the four days before the attack3. The particles released from vehicles _.A. build up in the blood B. bee blockages in the arteriesC. make the blood more sticky D. do harm to the heart4. According to the studies, which of the following is NOT

11、a likely cause of heart attack?A. Stress B. Noise C. Air pollution D. Traffic accident5. What suggestion do experts make to lower the risk? A. Reducing traffic as much as possible. B. Living away from nose. C. Planting more trees in the city. D. Making vehicles clean.( 2 )The angry woman stood by th

12、e station. “ The railway owes me 12,”she said to Harry Jenks, the booking clerk (订票员). “My ticket was for May 22nd, and there was no ship from Jersey that night. My daughter and I had to stay in a hotel. It cost me 12.”Harry was worried. He remembered selling the woman a return ticket. “ e into the

13、office, madam,” he said, “ Ill just check the Jersey timetable for May 22nd .”The woman and her little girl followed him inside. She was quite right, as Harry soon discovered. There was no sailing on May 22nd. How ever had he made such a big mistake? Wondering what to do, he smiled at the child. “Yo

14、u look healthy,” he said to her. “ Did you have a nice holiday in Jersey?”“ Yes,” she answered. “ The beach was beautiful. And I can swim too!”“ Thats fine,” said Harry. “ My little girl cant swim a bit yet. Of course, shes only three-”“ Im four,” the child said proudly. “ Ill soon be four and a hal

15、f.”Harry turned to the mother. “ I remember your ticket, madam,” he said. “ But you didnt get one for your daughter, did you?”“ Er, well-” The woman looked at the child. “ I mean-she hasnt started school yet. Shes only four.”“ A four year old child must have a ticket, madam. A childs return to Jersey costs-let me see-13.50. So if the railway pays your hotel bill, you will owe 1.50.The law is the


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