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1、Module 1 Wonders of the world,Unit 1,What is a wonder of the world?,Part I: Lead in:,Topic:,School dance,-wonderful world,Whats the name of the band?,Look at the picture-school dance.,Which words below can you use to talk about them?,ancient band club composition concert grade pyramid pupil review w

2、onder,Listen then choose the best answers (Activity 3),Part II: Listening and Vocabulary,Explain some important expressions,Thats news to me . news-新闻 a piece of news-一条新闻 Have any good news to me, today?,Ill write a diary of school events. diary-记事簿,日记簿 According to my diary, Ive got two meetings o

3、n Monday.,Explain some important expressions,And Ill do an interview with Becky Wang. do an interview -采访 The reporter are doing the interview with the company boss.,Explain some important expressions,Part III: Make a talk with activity 5,What was your last composition about? What is the most ancien

4、t Chinese wonder of the world? What bands or movies would you like to write a review about?,What were you best grades in English last year? What clubs do you go to or would you like to go to?,Part III: Make a talk with activity 5,Part IV: Pronunciation and speaking,She started a school magazine/call

5、ed New Standard/when she was a pupil here.,Well write a diary of school events/and tell everyone/ about the school concert/ and the dance club.,Part IV: Pronunciation and speaking,Everyday English,Thats news to me. 我一点也不知道对我来说是个消息 Whats it about?这是关于什么的? Listen up, everyone.大家,听着! Anyone else?还有其它人吗

6、? Brilliant!太辉煌了! Thats a fantastic ideal. 那是个极好的主意,在开会 听着 写下来 我一点儿也不知道 写一篇文章 一个世界奇迹 一个叫的报刊 校园记事簿 跳舞俱乐部 古代金字塔,have a meeting listen up write down thats news to me write a compotition a wonder of the world a school magzine called a diary of school events the dance club the ancient pyramid,1、There_ (b

7、e ) a football match in our school tomorrow. 2、Last Saturday Mrs Green went to the market, _(buy) some bananas and visited her cousin. 3、My father_(join) the party three years ago. He _(join) a Party member for three years.,will be,bought,joined,has been,4、-What has happened? -Look! The house _(burn

8、). 5、He_ (be) to Beijing three times. 6、He_ (come) to help us as soon as he is free. 7、I _( not see) him for a long time. 8、I _(finish) my work two hours ago.,is burning,has been,will come,havent seen,finished,Part V: Work in pairs (Activity 7),Part : Homework,1.Do exercise: 4. 13 P112-113 2.Make a summary of the activity 3,


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