Unit 4 Wildlife protection reading 教案人教高中英语必修二

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Unit 4 Wildlife protection reading 教案人教高中英语必修二_第1页
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1、人教高中英语必修二 Unit 4 Wildlife protectionReading: How Daisy learned to help wildlifeTeaching aims and demands:1.Enable students to know about the situation of endangered wildlife and the reasons why they are in danger of disappearing.2.Enable students to realize the importance of protecting wildlife.3.En

2、able students to think out solution to protect them. Teaching important points:1.Situation of endangered animals2.The importance of protecting wildlife and environment.3.Solutions to the present situation.Teaching difficult points:1.Reasons why some animals are in danger of disappearing.2.The relati

3、onship between humans and wildlife3.How to find proper ways to protect endangered wildlife.Teaching aids:PPT,; video; music.Teaching methods:Watching movie;skimming; careful reading; discussion; performanceTeaching proceduresStep 1: Lead-inT: Do you like animals? Do you like to watch a movie where m

4、ain characters are animals?(Task: to find what animals appeared in the movie)Step 2 pre-reading1. Pictures of other endangered animals , introduction of their situation 2. DiscussionWhy are these animals in danger of disappearing?(some pictures for help)So, wildlife protection is seriously in need!S

5、tep 3 Reading1. SkimmingTask 1: to find the main ideaA. It is about some protection of wildlife.B. It is about a journey of a flying carpet.C. It is about Daisys wonderful experience with some animals, from which she learned how to help wildlife.Task 2: to find where Daisy went and what animals she

6、saw there.First place: Tibet; antelopeSecond place: Zimbabwe; elephantThird place:Rainforest; monkey2. Division of the passagePart one: paragraph 1Part two: paragraph 2Part three: paragraph 3-43. Careful readingPart one (paragraph 1)1. What is the situation of Tibetan antelopes? They are hunted for

7、their fur under their stomach.2. What is the result? They are now an endangered species.3.How do they feel? They feel sadPart two (paragraph 2)AnimalSituationResultelephantIn ZimbabweIn the past:hunted by farmers without mercyWe used to be an endangeredspecies.Now:Government allowed tourists to hunt

8、 only a certain number of elephantFarmers are happy.Numbers are increasing.Part three (paragraph 3-4)Daisy went to a rainforest and met a monkey . It was rubbing itself with a millipede insect that contains a powerful drug , which prevents mosquitoes. The monkey suggested we should pay more attentio

9、n to the rainforest and appreciate how animals live together: No rainforest. No animals; No drugs!THINKING: What should the relationship between humans and wildlife be?Step 4 Post-reading1. Discussion: What can we do to protect wildlife?2. PerformanceSupposing you are a volunteer to protect wildlife

10、, you are working in a forest with a scientist from WWF to find out the change of situation of endangered animals after you worked together to protect them, then you two meet two endangered animals. A talk among you four startsStep 5 SummaryAll hope is not lost only if we work together to protect them.Step 6 Homework Students are asked to make a poster to appeal to more people to help to protect wildlife.4


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