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1、Unit 2 My favourite season Part B Lets try Lets talk教学设计学习目标:1、通过师生交流的方式,使90%的学生能就所喜欢的季节及原因进行问答,如:Whats your favourite season? Which season do you like best? Why do you like summer/winter? Because I can.2. 通过小组合作,使95%的学生能在Lets find out部分用本课时目标语言询问最喜爱的季节及理由。3. 借助图片问答猜测,使95%的学生能听懂Lets try部分的录音,选出正确图画。

2、学习重点:熟练掌握询问对方喜欢某个季节的原因及其应答的句型Why do you like? Because I can学习难点:对每个季节最典型的活动的适时使用。学习过程:一、Warming up/Revision(热身/复习)1、Lets sing a chant.Swim, swim, swim, I can swim.Skate, skate, skate, I can skate.Fly, fly kites. Plant, plant trees. I can plant trees. I can fly kites.Make a snowman. Make a snowman.I

3、can make a snowman!2.复习:Free talk.T: I like winter best. I can make a snowman. Which season do you like best?S1: I like . I can.S2: I like . I can.S3: .【设计意图】让学生在快乐自然的氛围中开始英语学习。2、 Presentation (一)Lets try 1、教师先让学生观察“Lets try”的图片,然后提问学生:What can Zhang Peng do ?Which season does Zhang Peng like best?

4、What can Sarah do ?Which season does Sarah like best?学生预测将要听到的内容。(设计意图:学生听录音前先仔细看图,对听的内容进行预测,这样能降低听的难度,又能渗透听的策略培养。) 2、学生听录音并做”Listen and tick”的练习。 3、核对答案之后让学生复述关键句。 (二)教学对话Lets talk 1、T:We know Zhang Peng likes winter,because he can skate. And Amy likes spring best, because she can plant trees and f

5、ly kites. Then what are Chen Jie and Sarahs favourite season and favourite activities? Lets listen and fill in the form.NameFavourite seasonWhy?SarahChen Jie 2、Listen again. 教师边提问边与学生核对答案。 (设计意图:通过让学生填写表格,检测学生的理解能力,帮助学生理清思路,培养学生挺尸记录的习惯帮助学生记忆单词。 )3、 Open the books and listen to the tape.4、 Follow the

6、 tape.5、Read together.6、Read the dialogue by themselves.7、Recite the dialogue.三、Practice 1、四人一组读对话。(要求:1号领读两遍,然后其他同学各读一边,接着1号和3号 、2号和4号表演对话,最后挑几个组展示。改成:师生表演对话;生生表演对话。并挑几组展示。2、 四人一组问答练习主句型:Whats your favourite season?/ Which season do you like best ? Why do you like .?3、 两人一组编对话,并展示。 Favourite season

7、 Why.? Weather (以上这个表格删除) A:Whats your favourite season? B: . A: Why do you like .? B: Because I . A:Whats the weather like in .? B: Its.Which season do you like best? A: . B: Why.? A: . (B: I dont like . Its too.for.)(设计意图:小学生的好胜心强,规定时间完成尽可能多的任务能有效的调动学生的积极性,充分操练、掌握新句型。)4、 Consolidation and extensio

8、n(巩固与拓展) Hello! I am .I usually get up at . I go to school at . On the weekend I often . Sometimes I .I like .best . Because I can. (In .,the weather )改成:But its always .I dont like . Its too .for me. This is me . How about you,.? (设计意图:通过口语练习,培养学生语言的综合运用能力,从而让学生学会对所学语言的有机整合的能力。) 5、 Summary 1、再次背诵这篇

9、对话。 2、Why ? 和Because .是一对好朋友。In different seasons, we can do many different activities. If you like, you can find many interesting things to do.(设计意图:引导学生放开眼界,关注、热爱活动,热爱生活。)六、Homework1. Recite the dialogue.2. Make up a new dialogue.【板书设计】Unit 2 My favourite season.B Lets talk.Whats your favourite season?Which season do you like best?Why do you like?Because I can


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