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1、育人如同春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰精品教学教案设计 | Excellent teaching plan老师学科教案20 20 学年度第学期任教学科: 任教班级: 任教老师: xx 市试验学校Section A精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan仁爱版七班级英语下册第七单元topic1 教案. Material analysis本 是第七 元 一的第一 。本 主要学 关于日期、诞生 、诞生地点、物体外形特征的表达方式、 be的一般 去 和序数 。 本 的主要活 是 1a, 1c和 3a 。通 Kangkang和 Michael英国作家 J.K.Rowling 展开学

2、 , 主要涉及到J.K.Rowling 的作品、诞生地点及诞生年月。通 人物,同学将学 关于 和回答诞生年月与地点的表达方式并初步了解 be的一般 去 ; 能通 一系列听、 、写的 活 把握年份和十二个月份的表达法及其 写形式。 音板 通 听同学把握字母 合 ou, ow, ph及 音字母 p 的 音,并依据 音 正确拼 和辨。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims能依据已学 音、音 及 音 ,正确朗 下列 并运用于情景 中 : writer, was, were, born, novel, thousand, fan能 熟 、写表示年份和月份的:January, F

3、ebruary, March, April, May等;能 用英 熟 用关于 和回答某人的诞生地和诞生年月的表达方式,如:(1) Where was/ were .born? In (2) When was/ were .born? was/ were born in能 把握字母 合 ou, ow, ph及 音字母 p 的 音及 音 ;能 出相同字母或字母 合的不同 音;能 正确使用 be的一般 去was/ were ,如:When were you/was he/she born? I/He/She was born in January, 1999.2. Skill aims育人如同春风化

4、雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰StepInteractionStudent activityTeacher activitypatternsIntroduction1.The whole1.Focus their1.Greet students ready for(8 minutes)class work.attentiononthelearning.teacher.2.Pair work.2.Do dutyreport.2.Help students revise askingIntroducehis/hersomeone else sname and精品教学教案设计| Excellent teach

5、ing plan能听懂有关年月、诞生年月和诞生地点的语段;能依据图文就表达年月、谈论诞生年月和诞生地点的表达方式进行简洁的沟通;能正确地读出年份和十二个月份;能正确地朗读对话,并能留意语音语调; 能正确书写出年份以及表示月份的单词。3. Emotional aims通过相关活动,培育同学关注名人的生平事迹并向他们学习的习惯; 能够体会到英语学习的爱好,养成良好的英语学习习惯。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points正确使用表达年月、谈论诞生年月和诞生地点的表达方式; 正确读、写关于年份、月份的表达。2. Difficult point

6、sBe 动词 was,were在一般过去时中的应用; 英语中十二个月份的读、写。. Learning strategies1. 能将谈论诞生年月及地点的表达法运用于生活实践;2. 利用实物教学有助于同学理解和把握所学学问。. Teaching aids录音机、教学挂图、日历和黑板. Teaching procedures精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan育人如同春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰favorite suchpersons,nationality. Prepare for the new aswriter,lesson.singer, etc.A:Who i

7、s he/she? B: A:Where is he/shefrom?B: 3.Thewhole3.Do1c. Read after3.Show a calendar to studentsclass work.theteacherforand teach the new words one severaltimestoby one ( 依据 本 1c 的 序 );learn 12 months.Then check the learning result.Readthewords(do brainstorm) The teachertogether quickly.shows one pag

8、e of the calendar and lets students read the word quickly.4.Individual work.4. Readtheword4.Let one student read the first one by one.month January, and the nextstudent read February, and then go on.Presentation (12 minutes)1. Thewhole1.Do1a. Guess the1.Point out the picture of 1a, class work.woman;

9、 Andpayand let students guess:Who isattention to the twoshe? Then ask two questions: questions.ThenWhen was she born? Wherelearn the phrase bewas she born?(教 用解born.born)2. Thewhole2.Listen to the tape2.Play the tape for the first timeclass andworkand tryto answerand choose some students to the ques

10、tions.answer the questions. Then letindividual work.students pay attention to use of in( 老 用 解 其用法 ).the3. Thewhole3.Read 1a after the3.Play the tape again, and letclass work. tape; Look thestudents followthe tape and and listen topay attention to the reading of teacher1965; Finally point out the ke

11、ycarefully. e.g.When were you/was he/she born?I/He/She was born inWhere were you/was he/she born ?I/He/She wasborn insentences in the dialogue.Consolidation1.Thewhole1.Do1b.Answer1.Ask some questions: Who is(8 minutes)classworkthequestionsshe? When was she born?and individual work.together and fill

12、the blanks in individually.in Where was she born? What is 1b her novel? Let students answerthe questions; Then let students fill inthe blanks in 1bby themselves.2.Practicethe 2.Showthreepicturesof2. Pair work.sentences in pairs:famous people and let students A:When was he/sheask and answer in pairs.

13、精品教学教案设计 | Excellent teaching planborn?B:He/She was born in A:Wherewashe/she born? B:He/She was born in3. Answerthe 3.Walk to one student and ask3. Pair work.question:Iwas the question: When were you育人如同春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰4.Group work.born.born? Leadthe student to answer thequestion:I was born.(lead to th

14、e question: Where were you born? in the same way)4. Practicethe 4.Let students practice the key sentences in 1c and sentences in 1c by themselves. survey the birthdayand birthplaceyourofgroupmembers. Then one student inevery group reports it tothe class.5. Do 2a. Talk about5.Teach the word thousand.5.Group work.the ru



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