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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Performance management-how to appraise employee performanceAbstractPerforma nee appraisal is an importa nt content of huma n resource man ageme nt in moder n en terprises. Accord ing to the problems existi ng at the prese nt stage Chin ese en terprise performa nee evaluati on, put forwa

2、rd the improveme nt measures to improve the performa nee appraisal. Performa nee man ageme ntis the resp on sibility betwee n man agers and employees and improve the com muni cati on performa nee of the ongoing. The partners should understand why they become partners, thereby support ing the work. P

3、erforma nee evaluatio n is a part of performa nee man ageme nt, do not eon fuse the twoIntroductionChalle nges of performa nee man ageme ntReas ons to avoid performa nee man ageme nt: Man ager: reports and program has no meaning; no time; afraid of eonfliet; feedback and observation. (performanee ma

4、n ageme nt, preve nt problems in inv estme nt in time, en sure the man agers have the time to do the thi ng you should do staff: bad experie nee; what was about to happe n no bottom; do not understand the significanee of performanee management; dont like received criticism. Criterio n two, performa

5、nee man ageme nt, orga ni zati onal success: 1 Factors: coord in ati on among un its means, towards a com mon goal; problem, find the problems, find problems or preve nt problems; obey the law, be protected by the law; make major decisi ons, a way of gett ing in formati on; improve the quality of st

6、aff, to make the organization more competitive., performanee management of orga nizatio n,must be useful to man agers, the on ly reas on of performa nee man ageme nt is to help employees to success. to understand better how to design and what made him act. , the performa nee man ageme nt challe nge

7、is how to find practical,mea nin gful ways to finish it, which n eed thought and wisdom.Performa nee man ageme nt is a systemThe performa nee pla n - starti ng point of performa nee man ageme nt:employees and managers to work together, as employees do what, do what degree of problem iden tificati on

8、, un dersta ndin g.C ontinu ousperforma nee com muni cati on: both track ing progress, find the obstacles that affect performa nee and process so that the two sides successrequired in formatio n. Communi eati on methods: (1) around were observed; (2)employees; (3) allow employees to work review;Perf

9、orma nee diag no sis: to ide ntify in dividuals, departme nts and orga ni zati onal performa nee by the real reas on for the problem of com muni cati on and problem sol ving process.Performa nee man ageme nt is a small system in the large system. If you want to get the maximum profit, must complete

10、the performa nee man ageme nt process,a nd not a part of.Performanee management and strategic planning, budget, staff ,employee salary incentive system, improve the quality of plans are related. Do the performanee man ageme ntprocess to do the preparatio n of 1, there are two key poin ts: with the s

11、taff to collect meanin gful, to establish the in formatio n n eeded to measurable goals; to do some basic work, so that in the whole process of performa nee man ageme nt and employee can fully cooperation. In part, access to information and data of performanee management effect is it can help organi

12、zations, units and employees towards a direct ion some targeti nformatio n each employees job descripti on; (2) employee last performa nee review data and related docume nts.The performanee plan three steps: preparation, meeting, finalize plans. your job, you should do what, how to measure your succ

13、ess, sets threat mosphere and seize the key; to review the releva nt in formati on, ask more,talk less; the job duties and specific goal; determine the successcriteria; discuss what are the difficulties and n eed what help; discuss the importa nee level and authorized to ask problem; 4, no te: in th

14、e performa nee man ageme nt process, should pay atte ntio n to com muni cati on with staff thought is the acti on guide, to carry out effective performa nee com muni cati on, we must pay attention to in the thought. All aspects of the performanee com muni cati on throughout the performa nee cycle, p

15、lays an importa nt role in any one link in the cha in, leav ing the performa nee com muni catio n, any un ilateral decisi ons managers will affect the enthusiasm of the staff, performanee management. No performa nee com muni catio n there is no performa nee man ageme nt. In order to make the perform

16、anee managementon the right track, truly play its role,enterprisesmust put the supervisor and employee performa nee com muni catio n as a priority among priorities to research and developme nt, through the system specificati on, performa nee man ageme nt become compete nt habit, the habit of employees, to solve the performa nee problem employees work for dialogue and excha nges, the performa nee man ageme nt into effect.Three methods of performa nee evaluati on


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