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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载昆明三中.昆明滇池中学2021-2021 学年下学期期中测试八年级英语 满分 100 分, 120 分钟 听力部分一.听句子,选出与句子相关的图片,句子读两遍;5分,每道题1 分1. A.B.C.2. A.B.C.3. A.B.C.4. A.B.C.5. A.B.C.二.听句子,选答语,句子读两遍;5分,每道题1 分6. A. Yes、 I don t.B. I have a fever.C. No、 I didn t. 7. A. You should return the gift.B. You should say sorry to him.C. He

2、could buy a new one.8. A. You are welcome.B. That s all right.C. You are very kind. 9. A. Yes、 please.B. I am coming.C. You can do it.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载10. A. I was watching TV.B. They were working.C. I slept、 too.三.听对话,选出能回答疑题的正确选项,对话读两遍;5分,每道题1 分 11. A. Playing with his pet dog.B. Buying a pe

3、t.C. Doing his homework.12. A. At homeB. In the library.C. At school.13. A. Happy.B. Sad.C. Angry14. A. 12 dollarsB. 14 dollarsC. 15 dollars. 15. A. Because he eats too much sweet food.B. Because he doesn t brush his teeth.C. Because he doesn tgo to the dentist.ththth四.听短文,选答案,短文读三遍;5分,每道题1 分 16. Wh

4、en is Tina s birthday.A July 24B. July 15C. July 4 17. When did Tina fall in love with the pet.A. When the parrot said“ Hello ” to her.B. When she saw it for the first timeC. When the parrot flew.18. What did Tina think of Jack s visit.A. Very excitingB. Unpleasant.C. Very lucky 19. What did Tina bu

5、y for her pet.A. A cute catB. A snakeC. An electric parrot 20. What does Tina hope.A. Tina can fly one day.B. The parrot will sing more songs.C. The parrot will speak more English.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载一.单项挑选(15 分,每道题1 分)笔试部分精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载21.You shouldseedentistand getX-rayifyou have a bad

6、 tooth.A. a、 /B. a、 anC. a、 aD. /、 an 22. -Whatswith your sister.-She has a headache.A. the wrongB. the matterC. matterD. trouble23.I can t repair mybike . Can you repair it for .A. myself、 meB. myself、 IC. me、 ID. I、 me24. -I called you at eight last night. But no one picked up.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢

7、迎下载taking-Oh、 I a walk outside.A. am takingB. tookC. were takingD. was精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载25.The two menkept runningon the playgrounditwas rainingheavily.A. butB. althoughC. becauseD. so26. Father often tells metoo much time on computers.A. don t spendB. not spendC.notto spendD.notspending 27. -T

8、heair inKunming is getting worse. Some people say thereis haze雾霾 here. I can tit.-Yes、 you are right. Itbe so nice、 no one knows why.A. used to、 get used toB. get used、 used toC. used to、 get usedD. get used to、 used to 28. If you take a toy to a party、 the teacher will.A. take them awayB. take it a

9、wayC. take away themD. take away it29. President Xi asks us to read more books. He sayswe read、 we will become.A. more、 smarterB. the more、 the cleverC. the more、 the betterD. the fewer、 the better 30. -Susan、 what did you do last night.-I work on computers to work out a math problem and I didn t go

10、 to bed11:20.A. untilB. toC. atD. past 31. -Can Iyour bike.-With pleasure. But you mustntit to others.A. lend; borrowB. borrow; lendC. lend; keepD. keep、 borrow 32. -Do you mind if I take the seat.- . The woman will be back soon.A.BetternotB.Not at allC. No、 I dontmindD. That s allright 33. -I will

11、go to Hangzhou by train tomorrow.-try going by boat instead.A. How aboutB. Why don tC. Why notD. Would you like 34. -Could I hang out with my friends 、 mom.- . Its raining heavily now.A. Yes、 you could.B. No problem.C. No、 thanks.D. I m afraid you cant. 35. - Mike didn t finish his homework. It s te

12、rrible.- . I believe they play computer games too much these days. A Neither did Jim B Neither Jim did C So did Jim. D So Jim did精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载二.完型填空10 分,每道题1 分These days、 more and more Chinese teenagers find 36 more difficult to livewithouttheirparents.They dontknow how todo37.Because thei

13、rparents do almost everything for them at home. This is a big problem.Alice is a 14-year-old girl. One day her parents went outfor work、 so shehad to stay at home 38.At first she thought she would be happy because herparentswere notin.She coulddo39shelikedto.But itwas sixoclock intheafternoon、she fe

14、lt40. Oh、itstimetohave dinner.Where can I getmy food. she said to 41 . Later she found some food in the fridge、 butshe42knowhowtocook.Atthatmoment、shemissed her43verymuch.Atlastshecouldonlygotothesupermarket and44somefood to eat.Many of teenagers arejust like Alice. So I think they should learnsome normallifeskills、likecooking、cleaningup theirrooms or



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