考点33 任务型阅读之回答问题-备战2022年中考英语考点一遍过(解析版)

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《考点33 任务型阅读之回答问题-备战2022年中考英语考点一遍过(解析版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《考点33 任务型阅读之回答问题-备战2022年中考英语考点一遍过(解析版)(36页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、考点33 任务型阅读之回答问题命题趋势:分析近3年各地市中考英语真题可知,回答问题型阅读的话题涉及故事类、介绍类、观点建议类、饮食与健康类、科普知识类、文化风俗类及校园生活类。词数为200260词, 一般情况下,每篇文章设5个问题, 其中以4个特殊疑问句、1个一般疑问句居多, 少量涉及5个特殊疑问句和3个特殊疑问句、2个一般疑问句。解题技巧:1. 认真审题, 明确题目要求。首先阅读题目, 明确题目中的关键词, 在阅读文章前对所要回答的问题有所了解。2. 快速浏览文章, 规范答题。回答问题型任务型阅读需要利用题干中关键词, 寻找文章中对应的关键词, 在对应词周围寻找答案或者直接在文章中搜索答案。

2、带着审题时对文章大意的了解以及问题快速浏览文章, 以最快的速度在文章相对应的位置寻找相关信息。3. 答题形式符合提问形式。不同的提问方式需要不同形式的回答, 在答案简洁的基础上还要注意结构的完整。一般疑问句要用yes或no作答;特殊疑问句要根据特殊疑问词具体回答。4. 仔细检查, 确保答案。完成所有答题后, 需要再次速读一遍文章, 核对答案, 确保答案的正确性。需要注意, 有些题目答案可以在原文中直接找出;有些需要在原文的基础上, 结合题目要求进行时态、语态、人称的转换;有些需要进行归纳总结, 把正确答案重新组织语言表达出来。AReading can be a social activity.

3、 Think of the people who belong to book groups. They choose books to read and then meet to discuss them. Now the website Bookcrossing. com turns the page on the traditional idea of a book group.Members go on the site and register the books they own and would like to share. Bookcrossing provides an i

4、dentification number to stick inside the book. Then the person leaves it in a public place, hoping that the book will have an adventure, traveling far and wide with each new reader who finds it.Bruce Pederson, the managing director of Bookcrossing, says, “The two things that change your life are the

5、 people you meet and books you read. Bookcrossing combines both.”Members leave books on park benches and buses, in train stations and coffee shops. Whoever finds their book will go to the site and record where they found it.People who find a book can also leave a journal entry describing what they t

6、hought of it. E-mails are then sent to the Bookcrossers to keep them updated about where their books have been found. Bruce Pederson says the idea is for people not to be selfish by keeping a book to gather dust on a shelf at home.Book Crossing is part of a trend among people who want to get back to

7、 the “ real” and not the virtual.The site now has more than one million members in more than one hundred and thirty-five countries.34. Can reading be a social activity?35. According to Bruce Pederson, what are the two things that change peoples lives?36. Where do members leave books?37. How many mem

8、bers does this website have?38. What do you think of the website B?【答案】34. Yes, it can. 35. The people you meet and books you read. 36. They leave books on park benches and buses, in train stations and coffee shops. 37. More than/Over one million members. 38. Its very good/great(答案不唯一,合理即可)【解析】本文介绍了

9、B网站。它使阅读成为一种社交活动。注册这个网站的会员的人注册他们拥有并想分享的书籍。会员们把书放在公园的长凳上、公共汽车上、火车站和咖啡馆里。无论谁找到了他们的书,都会去现场记录他们在哪里找到的。找到一本书的人也可以在日记中留下一个条目,描述他们对这本书的看法。然后,电子邮件会被发送给图书评论员,让他们知道他们的书在哪里被找到的最新情况。【34题详解】题意:阅读能成为一种社交活动吗?细节题。根据第1段第1句“Reading can be a social activity.”可知“阅读能成为一种社交活动。”故答案为“Yes, it can.”。【35题详解】细节题。题意:布鲁斯佩德森认为,改变

10、人们生活的两件事是什么?根据第3段中“The two things that change your life are the people you meet and books you read.”可知“布鲁斯佩德森认为,改变你生活的两件事是你遇到的人和你读的书。”故答案为“The people you meet and books you read.”。【36题详解】题意:会员把书放在哪里?细节题。根据第4段第1句“Members leave books on park benches and buses, in train stations and coffee shops.”可知“会员

11、们把书放在公园的长凳上、公共汽车上、火车站和咖啡馆里。” 故答案为“They leave books on park benches and buses, in train stations and coffee shops.”。【37题详解】题意:这个网站有多少会员?细节题。根据最后一段最后一句“The site now has more than one million members in more than one hundred and thirty-five countries.”可知“这个网站拥有超过一百万的会员。”故答案为“More than/Over one million

12、members.”。【38题详解】题意:你觉得B这个网站怎么样?主观评价题。本文介绍了B网站。它使阅读成为一种社交活动。注册这个网站的会员的人注册他们拥有并想分享的书籍。书籍被大家共享。可知这是个好网站。故答案为“Its very good/great”。BAs a 23-year-old man, I was sitting on my moms sofa and waiting for the pain in my back to ease (减轻). No work and money forced my wife, our baby boy and me to live with my

13、 parents. We slept in my old bedroom, and I was feeling down.Thankfully, I had one new job: helping my son learn how to walk. Anytime he took a few steps, however, he would fall down and cry, I had to hold his hand while he walked long. But my back didnt deal with it too well. As I sat there with my

14、 eyes close, I suddenly head my mother said.“Joe, look! I opened my eyes and watched my son catch the coffee table. Pull himself up and smile. Then, he started walking around it, keeping his hands on it for balance(平衡). Finally, when he reached the end of it, he took two big steps and make it to the

15、 wall. Then he started walking down the hall with his hands balancing on the wall the whole way. I laughed and cheered. Suddenly, I didnt feel that bad. Because my boy had learned to walk.We may fail many times in our life. Its just like learning to walk. When we fall, we should stand up and keep trying. Thats what we should do to have a better life.50 Who did the writer live with(不超过5个词)_51. How could the baby pull himself up?(不超过5个词)_52. What can we learn f


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