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1、2020-2021学年四川省广安市绿市中学高三英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题27. Parents opinions on studying abroad differ greatly _their childrens _their aims.Ain; from B. from; in C. from; about D. in; on 参考答案:B略2. Nowadays, either 21st Century or other English newspapers _ increasingly popular among us students.AareBisCwereDwas参考答案:A

2、3. Take care! Accidents _ happen along this part of the road.A. will B. would C. must D. Shall参考答案:【答案】4. _,the idea of having to work under a woman defeated him.AWanting the job very much BAlthough wanting the job badlyCThough he wanted the job very muchDHe wanted the job badly参考答案:C5. I consider _

3、my job ,but in the end I decided_. A. to change, to do B. changing ,not to C. changing ,not to change D. to change, not to参考答案:B6. I should prefer to be no discussion of my private affairs. Ait Bthat Cwhat Dthere参考答案:D 7. Why did he spend so much time searching shop after shop for a shirt? Oh, he wa

4、s very _ about his clothes. Aembarrassed Bparticular Ccurious Danxious 参考答案:B 3. The Frenchman pointed to the spoon and asked me _ to call that in Chinese.A. whether B. how C. which D. what参考答案:D略9. Is this your second car?Yes, Blue is always my color1 . Its a little _ but still fits _ the garage.A.

5、 wider; more easily B. wider; easily C. widest; more easily D. widest, easily参考答案:B10. He developed _ deep interest in geography when he was at _ age of 8.A. a; a B. a; the C. the; the D. the; a 参考答案:B 11. Students are required to go out in couples, especially in the evenings, with friends _ they ge

6、t into trouble A. even if B. if only C. in case D. when参考答案:C略12. Christmas Day is a public holiday in England, _ family members meet and have good meals. A. which B. when C. that D. where 参考答案:B 13. On AIDS Day, the minister of Health Department demanded that the problems_ paid special attention to

7、.A. referred to being B. referred to be C. refer to being D. refer to be参考答案:B14. If the firms failed to make enough money, they would _.A. close down B. call off C. turn down D. set off 参考答案:A15. The three of us_around Europe for about a month last summer. A. travelled B. have travelled C. had trav

8、elled D. travel参考答案:A略16. Do you regret _ 2000 RMB for the trip? No. I would gladly have paid _ for it. A. to pay; twice so much B. to have paid; as much twice C. paying; twice as much D. having paid; so much twice参考答案:C 17. At present an increasing number of parents wish to _ changes in educating t

9、heir children due to dissatisfaction with the educational system. A. set outB. bring aboutC. set upD. bring up参考答案:B试题分析:考查短语辨析。A出发;B带来;C创立,建立;D抚养。句意:目前,越来越多的家长由于对教育体系的不满意,希望在教育他们的孩子方面带来改变。故B正确。考点:考查短语辨析【解析】18. The travel agent has recently _ golf to provide himself with some relaxation.A. taken onB

10、. taken upC. taken overD. taken off参考答案:B19. _ she is not so healthy _ she used to be? A. How is it that; as B. Why is it that; what C. Is it why; that D. How it is that; as参考答案:A 二、 书面表达20. 一年一度的校园文化节又拉开了序幕,但今年学生却没有表现出像往年的兴趣和激情。面对这一现象,有人提出校园文化节还要不要举办的问题,这引起了同学们的讨论。上周末你班也进行了一场讨论。请你根据下面表格所提供的内容将讨论结果做

11、一总结并发表自己的观点,字数150左右。观 点支持1. 给学生创造了展示自我才华的舞台; 2.有利于提高学习兴趣;3.丰富校园文化,活跃校园气氛。反对1.学习任务重,抽不出时间;2.许多活动和学习无关,没有多大意义。你的看法注意:1.行文连贯,内容应完整;2.题目和开头语已经给出。 To be continued or not?The annual campus cultural festival has drawn back its curtain again, but this year students did not show their great interest and pass

12、ion for it as before. Hence a discussion has been put forward whether it is necessary to hold the campus cultural festival again._参考答案:To be continued or not?The annual campus cultural festival has drawn back its curtain again, but this year students did not show their great interest and passion for it as before. Hence a discussion has been put forward whether it is necessary to hold the campus cultural festival again.Some students believe that campus cultural festival can offer a wonderful stage for students to show their talents. Apart from helping students promote their inter



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