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1、Global Recycle Sta ndard1/1RECYCLED MATERIAL DECLARATION再生材料声明1. Supplier details供应商资料Name of compa ny: 公司名称:Full address of compa ny. 公司详细地址:Name of pers on making the claim:声明者姓名:email: 电子邮件:Phone n umber:电话号码:Web site:网址:2. Customer details客户资料Name of compa ny: 公司名称:Full address of compa ny. 公司详细

2、地址:3. Details of claim:声明详情:Material descripti on:材料描述:i.e PET bottles. Cotton. Paper etc.如聚酯瓶、棉、纸等Quan tity of material:材料数量:Min % or re-cycledmaterial:再生材料最低含量Post or pre-c on sumer: 用前或用后:Details of origin of material:材料来源详情:In voice or con tractnumber:发票或合同号码:Date of supply:交货日期4. Declarati on:声

3、明:? I hereby declare that the above material contains the minimum percentage of recycled material as stated.?我在此声明上述材料中含有再生材料达到标准规定的最低含量。? I further declare that post consumer recycled material is now at the end of its life cycle.?我声明用后再生材料已达到其循环使用的寿命极限。? I further declare that any pre-consumer recy

4、cled material is the natural waste generated by a normal and efficient manufacturing process.?我声明所有用前再生材料都是由正规有效的制造流程产生的天然废料。? I further agree that an independent inspection company, appointed by the customer, can verify this claim and that I will fully assist in providing full documentary evidence. (The inspection company will sign a confidentiality agreement).?我宣布由客户指定的独立的检验公司能核实此声明,同时我将协助提供完整的证明材料(检验公司将签订保密协议)。Sig nature: 签名:Compa ny stamp:公司盖章:Place and Date:职位与日期:RECTCDECL.F01(01)



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