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1、Period II Reading and Vocabulary【复习回顾】1. to,in和on表示方位有何不同?in 表示方位, “在之内”,即小地方在大地方之内。on 表示“在端/边”,即一个地方在另一个地方的某一端或某一边,两个地方只是相邻或接壤,却互不管辖。to 表示“在面”,即一个地方在另一个地方的范围之外,互不管辖。尤其当两个地方相隔较远,且有湖泊、大海等区域相隔时,通常用 to。2.face用法:The building faces north. = The building faces (to) the north. 这栋建筑物朝北。be faced with面临;面对。例如

2、: We are faced with a new problem= A new problem faced us我们正在面临一个新问题。Faced with sth.=Facing sth. 在句中经常做原因状语。短语:look sb in the face 直视某人 stare sb in the face 直盯着某人的脸lose/save ones face丢/保面子 make a face做鬼脸 in ( the) face of 不顾 hit sb in the face打某人的脸face the music以自己的行为受惩罚,承担(自己行为的)后果,接受处罚或批评; 面对不愉快的局

3、面3. S. + be / lie + in / on / to / off + 方位词S. + be located / situated in / on / to 1)台湾在中国东南、福建东部。 Tai wan is in the southeast of China and to the east of Fujian.2)重庆在中国西南,座落在长江沿岸。 Chongqing lies in the southwest of china and is on the Changjiang River.【知识讲练】1.【要点原句】Paris is the capital and largest

4、 city of France, situated on the River Seine.(P2) 巴黎坐落在塞纳河畔,是法国首都也是法国的最大城市。One of the worlds largest art galleries, the Louvre, is also located in Paris. 卢浮宫也坐落在巴黎, 是世界上最大的美术馆之一。situated on the River Seine是过去分词作定语,修饰Paris. “坐落在塞纳河河边”。situated: to be in a particular place or position 位于 的, 坐落在的。a sma

5、ll town situated just south of Cleveland 地处克利夫以南的小城。beautifully / conveniently / pleasantly situated All the apartments are beautifully situated overlooking the beach.所有的公寓都环境优美,俯瞰海滨。be well/badly situated : to be in a particular situation境况良好、处境困难Microsoft is well situated to exploit this new marke

6、t. 微软具备良好的条件开拓这个新市场。【联想拓展】be locatedsituated in/ to/on意为“坐落在位置”。in表示在某一范围内;to表示范围外或接壤;on表示接壤。例如:Liaocheng is located in the west of Shandong Province. 聊城坐落在山东省西部。Japan is situated to the east of China. 日本在中国东边。2. 【要点原句】The most popular place for tourists is the Eiffel Tower, the famous symbol of Par

7、is. (P2) 深受游客欢迎的旅游景点是埃菲尔铁塔,它是巴黎著名的象征。 the famous symbol of Paris 和the Eiffel Tower是同位关系。symbol n. 符号,标志,象征On maps, a cross is the symbol for a church. 在地图上, 十字符号代表教堂.The dove is the symbol of peace. 鸽子是和平的象征。3. 【要点原句】The city is also famous for its restaurants cafs and theatres. (P2)这座城市也以餐厅、咖啡店和剧院而

8、著名。Athens, the capital of Greece, is known as the birthplace of western civilization.希腊首都雅典以西方文明的诞生地而出名。be famousknown for意为“因而出名”(后接表示原因的词)。be famousknown as意为“作为而出名”(后接表示身份的名词)。例如:Jinan is famous for its springs as a spring city. 济南作为泉城以泉而闻名。Lu Xun is well-known for his works as a writer. 鲁迅作为作家以其

9、作晶而出名。【联想拓展】如表示为某人所熟知,我们用be known to sb.。例如:It is known to us all that Lu Xun is a well-known writer. 众所周知鲁迅是个杰出的作家。be famous for 因而著名 be famous as 作为而著名be remembered for 因而被怀念 be remembered as 作为而被缅怀【活学活用】完成句子他将作为一名民族英雄而被人们缅怀。1).He _ always _ a national hero. 那个村庄过去因贫穷而出名。2).That village _ its pove

10、rty. 【答案】1) will, be remembered as 2) was known for4. 【要点原句】About two thirds of Frances artists and writers live in Paris. (P2)法国约三分之二得艺术家和作家住在巴黎。【联想拓展】live相关短语:live on“以为生”,此处on为介词,故需后接宾语。例如:The natives of the island live mostly on fish.岛上的土著人主要靠鱼生活。I dont know what he lives on.我不知道他靠什么过活。Since Smi

11、th fell ill, the family had to live on what Mrs Smith earns.自从史密斯生病以来,全家只能靠史密斯太太挣来的钱维持生活。He should not live like that on his parents.他不应该那样靠父母生活。live on的on也可以是副词,但这时live on作“继续活着”解释。例如:He will die, but his fame will live on after him.他会死的, 但他的名声将会流传下去。The old people died but the young people lived o

12、n in the village.村里老人死去了,但年轻人还活着。【巧辩异同】live by, live onlive by“以为生”,by为介词,后接动名词,表方式、手段;live on作“以为主食,以为生,讲,但on后接名词,表示主语主要吃什么或主要的收入来源。例如:Writers live by writing.作家靠笔耕为生。 People in the north live on wheat.北方人以小麦为主食。They lived on a small income.他们靠微薄收入维持生活。5. 【要点原句】Gaudi worked on the project from 1882

13、 until his death in 1926.(P2) 高迪从1982年起从事这项工程直至1926年逝世。 work on(1)从事;做。例如:He began working on the book in the spring of 2003. 他是2003年春天开始写这本书的。They have been working on a new motor for months.几个月来他们一直忙着设计一种新型发动机。(2)继续工作(on是副词)。例如:Although it was raining hard, they worked on. 尽管下着大雨,他们还是继续工作。 【联想拓展】w

14、ork out“制定;想出(办法等);计算,估算;结果(好),有效”。例如:From the data, we worked out all the details of the plan. 利用这些资料。我们详细拟定了那项计划。That was the best way they were able to work out.这是他们能想出的最好的办法了。Can you work out how much money it will needed? 你能计算出它需要多少钱吗?I hope the new project will work out well.我希望这项计划顺利完成。How di

15、d the concert work out? 音乐会的效果如何?6. 【要点原句】Florence is an Italian city which became famous because of the Renaissance, a great artistic movement which began in the 1300s and lasted for three hundred years.(P2)佛罗伦萨,一个意大利城市,因开始于14世纪并持续了300年的文艺复兴运动而著名。1)in the 1300s 在14世纪He is in his eighties and is still eager to learn.他把十多岁高龄但仍渴望学习。It was in the 1960s that great architect was born.正是在二十世纪六十年代伟大的建筑师诞生了。2) last vi. (1)继续;持续。例如:Our holi



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