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1、义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)五级词汇表说明: 本词汇表为义务教育课程标准(2011年版)的五级词汇表。1本词汇表共列出1500词,要求学习和掌握基本词义和用法。2. 为体现在具体语境中学习和使用单词的理念,本词汇表不标注单词的词性和中文释义。3. 本词汇表不列词组和短语。4动词人称与时态变化、名词复数特殊变化、美式英语等,采用括号形式标注,如be (am, is, are),child (pl. children),colour (AmE color)。5本词汇表不列语法术语。6可根据构词法推导出的部分名词、形容词、副词等不单列。Aa (an) abilityable about ab

2、ove abroad absent accept according toachieve across act actionactive activityactoractressadd addressadvantageadvice advise afford afraid AfricaAfricanafter afternoonagainagainstage ago agree agreementair airportalive all allow almostalone along aloud already also although always AmericaAmerican amon

3、g ancient and angry animalanother answer antany anybody anyone anything anyway anywhere appearappleAprilareaarmarmyaround arrive artarticleartistas AsiaAsian ask asleepat attend attentionAugustaunt AustraliaAustralian autumnavoid awakeaway awful Bbaby back backgroundbad bagballballoonbamboobanana ba

4、nkbaseballbasic basket basketballbathroom be (am, are, is)beachbeanbear beatbeautiful because become bedbedroom beefbefore begin behind believe bellbelow beside best better between big bike (=bicycle)billbird birthbirthday biscuitbitblack blackboard blind blockbloodblouseblow blue board boat body bo

5、okbored boring born borrow bossboth bottle bottom bowlboxboybrainbrave bread breakbreakfastbridge bright bring BritainBritish brotherbrownbrushbuildbuildingburn bus businessbusy but buy by Ccakecalendarcall camera camp can (cant/cannot) Canada Canadian cancel candlecandycapcapitalcar card care caref

6、ul careless carrotcarry cartooncatcatch causecelebrate centcentral centre(AmE center)century certain certainly chairchalkchancechange cheap check cheer chemistrychesschickenchild (pl. children) ChinaChinese chocolatechoice choose chopsticksChristmas cinema circlecity class classmate classroom clean

7、clear clever climb clock close clothes cloudcloudy clubcoachcoalcoast coat coffee coincold collect collegecolour (AmE color)comecomfortable common communicate communicationcommunity compare competitioncomplete computer concertconditionconnect consider continue control conversationcook cookiecool cop

8、y corncorner correct cost coughcould count country countrysidecouplecouragecoursecousincovercowcrayoncrazy create cross cry culture cup customercut cute Ddaily dance dangerdangerous dark datedaughter daydead deaf deal dear December decide decision deep degreedelicious depend describe deskdevelop dev

9、elopmentdialogue (AmE dialog)diary dictionarydie differencedifferent difficult difficultydig diningdinnerdirect directiondirectordirty discover discoverydiscuss discussiondishdivide do doctor dogdollardoordoubledoubtdown draw dream dress drinkdrive driverdrop dry duckdumplingduring Eeach ear early e

10、arth earthquakeeasteastern easy eat educationegg eighteighteeneightheightyeither elder electronicelephantelevenelse emailempty encourage endenemyengineerEnglandEnglish enjoy enough enter environment eraserespeciallyEuropeEuropean even eveningever every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhe

11、re exactly exam (=examination)exampleexcellent except excited exciting excuse exercise expect expensive experienceexplain express eyeFface factfactoryfail fair fall family famous fan fantastic far farmfarmerfast fat father(dad)favourite (AmE favorite)fearFebruaryfeed feel feelingfestivalfeverfew fie

12、ldfifteen fifthfiftyfight fill filmfinally find fine finger finish firefirstfish fishermanfit fivefix flagfloorflowerfly follow foodfoot (pl. feet)footballfor forceforeign forestforgetforkformfortyfourfourteenfourthFrancefree French fresh Fridayfridge (=refrigerator)friend friendly friendshipfrom frontfruitfull fun funny futureGgamegarden gate general gentlemangeographyGermanGermanyget gift giraffegirlgive glad glassglove glue go goldgood goodbye (bye)governmentgradegrammargranddaughtergrandfather (grandpa)grandmother (grandma)grandparent


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