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1、教学设计Unit 6. Pm going to study computer science(新目标英语八年级上)鞍山市齐大山矿中学刘艳秋一、学情分析八年级的学生有一定的英语基础,他们在此之前已经掌握了一些 有关职业的单词,如:actor, basketball player, teacher, reporter, singer, writer等以及以what, where, and when开头的特殊疑问句。二、教材分析本单元是八年级上的第六个单元,与第五单元内容有紧密的联系。 从语法角度分析,第五单元重点内容是不定式做宾语,如:want to do sth, expect to do st

2、h.想要,期盼做某事;笫六单元语法重点是: be going to do和want to be计划打算做某事。从话题功能分析, 第五单元谈论喜好和做计划;第六单元使用want to be和be going to谈论未来的打算和职业规划。同时,第五单元阅读中提 到迪士尼公司的创始人:Walt Disney成功创业的经历,和米老 鼠的人格魅力,为学生们学习木单元学习未來职业规划做了充分 的准备和铺垫。三、教学目标分析1. 知识目标:学习有关职业的新单词:computer programmer, cook, doctor, engineer, violinist, pianist driver, p

3、ilot, scientist 及 动词Ud组:grow up, take . lessons, studyreally hard, practicedoing sth, learn how to do sth,;初步了解和掌握 be going to 基木用法;主要句型: what do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be. How are you going to do that? Fm going to2. 能力目标:使用有关职业的词汇和be going to句型谈论自己对 未来愿望和职业计划。3. 情感目标:初步了解中外学生的择业观

4、,树立健康积极的生活 目标四、教学过程ProceduresTeachers activitiesStudents9 activitiesPurposesSteplPlay an EnglishListen and find outLead inWarm upsonghowbe what youmany words aboutwanna bejobsin the songStep 2Ask one studentOther students guessGo overRevisionto do someSome wordsactionsStep 3Show 7 picturesLearn new

5、words andHelp ss toPresentationof new wordsphraseslearnAnd find out the rulessomething newof nounseasil y.In putof new wordsStep 4Play the tape andListen and practicePracticeListeningask ss to work inspeakinglistening andpairsspeakingEnglish. ImputsomestructuresStep 5.Ask ss to workWork in groups to

6、Help ss thinkMakeain groups to askmake a survey andof their idealsurveyandanswermake a report jobs in theaboutfuturefutures.intentions.Out-putofwordsandstructureswhichtheylearn.Step 6Draw a mindHelp the teacher makeImproveSum upmapa summary of thestudents5lessonabilityofsummarizingStep 7Givess2Work

7、in groups toHave fun andMemoryminutes and askwrite down words ashelp ss toCompetitionthem to writemany as they canremember new(optionalactivity)downwordsabout jobswordsStep 8HomeworkAsk ss to write apassageWrite a passage aboutyour ideal jobHelp ss to have a plan of occupation in the future.教学反思及后记:教学设计Unit 6. Pm going to study computerscience(新目标英语八年级上)鞍山市齐大山矿中学刘艳秋


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