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1、20142015学年第二学期期中考试职二三校生英语试卷 一、单项选择题(共30小题,每小题1分)1I heard him _ in the next room.AsingsBsingingCto singDsang2Our teacher made me _ it again.Ato doBdoCthat I doDdoing3_ he did was quite wrong.AWhatBThatCIfDWhich4Well get this watch exchanged _ you in no time.AofBtoCbyDfor5He told us _ make so much noi

2、se.Anot toBno toCto notDto no6To police ashed the stranger _ .Awas he a traveleror a businessmanBhe was a traveler or a businessmanCwhether was he a traveler or a businessmanDIf he was a traveler or a businessman7Which one is not the attributive clause(定语从句)?AId like to find a job that is suitable f

3、or me.BThis is the contract that we signed last month.CI think that hes right.DYour company is the kind that Id like to work for.8The boy _ is standing under the tree is my brother.AwhoBwhomCthatDwhat9Dont miss this _ , it may never come again.AjobBpersonCthingsDopportunity10The man is easy to _ .Am

4、ake itBdeal withCdoDdeal11Would you mind _ the window?AopeningBto openCopenDopened12It was raining hard _ I got to school yesterdasy.AwhatBthatCwhenDwhere13_ there is a will, there is a way.AWhatBWhereCWhenDthat14His father, _ his mother, goes for a walk in the park every morning.AaddBandCas well as

5、Dby15_ ,who will attend tomorrows ceremony?ABy the wayBBy a wayCOn the wayDIn the way16There are _ passengers traveling by plane.Aa lotBthe numberCgreat number ofDa great number of17We _ him of the danger.AwarnedBsaidCaskedDmade18He will buy a computer _ in China.AproducedBproducingCto produceDprodu

6、ce19_surprised me most was that he bought an old car _ high price.AWhat, at aBIt, atCThat, withDHe, with a20The _ girl sat in the corner, crying.AfrighteningBfrightedCfrightenDfright21_ what to do, he went to his parents.ANot knowBKnownCKnowingDNot knowing22 _ more time, he could do it_.AGiving, mor

7、e betterBGiven, any betterCGiven, much betterDTo give,good23Its so kind _ you.AwithBtoCforDof24He _ getting up early.Agets used toBused toCget used toDbe used to25Its about _ walk from here.Aa fifteensBa fifteen-minuteCa fifteen minuteDa fifteen minutes26 _ he is ill, _ he doesnt stop working.AAltho

8、ugh, butBAlthough, /C/, /DBut, although27Do you still remember the day _ we first met?AthatBwhenCwhatDon that28_ does year father look?He looks tall and thin.AHowBWhoCWhatDWhich29_ subject do you like? I like Chinese.AWhereBWhyCWhatDWhich30Im hungry. Let me _ something decious to eat.Ato haveBhaving

9、ChasDhave二、完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分)Tenny 31 my friend. She is an 32 girl. She 33 to China with her parents 34 Chinese. She studies in No. 1 Middle school. She likes 35 very much. So she gets 36 early and 37 morning exercises like 38 ,jumping, playing 39 and so on. Then she has breakfast. She usually 40 egg

10、s, milk, and bread 41 breakfast. After breakfast, at around 7:30, she goes to school. She has six classes a day. 42 all the subjects, her 43 subjects are 44 and Chinese history. Now, the school year 45 over, she 46 go to school. Every 47 , she 48 her parents 49 bace to Amerca for Christmas Day 50 De

11、cember 25.31AisBamCareDbe32AAmericaBAmericanCEnglishDEngland33AcomeBcameCcomesDcoming34Ato studyBstudyCfor studyDand study35Aplay sportsBplaying sportsCdo sportsDplay sport36AinBonCtoDup37AstarsBtakesCmakesDplays38AruningBrunningCrunDto run39Athe basketballBthe pianoCbasketballDpiano40AeatBeatsChave

12、Dhas41AforBasConDat42AForBOnCAtDOf43AlikeBfavoriteCfavoritesDmos favorite44AChinaBChineseCJapanDEngland45AamBisCareDbe46Aneeds notBdoesnt need toCdoesnt needDneed not47AyearByearsCdayDdays48AwithBorCandDbetween49AgoesBcomesCcomeDgo50AonBinCatDof三、阅读理解(共30小题,每小题2分)ATara, Sue and Larry live in the same town. They like going to the movies on weekends. Now they are talking about the movie theaters in their town.Im Tara. I like going to Town Cinema, because its the closest to my home. I often wa


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