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1、高考必备词汇讲与练List 121 leg /le/ n. 腿;支柱 vi. 用脚走路常见搭配: on the leg (狗)腿长的 break a leg祝好运;大获成功(用于祝愿演员演出成功 leg upn. 帮助(对上马或跨跃障碍时的) shake a leg 赶快;跳舞;迅速行动have legs 有耐力;走得快 hind leg 后腿;后肢leg by 【板球】触身得分(球触及击球员手以外的身体任何部位而使对手得分)hang a leg 向后退;裹足不前;犹豫不决;摇摆不定stand on one leg 单脚站立 long leg 长腿;左方球员lower leg 小腿 upper

2、 leg 大腿词 族:legged a. 有腿的 leggy a. 长腿的;茎长的;腿细长的 legless a. 无腿的;醉醺醺的 习 语:break a leg: to wish sb good luck(表示良好祝愿)祝你好运! get ones leg over: to have sex 性交 have legs: if you say that a news story, etc.has legs, you mean that people will continue to be interested in it for a long time(新闻报道等)会长期受到关注 not h

3、ave a leg to stand on: to be in a position where you are unable to prove sth or explain why sth is reasonable无法证实;无法解释(理由);站不住脚真题例句:I had no idea that when I stood, the desk would fall over and hurt her leg. 我不知道当我站起来时,桌子会翻掉,伤了她的腿。knock n. 敲打;敲门 v. 敲击,互撞,攻击常见搭配: knock at/on 敲(门,窗等) knock into 撞到,偶遇k

4、nock off 击倒;停工;中断 knock down 击倒;拆卸knock out 敲空;击倒;打破;使筋疲力竭knock it off 停止做;住口,别再讲下去了knock over 打翻;撞倒 knock on wood敲木头,企求好运;吉人天相knock up 敲门唤醒;英口筋疲力尽;往上敲knock against 撞击,与冲突;偶然遇见knock off work 敲落工作;歇工 knock back (摇把)反击,(活塞)逆行,(曲轴)反转;回击,击退;使.大吃一惊词 族:knocker n. 门环;敲击者;吹毛求疵的人习 语:I will knock you block/he

5、ad off: to threaten sb that you will hit them(威胁要打人)我非揍你不可,我要揍扁你Knock sb. dead: to impress sb very much使某人倾倒knock sb off their pedestal/perch: to make sb lose their position as sb/sth successful or admired 使某人丧失名位knock sb/sth into a cocked hat: to be very much better than sb/sth远远胜过某人(或事物);大大超过;使相形见

6、绌(also: knock spots off sb/sth)knock sth on the head: to stop sth from happening; to stop doing sth阻止某事发生;停止做某事knock sb sideways: to surprise or shock sb so much that they are unable to react immediately 使某人惊讶得不知所措(或目瞪口呆)knock the stuffing out of sb: to make sb lose their confidence and enthusiasm使某

7、人丧失信心(或委靡不振)you could have knocked me down with a feather: used to express surprise(表示惊奇)真题例句:Stay away from the houses or buildings being built or knocked down. 远离正在建造或拆毁的房屋或建筑物pension /penn/ n. 退休金,年金,抚恤金 vt. 发退休金常见搭配: pension fund 养老基金;退休基金 pension insurance 养老保险pension plan 公积金计划 supplementary p

8、ension 企业年金;辅助退休金live on a pension 靠退休金生活 welfare pension 福利养老金词 族: pensionable a. 有资格领退休金的;可领退休金的 pensioner n. 领养老金者;领取抚恤金者 pensionary n. 领受退休金者;受雇佣者真题例句: It challenges the labor force supply and the pension system. 这也对劳动力供给和养老金制度提出了挑战。faith /fe/ n. 信任,信仰 常见搭配: keep faith with 对守信用;忠于信仰 breach of f

9、aith 背信,违约utmost good faith最大诚信;绝对信任 in bad faith 欺诈地;背信弃义地leap of faith 一百八十度转变 on faith 不加怀疑地;单凭信仰lose faith in 不再信任;对失去信心 in faith 确实have faith in 相信,对信任 in good faith 真诚地;善意地;诚心诚意地词 族: faithful a. 忠实的,忠诚的;如实的;准确可靠的faithfully ad. 忠实地;如实地;诚心诚意地;深信着地faithless a. 不忠实的;无信的;无宗教信仰的faithlessly ad. 靠不住地;

10、不忠实地faithfulness n. 忠诚;诚实;正确faithlessness n. 不贞;无信仰;不可信赖真题例句: That family restored our faith and trust in people. 那家人让我们重拾对他人的信任。词汇辨析: faith, confidence, belief, trust 四个词都有“信任”之意,其区别如下: faith:强调完全信任,侧重对某人能力的信任或相信某人的承诺。 confidence:指对某人某事有充分的信心,断定不会使人失望,因而给予信任 belief:单纯从主观上的信任,不强调信任的根据。 trust:强调相信,信任

11、的完全可靠。swim /swm/ v. & n. 游泳 (swimming, swam, swum)常见搭配: in the swim 合时髦;合潮流;熟悉内情;积极参加活动 sink or swim 成败全靠自己 go for a swim去游泳=go swimmingswim with the tidev. 随波逐流 swim suit 游泳衣teach fish to swim 班门弄斧词 族: swimmer n. 游泳者真题例句: People travel to watch monkey shows, hug baby tigers and swim with dolphins.

12、人们旅行是为了观看猴子表演,拥抱小老虎,和海豚一起游泳。monument n. 纪念碑,历史遗迹常见搭配: China Millennium Monument 中华世纪坛 National Monument 国家英雄纪念碑;国家纪念碑natural monument 天然纪念物天然遗迹be a monument to 是的丰碑;是的不朽成果historic/ancient monument 历史遗迹;名胜古迹词 族: monumental a. 不朽的;纪念碑的;非常的 monumentalize vt. 为立碑纪念真题例句: Your guide will provide a history

13、 lesson about the trees and the famous monuments where they blossom. 导游会对这些树及开花处的著名纪念碑做一个历史讲解。territory /tertri/ n. C/U 领土,版图,领域,范围常见搭配: occupied territory 被占领的土地 enemy territory 敌方 disputed territory 有争议的领土 foreign territory 外国领土习 语: come/go with the territory: to be a normal and accepted part of a particular job, situation,etc. 成为必然的部分(或结果)(She has to work late most days, but in her kind of job that


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