《2020年秋季七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 23 The Corner Store预习学案(无答案)(新版)冀教版》

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《《2020年秋季七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 23 The Corner Store预习学案(无答案)(新版)冀教版》》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《2020年秋季七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 23 The Corner Store预习学案(无答案)(新版)冀教版》(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 23 The Corner Store【学习目标】1.熟练掌握本课的重点单词,短语和句型。2.能够理解对话内容,完成课本上的习题。【自主学习】-明确目标 自学文本任务一:根据Lesson 23 The Corner Store预习课件掌握本节课的四会单词和短语: 任务二:听录音跟读Lesson 23 The Corner Store课文,跟读2-3遍,了解对话大意。并完成书中59页的练习题任务三:认真学习下面的知识点,标记出不理解的地方 Can I help you? 你想要点什么需要帮忙吗?这句话相当于“May I help you?”或“What can I do for y

2、ou?”,是营业员、服务员等主动向顾客询问、提供帮助的交际用语,意为“需要帮忙吗?”。在回答时,如果表示“需要”,常用“Yes,please.Id likewant.”;如果表示“不需要”,常用“No,thanks/ thank you. ”Can I help you? 需要帮忙吗?I want to buy a schoolbag for my son. 我想为我的儿子买个书包。 pass around 分发;传送Pass the test papers around after class. 课后把试卷分发下去。 “a+量词+of+物质名词”结构的总结a+量词+of+不可数名词a pie

3、ce of meat 一片肉a glass of apple juice 一玻璃杯苹果汁a+量词+of+可数名词复数a basket of eggs 一篮子鸡蛋数词+量词(复数)+of+不可数名词three cups of tea 三杯茶数词+量词(复数)+of+可数名词复数three baskets of pears 三篮子梨 take down拆掉;拆除Please take down the tent. 请拆掉帐篷。 on the wall 在墙上on the wall 常指在墙表面上。I can see a picture on the wall. 我能在墙上看到一幅画。【拓展】in

4、the wall 表示“在墙里面”。 There are two windows in the wall. 墙上有两扇窗户。【自学检测】-在线测学,质疑思学1在线测学:请你在平台完成以下自学检测作业(Unit 4-Lesson 23自学检测),提交后自己看错题及解析。单项选择。( )1. Would you like some rice?_A. Yes, I do.B. No, I dont.C. Yes, please.D. Yes, I would.( )2. He would like _ some hamburgers.A. eatB. eatingC. to eatD. eats(

5、)3. Would you like some drinks, boys?Yes, _, please.A. some orangesB. two sandwichesC. some cakesD. some orange( )4. Here _ the money for you.Thank you.A. beB. amC. isD. are( )5. I would like a sandwich and some milk.Sorry, we _.A. not haveB. dontC dont have someD. dont have any( )6. I dont like mea

6、t. Rice _ OK.A. isB. areC. lookD. like( )7. How many _ soup do you want?Two.A. bowlB. bowl ofC. bowlsD. bowls of( )8. Where _ my photos?_ are in your bag. A. is; TheirB. are; TheyC. are; ThoseD. is; These( )9. Can I help you?_A. Thank you.B. Yes, please. I want a pen.C. Youre welcome,【思学质疑】把你在本次课程学习中的困惑与建议如实写在下面,并拍照上传到讨论区(课前质疑)。_


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